Cool eb al + & sty Nee lay Ss Tae = PERSONAL | Mr. Alex Whitten was home from, Windsor for the week end. | —_— = Mrs. Harry Tate ts visiting Orangeville. ths week. see 1 —9— Mrs. Wilson McKay apsnt Sunday Galvanized Pails....35c Fancy pe and Mr. C. ¥. Ginger Snape; 2 Ibs. spending a few days in . Listowel yh" with friends. FOF ......ccs severe. 2Ge i with frlends at Glenallen. : —th— | SPECIALS ‘dave this Mack a ato tow): —j— Mr. Cec!] Van Horn spent ~ the| week end at his home in Clinton. | oO 7 Mr. * Mrs. Robert Oliver,” | thelr cottage at Point Clarke. For . Saturday Mr. T. L. Hamilton was in Tor-! ek. Phonograph Records ||P) onio in's we 49c ae 2 ees.) ee are ae ae Mr. and Mrs. .M. W. Lavery and | Paints, Enamels and |family spent Sunday at Glenallen. ‘ Ld } Varnish Stains....15c Mrs. George Gee of Calgary is j visiting her sister, Mrs. N. Busch- | Glycerine Soap, 6 for ‘ 25c —_—f _ "I Wm. Burns of Toronto spent) Mr. a few days in Listowel during the | past week. | Glass Fruit Bowls 1gc Ruth spent Sunday in Elora with} friends. Saucers....... ....... 15¢ | | } | | Mr..and Mrs. = M. Creighton and) i i — | _— * Blatchford of Simcoe is | | | Mr. and Mrs. Sam Caruso and son | Joe of Walkerton spent Sunday at the Caruso home, putea Buller’s \ | * “i Mr. and Mrs. W..A. Johnstone Variety Store | motored to St. Marys on Sunday and ~apent the day. Miss Crawford, sis- | ter of Mrs. Johnstone, who has been spending a few weeks in Listowel, returned home with them. W anted All Kinds of Live Poultry taken first four days of each week Highest Cash Paid. Give us a call Wright & Gibson Phone 146 Listowel -—-<= HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Live and Dressed Poultry Bought first four days of each week at C. P. R. Freight Shed Andrew Clements Phone 450 Listowel Poultry Wanted I will pay the highest market price in cash for Poultry. Phone or write-and I will call for your Poultry. L. SCHURE Phone 288 Listowel WHEN Fait CALs | | i i They Fit the F Feet They Fit the Occasion i | Migs end po Miss Margaret Parker, 8th Messrs. Orwelh Weber and Harvey Peppler spent Sunday in ucogee with friends, parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bel Robert Johnston of Blyth Mr. oar: is visiting at we wes of his daugh-| e, ter, Mrs. W.. ¢, C} kh “Wm. Bartley bas returned after spending # bia weeks leith Telatives in Toronto —)— Mr. and Mre. J, C, Hay have re- holidaying at urned home after i Washigton and Atlantic City. —o— a. Will McArthur of Hamilton a week end visitor at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. —f-— Jane Love spent the week — Mrs. T. C. Jones and Elleen spent He) few days the latter part of last week In Toronto. ——— Mr. Edward Sargent of Kitchene spent a few days th's week at the homesof Mrs. M. E. Harron, Mrs. Hugh Graham has returned from Kitchener where she has been spending the past week. ne Mr*and Mrs. C. B. Simms and Bert a _ Sunay with friends in Woodsto i Lioyd Schiimm, Mr. and Mrs. . a A. Anderson of London are guects at ‘the home-—of Mr. and Mrs. ~F ‘R. ‘Hutehison. Miss Storrier an and Mrs, Hay have returned from a holiday at amles Grove, Port Elgin. Miss Marion Morris left Saturday last for Torcnto where she has se cured a position. — ff Miss Violet Brock returned home Tuesday after spending her vaca tion in Freeltom with her brother. Mr. John Bell of St. Marys was a week end visitor at the home Ny his —--fh—- Archie McArthur of Toronto Mrs. is visiting at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bell. —i— Mr. Mervyn Dowd of Hamilton is vis'ting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. i —j—— Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hartman of Gowanstown spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Nuhn. —i—— M'sses Jean Hammond and Clara Wickie spent the week end at the former's home at Lebanon. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Sam Boyd and son of Palmerston spent “Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N.. Calder. —— * Mr. Douglas Armstrong of Guelph spent the week end at the home of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Armstrong. a The Misses Elsie and Thelma Gee and Wilma Savage and Mr. Harold Zilliax spent Sunday at Point Clark. