[ SociAL AND PERSONAL | . and Mrs. C. Cc. Kaine uent Monday at Gorrie. === orge Dahmer spent ‘he week end Cwlaitinie friends {n Kincardine. —— "Mr and Mrs. A. E, Coghlin spent| tha week end with friends at Erin. . —_— oO Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Inglis and Miss Annie Ingils spent Monday in Strat- ford. —— Miss R. Huston spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Mra. James “Sniith, 12th con. — +) Mra. David Hood, Miss Annie Hood land Miss Alice Hymer spent Satur- _ day in Stratford. —_—t - r. and Mrs. George Harron of “Stratford spent Een at the home { Mr, and Mrs. . R. Hammond + Mrs, Spence of Fordwich ‘visited tor past week at the home of CMr. ana Mra. Russel Bell, 12th ‘con. —o— M. Moran of Listowel, Mrs. Keaaiton, Miss Roxie Cranston and -)Mr.and Mrs. Alex Morrison spent a few(days in London last’ week. “, —H Mra. M. R. Gidham returned home Friday after ‘spending three weeks with her daughter at Long- ae ; —o— Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Oldham re- turned home on Friday after visit- ing in Chesley, Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Nichol, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nichol of Sea- forth, called on friends in Atwood on’ —p— Miss op Wilson, nurse-in- training at—the —General Hospital | Stratford, is spending a few weeks’ vacation at her home near Atwood. —1— Mrs. McKee, Miss McKee and Mr. Evans McKee of Molesworth spent Sunday with Mr.-and Mrs. Fred H Fisher, 8th con ye Mr, and Mrs. Wm. -Clark and Mrs. Bert Ross of Fullarton spent Thursday last visiting at the home of Mr. and urs, fon Roger. Mr. Howard tae spentsa few days last ween ».ch h’s parents In town. He left Friday for Lucknow to relieve at the C. N, R. depot fe = Miss Gertrude Crosby of Guelph grrived Monday evening and will spend a few weeks visiting at ‘the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Roger. _o- Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Ewing and son ltonald of Fergus were ‘guests on De -aay a the home of Mr. and rs, A. M. Robinson. —, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Soott §th con. Elma, accompanied by Mr. Jack and Miss Ruth Felkar of Molesworth spent Thursday at London Ex. —e Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. Porter, Mar- garet and Jack of Beamsville spent the week end visiting at the home of Miss Alice Porter. Miles Porter ac- Chatswort compmiied them on return. ~ —thR— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilkin, Mr. gr . Ed. Wilkin, Misees Jennie an i Magele Wilkin of Palmerston spent i ANNIVERSARY Sunday at the name io Mr.-and Mra. Russel Bell, a ee i) j SERVICES . , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hélman and 5 a [mea are 14th con. pa and Mr. fe and Mrs. Vallance Inglis of Grey zs FOWL ‘SUPPER | townsh!p spent Sunday at the home r j of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Inglis. The anniversary services af 9) eo Atwood Presbyterian ‘Church J Rey. and Mra. F. W. Gilmour of . || Landon spent a few days last week will be conducted by Rev.°B.§) with friends in Atwood and were Buchanan Carey, M.‘A., off; guests at the home of Mr, T. G. Guetpli on Ratcliffe. SUNDAY, SEPT. 3S0TH | _—— ‘R. Field, Curate of ‘St. The choir will wear :thedr | Mark's ¢ Church, Toronto, preached In surplices for the first time and 9) $1. Alban’s Church on Sunday~eve- render special magic. nin He, with his wife and fam- ‘ily. are holidaying w.t Mr. and Fowl Supper Mr . Duncan on the 12th cen, | ue A grand fowl supperand-en-9{ ytrs) John Thompson, Mr. -and tertainment will be given onf) Mrs, W. Altcheson of Downte. Mrs. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2ND Maggie Simpson Sivalford and “The Listowel Presbyterian ae pi Oe re nee bale - it mr = : , aay & iJ ne 8 1e¢iT consin, “Cholr will render the musical Mra, Adam Gray part of the program and Miss 9) ; Mury Scott, clorutionist of | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peebles satd Guelph, will recite Revs j family of Linword, Mr. und Mrs Nkeol, Pritchard, Kaine and ; James Mayburry of Britton, Mr. and Ol@haim will give shert ad- seni _ An bictorasts P and mer < ait . _ huUltZ ¢ tratiore 4 1 wT. ATIC iat ; sesh roe OP. MB ys Kenneth McKenz.e of Detroit Admission 50c and 25e. vere guests over the week end at | the home of Mr and Mra. Johnston. pe Peenles === Prepare For Fall The,cool Fall nights are almost hese. . You-will need that extra heat. The New Ranges and Heaters are now in “Good Cher’ Heaters -- just the thing far a cpol nigkt Cali and see our display ibefore you buy | JOHNSTON PEEBLES | Hardware ° “ Atwood an ‘Make this store your headquarters for the day E will have a choice selection of all kinds of Fruit, in -¥¥ “fact, most anything you care to have. ect a truck load of the finest-Alberta Peaches in. bushel sskets the first of the week, so kindly leave your order sturday. If you are not in, phone No. 5 a Pz Greensides_ | Tue Star Grocery o Elma Fall Fair , % Saturday, September, 22nd } Mr. i L Flint, ; vanitiag i Heuty Raszman, 16th | They aled visited this e also -ex- The | Judge there er it gence, tion, the cu erich Mra. on th Judge Killoran- declared s unsafe travelling on highways WwW of this country and that the publfe Former Pastor Visits Here— Lev. and Mrs® W. Charge Dismissed Against B. Ferg JUDGE KILLORAN URGES PLAC- ING OF DANGER SIGNS 300 FEET FROM OPENINGS. case of the King Blyton Ferg, Monkton youth, which was heard in Perth county court on Tuesday morning and afternoon, came {o a climax about four o'clock when, after hearlng all the evidence against the youth, Judge oran gave him the benefit doubt and the case was dismissed, of Killoran pointed was a dou whether was criminally responsible or wheth- as civil] responstbility being protected If were culverts with danger signs just 35 or 40 feet from the excavation, as was the case of Ferg. said that there should be warning three hundred feet from the danger, ent same aa there are at level cross- ‘The mishap in which Ferg figured and was charged with oe yao occurred on Mitchell highway on July 18th, when his car crashed through a barr and then jumped into the excava- where bullt near Kennicott. gers in the car were Injur A number of witnesses, qneluding the passengers and heard Tuesday morning and Tues- day “afternoon the ram 2. arg testl- a culvert was fled, including the def Dr. Traynor and J. oe lin were the first to be hear afternoon. They drove the road and declared the night a very d| bad one on July was called and declared he going about twenty miles an hour fuck and said he did not remember wheth- er he applied the brakés after ‘hit- ting the barricade. blinded by headlights of a car which was facing him on the north side of Other witnesses called were John Leonhardt, Robert French and Fred Tuck. isth. Ferg He sald Ivert. L. Dancey of appeared for the accuset Underwent Operation— Charles McMane underwent an operation last week at the Strat- ford General Hospital for & caterers D. Mr. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Hiles spent a few days this week with friends In| , Stratford. Co + —.— fatsfadfesfonfonfoifoheelosleaferteslecbesbertesisle sts teefenieel+ Mrs. Young Coulter is spendin® igs milen Alexander spent a few this -week ‘in ;Toronto with her dave last’ week with friends in Lon daugirer. —j— : “Mr. and Mrs. E. Newttgging, Mr. Mr. -and Mrs. Noble McKee and and Mra. Jack Vance and Mr. and son Jimmie vf Toronto spent Friday Mrs. T. 0. Gibson and son CWarl’c with ™ Mr. Mr. week, Mrs. narents, ;e2ay. Mr. Rog with M of Bra | Bima. Mr. and Mra. er and Rete “ eee Ym. Little speut Mn and Mrs. John Mr. Mc-| gwnday visitors at the home of Donald preached anniversary ef-| yr. and Mrs. Chester Adams were, vices at Roe’s church. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hunter and Charlie, 3rd Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. a Steel Barn , Chester Little and family, 10 con, John Mi sKenzic. 16th con.! Bina, ty sae is busily engaged (n. building Mr. and Mrs. Chester Adams and : eement wall on which to erect Q! ¢gmily attended the London = Falr steel barn. He expects to complete Thursday last. the barn In éwo weeks" me ‘Sr; ‘The following attended the Lon- more, replacing the one which Wa8! qon Fair last week: Mr. and Mrs. W. [ burned after being struck by lght-! py :mpson, Miss M. Thompson, Mrs. uit Clara_-Halpenny and-sen Clifferd-and ____.——. | Mr. ‘Geo. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs, Mir. and Mrs. Robert Gray spent] E. M. oo Gordon, Veima and Sunday with Mr. and Mra. G. W-.| Elmer Vin Little, Monkton, — - Quite a modes from around here —— enjoyed the fowl supper at the Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Ramsay of | United Church Molesworth, Tues- ‘| Wiarton spent Thuraday and Friday with “Mr. R. A. Thompson. —— und Mra. J. M. Ww. Andrew M ee “Mra. a ad Mra. James Sun LP oon with friends at Wosdstock. i —— and Mrs, Hugh Rich lspent a few days in Stratford this _--— Harvey Leslie is spend: week In Torente at the heme of her Hash Halll- Mr. ang Mrs. th Mr. and Mra. George Gales and N McKinnon of Brantford with Mr. awl Mrs Greensides, Mrs. Angus and Dic ae r. and Mrs, éd ntfor of aut “Mrs: ._ Bushey week Mrs, C. Rassman, 4tif THE FAITHFUL SERVANT ‘In the English churchyard apltage Was fae on a me eathe old Linnie n the of Sacred te. the Menipry oF ‘EBEN HARVEY _ L. Kili- that His Honor hae passen- he was MreDonsg 1a Erskine and B. Coulter attended the New Hamburg Fa'r on Saturday. —f—— Edward Brunk and he 9 phe af TePNPSePEsersetereeys* grave stone: | song PED RRR : eS tat sca % Bowlers Win | Scott Trophy; FOUR RINKS “ENJOY GAME ON LOCAL GREEN LAST THURS- played in Atwood on Thurs vex ning with a view to taking | back othe gone trophy, which Atwood has held for the past month. The se 72-66 in favor of Listowel and they are now holders’of the trophy. The rinks’ were comprised’ of the following: the that LADIES Ferg L t Atwood Mra. W. P. Rennie Mra. Matthewman it) Miss Angevine Mre. R. Oliver Mrs. L. Vallance Mra, J. R. Vernon Mrs. E.H. Swing there| Miss R Ellis Mrs. John Rosse bi J. B, Koch Mrs. ae E. Coghiin Mrs. E. F. Finkbeine MEN Listowel Atwood E. F. Finkbelner A. M. Sweeton W. Spence D. E, Hodge . Bquires G. Lochhead J. Ball John Roger on-| VY, Heint A. M. Robinson N. L. Bear Donald Murray jeade | Joe Lockhart A. R. Terry Dr. Spence J. P. Greensides being J. A. Barber A. E. Coghlin J. E. Koch Chas. Vallance H. Ellis our were| R, Matthewman . H. Swing E ‘ The visiting ladies’ rink were en-, tertained at the home sf Mra, A. E énioned a Coghlin and the men lunch on the green. the’), SEL TUG | fesferdetbedefosdondosfvnfncfovfonfon dos fofecforlenloelofoeenlesfeelecds $ Young beasts See’ stics : / Enjoy Secial Functions “Friday eventhk a pleasant soatat tine was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Long, Aas Elma, wheh upwards of, DAY—SCORE 72-06. ‘ members and friends of the Vouk F ak ‘People’s Soclety of the nited against Four rinks of Listowel eee Church gath for @ weiner ia The_evening -was-spent~ in contests and community Bornes Weiners, rolls and coffee were then re Was | 6erv 2 On Monday evening instead of the regular meeting, the Young People's Society journeyed the picnic grove at Ethel where they} enjoyed a weiner and corn rocst Mies Carrie Hymers New President Of Y. P. L. -The Young People's League meet- ing of the United. Church waa held en Monday evening with the presi- dent, Mary Harvey, in the chair. The worship period was taken by Mar- garet Love and Lena Greensides led in prayer. The scripture lesson was read by Gordon Swi The election of officers for the coming | year took place and are .aé follows Feouatiry President, Rev. C. C. Carrie Hymers. Fred Long. Lena ,Green- President, lst vice president, 2nd vice president, S. & 1} rd vice president, Mary Harvey. 