Se LEGAL | —s« ¥,. ©. HAMILTON, B.A. & “Barrister, Conveyancer, Solicitor for the Imperial Bank of Canada. + Mone ey to loan. Officé on south elde | of Main street, over Zinn's store. Bonds for Sale. — ©. MORTON SCOTT, B.A. Barrister, Botuey 2 Public, Convey- Office over Bank of Montreal, Wallace 6treet. ke Rebel G. CAMPBELL, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer we over Bolton & Johnston, Even atreet. Phone, Office 149 ‘DENTAL W. G. E. SPENCE Dentist, Graduate of the Dentist Department of Universiey of Penn- /Bylvania. Philadelphia; also gradu- house or i oem md Boones look at... increases pj tek lastin eaks.. ae taea al for ere rece I Meeetchen b ic 0. c buildings, Give aise Be rite of roof for Raster Steel Products PRESTON, ONT. + me BE a Moorefield Resident Honored ed By Friends PRIOR TO DEPARTURE TO RE- SIDE IN LISTOWEL — MR. SCOTT HAS BEEN MANAGER OF BANK OF COMMERCE THERE FOR PAST SIX'TTHEN YEARS, Friday evening, Sept. 21st, was the scene of an event which will not be forgotten in this community, when Se many friends of Mr. and Mrs Scott and family met In the ‘eae hall, Moorefield, to pend a social evening with them before leaving or Bg 2 new home in Listowel. -Mr. t has been man- ager of the local trench of the Bank of Commerce in Moorefleld for the past sixteen years. After all had: joined in singing some old favorite songs the chairman, Mr. Peter Boy- er, called the meeting to order and asked Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Seott to come forward, when Mr. Thompson; ex-warden of Wellington, read the address and Mr. H, Wright presented a well filled purse. After } Scott's reply and the aaeng ot They Are Jolly Good Fellows,” short speeches were made by Mr. Robt. McArthur, ex-M. P. P., Mrs. Alex Hammond and others, all @x- pressing regret at thefr departure, owing to Mr. Scott's ill health Following is the address: Dear Mr. and Mre. Scott: We, your friends’ and associates of M and vicinity, gladly take te of The Royal College of Dental ns, Toronto. Office over 'Sehinbetn' s store. For painless extraction we use nit- ‘rous oxide oxygen gas, also conduct- ive anaesthesia. R. F. TAYLOR, L.D.5.; D.D.S. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, and of Toronto Un- ive Nitrous Oxide Gas for Extractions. “Office over J. C. MeDonald's store. Phone 60. PF. ST. C. WELSON, L.D.S.; D.D.8. Graduate of Royal College of ‘Dental Surgeons, Toronto Uanivonsity ne 23 for appoin Office over Red and AUCTIONEER W. J. DOWD Auctioneer Real Estate Insurance Phone 246, Listowel. nite — MEDICAL Surgeon Diseases of Women and Surgery. P 13 Office Inkerman Street, West. Opposite ‘Presbyterian Chureh. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER e, Ear, Nose and nay Graduate in moedieine, University of Toron Late amcistgnt New York Ophth ; mie and Aural Institute, Moorafie]d's Bye and Golden Square Throat Hos- and well this opeoeianity of showing our ap- preciation of your part taken in our community Hfe in the past and with mingled feelings of regret, extend our best wishes for the future. Families and communities are like trees—as. they crow and branch out, the more separated the different branches are from each other, so on thls occasion we feel we are to be- come a little more removed from frien We therefore ask you to accept these wards as a mark of the esteem ‘n which you are held, We regret that through ill health we are los- ing you and your family from our midst, but we trust that health may yet be yours and that happiness and prosperity in abundance may follow you and yours throughout the years that are to come, which is the wish that accompanies this small token of our esteem. Signed on Hic of your friends Mr. Scott replied as follow Mr. rman, Ladies and “Gentle en; I have attended many functions = the past, on occasions euch as thes When your Children Cry Baby has little upsets at times. All your care cannot prevent them. But you can be prepared. Then you can do what any experlenead nurse would do—what would tell you to do—give a few drops of plain Castoria. No sooner done than baby i soothed; reHef s just a matter of momeats. J you have eased your ehild without use of a single doubtful drug. Cas- tcria is vegetable. So t's safe to use aa often as an infant haa any London, les