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gee returned home Sunday a port ote a holi- day at Lon St. Marys and Woodstock. —— Mr. and Mrs. A. Clements and family of Toronto epent the weer end visiting at the home of Mrs. J. A. Kelly. Messrs. Herb Zilliax, Zilliax, Harvey Peppler . Lee attended the Londen Wednesday last. Harold and Dew Fair on —_— Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Shular and family of Southampton spent Sun- day at the home of the former's parents. —— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roe and Mr. Wm. Gibson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Anderedn at Wroxeter. —th— Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Stone and family of Palmere:>: spent Sunday at the home of Mt » | Mrs. David Lennox. —o— Miss Pearl Busehart and Mr. Earl Steves of Moncton, N. B., are visit- ing in Listowel at the home of the former's parents, Mr. - by i Noah Buschart. [PRINCESS THEATRE MEASURED by the highest standards, here's Footwear for Fall that meets eyery require- if Materials you want for service with ~ workmanship of the custom variety, offered in | ment. hundreds of pairs, awaiting the Fall review, $7. 50. Combinatisn bik. pat- emt with alligator heel $6.75 Black Patent Pumps, wide straps and har- ness buckle, spike heei A real w-nner. ? . ‘Friday & Saturday Howird “Mughes end ‘Champ s the ween end with frienda In Kincardine 2 DET Mra, ee Rata t. * Mr. Leo campbeil of London, a former mber the Bell Tele- phone staff, Lis eeak called. on triends in ‘town. on Wednesday, —t Mr, and Mrs, A. C. Champ, Miss Beryl Champ ena Mr, Beverley Mn and Mrs. G. A. Preston and family of Shelbourne ‘were. guests over the week end at Aig home of Mr, and Mrs. L. A. Oli —— Miss Mina Smith has returned to her -home in London after visiting at the hime of Mr. Henry Goddard for a few weeks, —_—j—— Mra, Bissett of.Kincard'ne is yisit- aeurice and Russel spent Sunday at ng in Listowel at the home Mayor and Mrs. A. E:. Malcolm. local Miss Beryl Champ of the —O-- ’ Mr. Wallace Collie returned Sun- day to Toronto after spending his Mr. air spent the week: ‘ona at a home town, te ding ‘ot his nephew. family friends at Hatover 4 and Chesley. torah Monday Mrs. A, are visiting with Mrs. Heniltens parefits, an Shedden. Mr. an Windsor spent the week end visit- ing at the home of Mrs parents, and Righaiond Hill epent the week end an at the home of the former's OC Mrs. J. Chamney. Bell Telephone ataff, Is spending her * noe Mr. Richard Kidd has returned Mate ig Woodstock . with! ner from Toronto and {s visiting this week with his mother, Mrs. R. T. Kidd. Western University, Logdon. aa . ete & Age oe L. H.. Painiapae ies in Lo: tending the fet =o Mr. and Mrs, spent the Bist aaa with gd Woods fs returning “to after spend’oe G webk ee ith his 2 in town. J. Hamilten and Bever Mr. ad Mra. Drake at —_—o— d Mrs, Zeno Parent ~ Parent's Mr. and Mra. W. F. Hea —j— “Mrs. Duncan Chamney of week visiting ew ¥s this He is leaving on Monday for vacation with Mr, and Mrs. F. S. r. an "i tas and little daughter Lillian of Toronto /were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell. Cc. C. Parsons and were guests Mr. and nd Mrs. tamily “a Waterloo Wednesdpy afternoon of bef “Cc. M. Buller. Miss@és Blanche Blough and Mén ‘nie Wickie spent the week end visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sid- ney Blough, Lebano ooo r. and Mrs, mhage Haletead-and children — Mrs. Reid of Toronto were gu . J. W. Scott and Miss Sco tt wcll “th! ‘s week. ‘Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Stevenson and family and Mr. Smith of Wind- sor were guests over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Stevenson. —_—o— Mr. and Mrs. Emerson McLaugh- lin returned to their home in Detroit on Friday after visiting a few weeks at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Ed. McLaughlin. Le ——— The Misses Elvera and Till'e Fi Prime Quality Meats - - Allof our meats are sel- ected for their prime an choice qualities. You pay no more here for extra rich- ness and tenderness, Also, the, chcicest cooked meats, bacon and sausages. Meats that Taste ns Good as they Lagk - S. Greenslade singer, Messrs. Walter and Elmer persone and Leroy Bechtel of Kit- ener were guests cn Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bender. _—ti— Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dempsey of Oshawa spent the week end visil- Ing at the hame of Mra. eeey's grandmother, Mrs. W. Pelto a andMrs. Clarence Holmes and becntty ‘ot Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Holmes and family of Kenfl- worth called on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mayburry on Sunday. —n— Miss Alexia Kemp returned Sur day to resume her duties at Welles ley Hospital, Toronto, after spend- ing her ‘holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Kem — = Miss Hunter has returmed to Tor- onto after apending a few weeks in Listoavel with friends. She has been @ guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Stevenson for the -past wee —r— Mrs. F. W. Hay, Misses Lola Fair, I Kidd, Hazel Hay, Luella Scott and Kathleen Fair motored to God- erich on Sunday and visited with and Mns. » KR. ay, who are holidaying there for a,lew weeks. 4 - Palaise Cafe Try our Private Dining Room - and Best of Meals SPECIAL DINNER At Noon = 50c Ala Carte at all Hours Afternoon Teas Harry Seto Phone 222 - Listowel, Ont. FAVOURED BY Discriminating Palates T exclusive cafes -- at leading scda fount- ains -- in the dining es ef your neighbour ~ a Sweets Ice Cream is favoured as a dessert be- _cause of its purity and rich- ness. - Young Women Wanted We have a number of openings for capable young women anxious to learn in our Sweater Department. Those seeking. RerroAnNST em- ployment only need apply. : Lies P-K Mills, Listowel h Men’s Fall Wear At Simms Fall Topcoats at Fall Suit Special; two pairs pants.. Odd Pant Special at Fall Caps, new patterns ................... Heavy Sweater Coats, special at _ Silk & Wool Hose, nice patterns, special seoucenees $1.25 SIMMS, THE CLOTHIER PHONE 150 Built on Value ri Maintained on Value — tr Mrs. Smith and Miss Maud Sain of London were guests week end at the home of/Mr, ents Goddard and Miss P. Goddard. Miss ra remained for a few days’ Vv -—(— Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson of Bow- manville and Mr. and Mrs.* Devitt of Cartwright andeMr. Ferguson of Gorrle were callers on Thureday of Mrs. Geo. Barber and Mrs. Hast- ings, the former being cousins of Mrs. Barber, Raglan St. —j— Mr. Wm. Finlay motored to Tor- onto = Monday and {s spending os few d 8 accompanied by his danenter. Miss Ethel Finlay, who has been spending a few weeks’ va- cation, Miss Finlay ila resuming her duties at Grace Hospital. —3— Mr. Robert Cain, Mrs. Wesley Pollock and family and Mrs. Flossie Greenlay of Toronto spent the week end In Listowel! at the home of the fotmer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John —o— Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Seri and family and the Misses Ste ley and Merle Snelling or Cnrante gpent the week end at the homes of ‘Mr. ane Mrs. W. J. mee and Mr. and Mra. J. H. Bender <senepaes i Mrs. Arthur Siliifant, nee May Ronald, of Listowe chap daughter Lorna of Stratford spent a few days last week in Listowel and was a John Considine resent “Two Arabian Knights”’ H guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ronald. —o— Mr, Chas. Kaufman and” ests thie week at the home ot Mr aad Mrs. eg: Fritz. “Rev. and Mrs. va, Maxgelse and Gaughiters | Be Betty and Catherine of ‘Wiarton were guests on Tnesday = gaan er eee R. BL Me The Bazaar WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO EAT OFF ? NICE LINEN, ELEGANT CUTLERY and PLENTY TO EAT. WHY GO SHY ON DINNER WARE ? URING this Clean Sweep Sale you had better get what you need to match your Dinner Set, or some of the excellent Crem- ic Ware for everyday use at the present very low prices. Cups and Saucers............9¢ Bread and Butter Plates 6c Po jiconue 5c Tea Plates ............ 12 1-2c ations Plates.,....2 ..:.- .15¢ MEN who are up and do- : ing, who demand com - fort with heir style, will re- - spond to this fall announce- ment of the new Footwear. Values, let -us.add, are de- cidedly in your favor, Scores of styles are offered, em- _ bracing four great price $5. |