4th vice president, Halley Ham- mond. Secretary, Dulcie Coghlin, Assist. Secretary, Mildred Long. Treasurer, Henrietta Deitman. Pianist, Loretta Greensides. Assist. Pianist, Stanley Peter. then HESSOUN be a ee ee ee ee a was 4 fe nd Mrs. L. Hoffle spent Sun- - + ertebeteeteteietetedieeetedetedeiebebetedebeetet aay with friends at Ayton. Mrs. Louis Kieffer visited friends m Galt over the week end. Mr. Jno, Linseman ee spent a Ugy in St. Clemen Quite a number took in the Morn- 2 school fair and report a fine sho famliy God- Mr. and Mrs. J, Diebold and-son Clare of Waterloo visited with Mro. Thos. Hanley recenfl fi oe + oe : sir als 4 Herre Aferltnbletinieeininieloinio’ = day evening of tast . The monthly aoattng of the W. M. 8S. will be held at the home of Mrs. E.L. Halpenny Sawratey after- noon, Septentber 27 See Pe ee ‘ BRITTON | + “le cKee, attended the “Lonton Fair last Wed-|' resday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnston spent Sunday with friends in: Atwood Mr. Maurice Dick and the Miewes Aunle Ditk and“Imez Johnston spent Friday at Stoney Creek. A Mr. and Mra. ‘EE. Cameron and mily of Stratford aeons ‘Thursdar at the home of Mr. Ry J. Lowry. Mr. and Mrs. N. Suechars of Lis towel, Mrs. Gee of Mis» Pearl Buschart and Mr. { Moncton, N. B Mr. and Mrs. J. and Mrs. Milton abe oc 9g ey 1 epen mond ng a Mr. a spent! elmira visited o Ar ‘and Mrs. J. M. ck. 5 Mr. and Mrs. James “Mayburry aut Sunday with “thelr Sensi it Mrs Johnston. Peebles of Atwo —- oie Py MOLESWORTH ie e +h: epdfofonteelenl peters Mr. George Brown shipped a, one load ‘of good horses from Li recently. con. i r. an d-Mrs. George brated aie 40th weddl sary on Thuraday, Bepte and the members of the reat alg sented Chegle parents: v'th a beauti- fal gift. “I day at ake ‘home’ of Mra, J.H. Petrie: of Eve “| visiting at 4 ont, Mr. and Mra. Jas, Scott. oe spent Sunday with her | and Mra. 8 Stewart at the home of nas aaa! Hear ge 8 Mra. E. R. McConkey of Vancouve: spent. last week at the some of Mr, and Mrs Si ae McLaug Mr. John §. ‘Cowin Philadelphie mr Mrs. Moffat of Lie: towel called on a _— MoLaugh- lin Tuesday aftern Measre. Thos, R. or and John Anderson visited last week end ai i a Hamilton and heya F. Mr, oa Sigs as Rghad and Mr. Laughlin. spent Sunday a Holstein, umber from here attended Elwood Strangway's sale at Glen- Saar on Thursday afternoon and Mrs... Allan McLaughlin and ‘Dorothy visited Sunday at Lin ur, and Mrs. C. R. MeLaughlin attended the old time tea meeting t Millbank Monday night rthage United Churs ‘h Anniver: fary, Sunday ge gi 23rd. Ser- vices at 2 p. nd 7.30 p. m, John Little e Woes wll preach. Rev The concert given by the Sunbear a! Trio of Hensall at Carthage was -‘—reat—aiecess- Proceeds anmrsinted to over $100.00 aM eatonk Pea touteateatea® eaten desFesfesteelecfeels y eeeen toate ate J . DONEGAL + i ec fe dee & Let foljosvaonlvnfentanintoeZealsTaelesTnejeeTaalecloutesTeelondeeloels There was a large attendance at the funeral of the late Mr. Benjamin Maddess of Newton which was held in the church here on Saturday aftermmon. T pastor of the chureh here, Rev. C. C. Kaine, haa charge of the service, assisted by Rey. F. J. Fydell -of Milverton. Miss Gladys McNichol sang “Sav 28 by Grace.” Mr. Maddess was tormer resident of the Morning? an boundary and a member of thr regal iy before moving to New- Cenfined To His Home— Mr.. Alex Hume is confined to his home<n account of illness, ake Pipe High School— - ‘ Mr. Halley Hammond haa return- d trom Washingten-and {ts contin- ulng . studies at the istowel High Gr) Improving Nicely — r. T. K.