eicages a St. Garectend. Phone 267 Will be at the Queen's Hotel, Lis- “towel on the first Monday in the pamonth, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m in |. INSURANCE a FIRE INSURANCE ‘im best companies; also accident, au- ‘Momobiles. burglary, plate glass and Sbond insurance. Automobile Insur- fanee, 85 cts. per 100. Your business eolicited . E. Lb. BOLTON. ——— < E. L. ROBINSON Gowanstown Ontario Representing Imperial Life Assur- ance Co. Head Office, Toronto. FUNERAL ™RECTOR W. F. Mc LAUGHLIN ; : Funeral Service ; idence and Parlor Main St. East ht and day calls. Phone 227, - ieee Compound A rofe, reliable regu malin et medicine. Soll in three a of strengtl—No. 1, $1; e Ro. 2, £3; No. &, $5 per box. * THE COCK MEDICINE CO.» “4 : TORONTO CNT. (Formerly Windsor Milk Stand— a Walkerton autoist in motoring nom from Listowe! on Sunday fieht in a Pontiac sedan ran Into a fk stand on the road near Wine- imi, and as the cream can went og he g90n had the place looking Pthe Promised Land, which, it Is wal flows with milk and honey, miy in th's case, there was no honey Sinake the affair seem sweet. The adage: “Don't gef into a rut," everisoked on this occasion las the front wheel of the car mt into a wagon track leading up P ile stand, the autoist tock the tire platform @Pith him, and as | \the .cream can Pilled elong the route, he made It erally “phe Milky Way” all right. the-radiator stove in and the axie and fender bent he Iimp- 4nto town and is now having the wed chariot put into shape at ‘s garage.—Walkerton Herald- litule pain you cannot pat away. And it's always ready for the crueler; pangs of colic, or constipation, or liarrhea; effective, too, for older ‘hildren. Twenty five million bot- ities were bought last year, SLAF RAL. CASTORIA Minard’s is an enemy to pain. It penetrates to the reot Ls the trouble, socthes and disinf Splendid for, aot backache and stiffness of the muscles ond soins. rt] 4 Cireus Winters In Grimshy— Arrangementa have sheen com- pleted whereby the: circus firm of Barnett Bros, the motorized oeireus that visited Listowel this will make Grimsby _ their headquarters. The firm has rented the Baymac Rubber building from the tewn council and is also arrang- ing to rent two other large proper- ties [n town. They will store all ae equipment as welloas a number horses and circus animals: This will mean the s ing of large sums of- money in Grimsby, ag all thelr equipment will be overhayled during the winter months and it will most physicians | oo leave the district, but was usually in the spectators’ gall tak? ng a minor interest only In this act _ the drama of life; but when c d upon to play a major cart, “partietnathas as the Sntet actor “ the print It Is altogether a dif- t matter°and my feelings, as I oe into tne faces of those I have known so long, are difficult to ex- press I deeply regret the fact that I am about to remove from your midst. owing to my condition of health. We all have ups and downs in our sojourn through life, but during my long residence as a citizen of Moore- field. or in a broader aense, as a citizen of the Township of Mary- boro, I have found ny true friends. their good heartedness and sterling qualities being a source of sreat helpfulness. n my Lidar capacity as manager of the local bank,” the Olina ot | Moorefield a the Township of Maryboro hare always accorded to mi their generous support, ond I will greatly miss that daily business when some favored citizen was =| contact, conducted along the ftriend- liest o. one ering business connectians with frase I have known 59 long and who placed In me their confidence, and on whom I lotvk as friends, I bespeak for my successor In office who comes to you highly recom- mended from the distr'ct superin- fendent’s department, a continuance of that friendly support so gener- ously extended to me, I thank you, ladies and gentle- men, also on behalf of Mrg. Srutt and family, for the signal honor you have conferred upon us this evening, for the many expressions of good wll and for this purse with its Precious contents in coin of the realm, which kindly ee will long’ linger in our heart the meantime. we are foking up our tempsrary residence in the fown of Listowel, and we will be very pleased to have you call at any