@Mayburry is improving his son, Mr. nicely at the bonte of Britton, rdon near Attended Twilight Tournament— On Friday evening Méssrs. Bert Forrest m, Armour, George ag A head Bal John Roger motored Stratford where they attended the twilight bowling tournament. Taking Business Course— Misa Cecelia Clark ert Monday for Listowel where she is attending Business College. Margaret Ellacott has taken her place at the local office of the Bell Telephone Co. Card of Thanks— Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. Porterfield des're to thank the friends~ and neighfors for their kind assistance And help given the night -of their firé. ° They also are grateful to the neighbors who helped to draw gra- vel for the erection of a pew barn. Roard of Health Mecting— 3) ed no cintagious disenzes in the township at ihe present. Dr. Kidd gave a fine wie of the oonfer- ence of the M. O. H. held in Toront® recently ‘ . a yh Mote of Truc Blu The L. B. Pride of Elma J No. 473 held thats regular meeting in the Orange Hall on Thursday, Sept- ember 13th with W. Dahmer in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the business then pro- ceeded with and a degree {teanr chosen for conferring of degrees of three members. The Lodge closed ‘ollowing serving of refreshments: Attended London. Falr— Amsng those from Atwood and ys cinitty who attended gt a Fair last week were Mr. Mre J. P; Greensides, Lena ah Nellie, Cecelia Clark, Mr. and “Mrs. A. E. Coghlin, Mre. J. Peebles, Bert For- at, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Switzer. Mr. ‘id Mrs. Fred Brown, Lawson Duek- “yw. Mra, Ducklow, Mr. and Mrs. Fi McFarlane, Rev. and Mre. C. C. Kaine, Mr. and Mra. John Coghlin, Mr. and sie Elvin Coghlin, Mr. and Mrs. J .B. Ellfott,. Mr. Mrs. 7 Vallance, Mr. Mre. Percy Annett,. . Walter Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Jeorge Ellacott. —— “eteat eal as Tesles es! este t ones es) eatestantes!: eelectetesie) sTestenonlee] deli aga PorKine a) oahoaeaoefonfonlestoseeafoctacteetontenlesleeleesielectesdeteie x Brenner bap a ‘business vlaitor in ‘Listowel o Friday. Mr. Ges. Weltz waa in Elmira hist Saturday on busness. aection tb The harvesting in this nished and the crops are above the iverage that the threshing opera- hans are in full awing now. The grain 's qa very good sample. yeral from here attended the Wellesley Fall Fair last week Mr. Stewart Lavery spent jast Sunday with friends in Brantford. e and sister, Mr. Hunter M. Coot ton, e he passed away ‘on witisler: “saraning. Hla ‘bereaved | Miss ag were in ‘Listowel Inst wife and family have the sympathy Thureaday a af the community here in their, loss, sa scene one oor ee ere ‘J i che ee i a lc M rt Cressman was a business Arrangements have been made visitor in Linweod on ‘Saturday for the anniversary in the church | evening. here to be held on Sunday, October 21st, ay. Eric Anderson of |e Monkicn ea the speaker Mrs. Chester Little, Jean ana Thelma spent a few’days las} week at the hame of Mr. and Mra. W. G. Inglis, Stratfor Mrs. Acheson of been visiting amohg has here Milverton friends ‘for a-couple of weeka: Aid iTs- The meeting of the Ladies’ and were held .on Thi was a g20d attendance. Ar- rangements were for a. fowl supper In cennection with the annt versary. services on. Tuesday, Oct- ober 23rd. the S. the There aAnAT,. - / Treading * orner,” Mrs. Norman Acheson gave the Ife and Mrs. Vipond tsik the study. M Wm. Long sang a pitasing solo, and Innch was. serred by the hoatess, Mrs. Thos. Jacksén of Sarnia is the home of her petr- A. Wilson frit, . Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Sr.cand Jr. nv Mr. and Mra, N. Weddings COULTER—HEWITT very pretty wedding was sol emnized at Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Humberst te on September 2 est daughter, Anna married to Dr. of Detroit, sen of the ' and Mrs. Coulter of Atwood. Rev. FP. Bgine ef Creemore officiated. The brid? ware a period gown of white fatin and silver lace sstenutinn’ h tuelle veil caught in a cap of orange blossoms = an carried shower of Ophelia robe. Fate baby's Hreath. She also wore of Thelma, War . Coulter ted fed. yiolin solo; Mrs. J. | guests, pearls. Misses Elmereen aaa Kath- leen Hewitt, twih- sisters of the bride, were bridesma‘dsa, in gowns sf yellow and lavender taffeta, with take yelvet hats and carried -bou- quets of Briar Cum roses. The best man was Mr.: Harold’ Hillock, Toront?. Miss Nellie = igs iN violinist, accompanied by .- ward Hodrug, played the Bea music and Miss Nellie McGhee A. Hewitt, ij mother of the bride. received the gowned in ze gly with pbs! inncheon — Dr. an E| Coulter eft for corsage of TORES. . Atter ad irs] Go afier being seriously l] with pneu-], monia. ‘ “2.30 p - United Church : Sunday, September 25d, 1928 Prat “Behool. cation 7.80 p. m.—"David and Jonathan.” a Evening—Young— “People's, — Evening—Prayer meet- Presbyterian Church . W. J. West, M.A., Minister * Seldes September 23rd, 1928 10 a. m.—Sunday Schoo il a, adc pry Ae akin. Sub- ject “The Missionary Outlook."’ . i.—Evoning worship. Sub- — “The Parable of the Labor- Monday. evening—Young People's ety. Thursday, 7. oe bear —Prayer Service, Sunday, Sept. %30th—Anniversary services “to. conducted by Rey, E * aaah Carey, M, Ay of Guel f “St. Alban's Church Rev. Maurice F. Oldham, Rector Sunday, September 23rd, 1928. 16th Sunday After Trinity : aig m.—Sunday School and “Bible Preacher—One of the Crusaders < 7.80 p. a Evatt Prayer Service and Holy Communion, Preacher, the Rector. 8ST DAVIDS HENFRYN 10 a. m.—Sunday School and Bible Class, 11 a. m— Morning Prayer and Holy ae nae Preacher, the Rec- or. 7. 30 p.m.—Evening Prayer Service Preacher—One of the Crusaders Captain Pollock cf the Church rmy Crusaders conducted Mission Services in St. Alban’s Bt. David's Churches on Sunday. Chureh" Army" Crusaders are In St. A¥fban’ women, — ‘at S p. m. for 7.15 m. an open air ihe i will be held on the main street In the business sect!on. Seine ninhteseinheleieitettetetp “7 - “ GOTHAM bs “ Bs a, *. “4. = oe a entettes fee her Deedee tesles: ast ot ante” ee! eed tes leaterten’ et aalegtanTan Ten leeleeTeateetas taser teetiale Mra. E. Gray and family, gccom— panted-by M¥. and Mrs. J. Chapman, were {In Stratford last. Saturday Mr. H. B, Marphy of Listowel called in this jine last Sunday Mr. and Mrs, J. Corrie and fam- fly vis-ted a few days last week with friends in Toronto and St. Cathar- John Huisser Ig able .to be we are glad to report. int Me &. around again, nisininieieieieicineininnieeeeteteiet b je SIXTH LINE ELMA + : a : olathe Pade Ineiniebiniet> ate Fh Wea sorry to report the death of Mr ‘Wwitiain mages who passed away abou 8 wlock Sunday evening at ths okie of. his nephew, Mr. rut oe 6th ne. Sgr nae he h ot been well for some tim = stage been going around until uk week ago he took very Th tanarat services were ta ‘he conducted at the ee of bis. nephew, Mr. Jas. Keit Mr. pod Mrs. John Thampson — apd Mr Flemin Chalm and ¥ of Hampstead were visit. ors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. RF. Alexander on Sunday Mr. Mr. George Jones spent Sunday with his unele, Mr. John Jones of Maryboro - township. Mr. James Jones of St. Marys is alezo a visitor there. Mrs. J. Alexander of Listowel - spent a raat last week with T. R. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones and gon Tommy have returned to Ridge- way after spending a week at the latter's mother, Mra. T. RR. Alex- ander. : BVERYHODY'S COLUMN "Ten cents a line for ffrat In sertion, wi of 50c. , five cents a line with m'nt- mum charge of 2fa, FOR SALE Ps iy 1 a: im—"The Chureh and Edu- pc 11 a. m. —Morning Prayer Service. «—