time, In fact, it is our wish that you fo 59, so as we may Keep in touch with our many friends of this y'e- inity, which has been our home for more than sixteen yenrs., Again thank'ng you. i ee Seriously Injured In Fal— Mr. Blake Fleming of tho 6th of Maryboro, is in a ber-ous condi- tion In Palmerston Hopital as the result of an accident which eccurred on Thursday evening hast. Mr. Fleming, it appears, had been at h’s brother Roy's farm assisting with some work and toward evening when they were attempting to raise to Its oS gal storage in barn vrho. waa Standing on one of the large perloin plates, had the misfortune to loge nl halanee and fall to the ‘Harn *. In falling he atr the han rack which was up aed t distance from the floor, which broke the fal) < some extent. When picked Was unconscious and Dr. Wildfang of Moorefield wag im- mediately summoned and arrived a ew minntes after the accident. Mr -| prise. MORE SPACE AS COVER. EFFECTI PRINTED APPEAL. ) (Financial Post) On the question of future news- paper demand the evidence of a con- tinued increase, perhaps at a more ‘Tapid rate than in the past, is evi- dent. The the "he 000 odd momepepers now pk lished in North America, Of thes the English cecaiee dailies dn the nited States alone have combine eirculations of more than 38,000,000 and the Sunday edition 22,006,000. In the five years ending with 1924, the dallies' circulation increased 25 per cent.,, and the Sunday 42. per cent, Furthermore, since 1919 the aay e size ef the metropolitan daily has increased from 23 to 28 pape and that of the Sunday edi- tions from 79 to 103 pages. Those increases in size are chiefly to meet demands fof more advertising space and in the Sunday space for adver- feature sections—the Growth in advertising is the most potent single factor in increasing newsprint consumption from year to Not so long ago newspaper columns were patronized chiefly by circuses, patent medicine vendors, and later the department stores and the increasing realization of the productiveness of this method of stimulating sales and business has resulted In a rapid change and to- day even the foremost banking in- stitutions and industrial compafies recognize the sound investment value of newspaper advertising. The field {is still broadening. The time oes not seem far distant when ad- vertising, like plant equipment and personnel, will be regarded as among the fundamental necessities of all business. Two Seer aspects of this change may ‘be cited: (1) The trend toward national ad- vertising—and whenever a big man- ufacturer adopts such-a progrimme, the effect is almost-certain to be per- ceptible in the newsprint market. hid Rarely does gq successful newspaper i A quit and rarely fs his advertising budget reduced except in years of absolute depres- sion. In fact, the tendency is for advertising to increase rather than ecrease with any decline In business activity and sales Its Growth In Past ; 22,000 NEWSPAPERS ON CONTIN-| | ENT CONSUME MUCH PAPER— | PEOPLE VENESS OF |. principal consumers are |. ] The Cook’s Corner Sane HEALTHGRAMS. See aioal kao eiat “PERSONS, NOT THINGS, ARE DANGEROUS From time to time, we may read in the prees, or hear someone ex- press surprise that a second case of some communicable disease has oc- curred in a private home, achoo] or institution. in spite of the fact that disinfection and fumigation of the place had been carried out. Such surprise is evident of a faith in a procedure concerning which modern knowledge thas taught us the mistake Communicable diseases are spread by discharges from the body. which carry disease germs, and this spread practically occura in a direct man- ner. It is the fresh, moist droplets from the nose and mouth that are Ltd. - - - board Listcinel: One| sprayed directly on ‘others by care- less coughers, sneezers and spitters which are the real danger.’ It is the saliva left on the common pean . ing cup that is a menace to the nex . It is the wanm, moist bona, soiled with body excretions, carry disease germs to the mouth, elther directly or by mothas food that is going into the mouth. Disease germs die . eerarpiaitvely quickly outside the human 5. The person carrying thes germs must be discovered and {so- Jated if the spread is to be stopped. In schools and institutions, thie means a medical and nursing ser- vice organized for this purpceée. ing of furniture and fumi- gation of rooms is not the correct way to fight the communicable dis- eases. The correct way is to find the source (some human Deine) and then to isolate this pers It js persons, not ings, who are dangerous. ment wil not be answered. || Hereand There || enloyment to your trip East or West, giving you a delightful break in your journcy. C&B LINE STEAMERS Each Way Every Night Between Buffalo and Cleveland Smagetagir ap begs ge 9 femrene nee teetrmes yj , Connections et Cleveland for Lake Resorts, Detroit and Points West Daily Service May lst to November 14th Leaving at 9:00 P. M; engi ee at 7:30 A. ML Ask your ticket tourist agency Yor tickets va CG B Line. New Low Fare $4.50 333 BOUND - TRLP AUTOS CARRIED $6.50 AND UP The Cleveland and Batfalo Transit Where green peppers are réason- able in price at this time of the year the following soup may be often served Green Pepper Soup Wash six green ponpers and re- mere the stems and Syn aa well @ peppers into small pieces and- eek in Dolling salted water until tender, Drain, reserving two cupfuls of saucepan, add five tablespoons of and cook until wel! blended. Add the puree with three cupfuls of milk, two teaspoons of salt and a few dashes of cayenne. Sprinkle with paprika and serve. AE SIN At sth alg BME A 1 Beefsteak Select a thick, large sirloin or porterhouse steaki—one that js sure to be tender. Heat a iarge frying pan_yery hot, grease very lightly with a bit of suet from the steak and panbo!l the steak until nearly done, then spread jt with butter, salt and enough mixed mustard to add pi- quanecy and complete the cooking, turning once more. Place a gener- ous lump of butter on a het platter to melt, turn the eteak onto it and thickly with chopped pickled walnuts. Pour into the frying pan a cupful of fresh esffee \nfuston, boll up once and pour rognd the steak. Serve at oak. -\ Wisse Ja a, ~~ oxtail ‘Soup This is a very popular cold weath- er soup. oO make tw) quarts of s2up, take one oxtajl and separate it into pleces. Cook these in a little suet nicely brown, add two tablespoons of — flowy then very gradually two quarts of ‘brown stock; bring to the bolling point, then slmmer, adding a half cnpful of celery, a sprig of chopped parsley, email oncon and one half ecupful at Carrots and turnips cut into dice. Just before serving add a teaspoon- ful of worcestershire sauce. More Hquid may be needed: !f 8. add poll ng water Peculiar and Costly Accident— David Graham of 12th Con. Elder- sHe started his fall plowing last Thuraday. A strange dog kept both-, ering h's team go he went home, se- cured a gun and fired at the dog to scare It away. )He did and scared the team too. ‘ Phey taok through the fleld with’ the plow after them. The clev.s. broke and the animals, (144) An effort is being made to es- tablish an airport at Banff, Alberta. Government officials have inspected a site near the present golf links and the prospect that a field will be prepared within the next year is bright. A further supply of airplanes and alrplane parts arrived in Montreal recently when the Canadian Pacific freighter “Beaverford" brought two Be Haviland Moth planes, one case of wings and two cases of spare parts. A call for tenders for a large elevator with a capacity of 1,500,000 bushels has been sent out by the = pape oon Harbor The new structure is to be erected on the Colwell Fuel Company's site, in West Saint John, the work of construction to be got under way @s s00n as possible. Commission. A Cadillac sedan equipped with rubbber insulated steel flanged wheels has been specialiy equipped by the Angus Shops of the Canadian Pacific Railway at Montreal for the THE LAST CEREM i arr anged by us with courtesy and * reenect, formal dignity and yet with human understanding. It is the Service: f S ac-ri: ONY ty use of the engineering department of that company on inspection trips. The machine has an extra braking system operated by the steering wheel afd can make as great a speed on the rails as !t can on the highway. Over seventy miles an heur was made on a trial A big black bear tried to stop a Canadian Pacifte frelght train the other day near Arndale station in Northern Frontenac county in On- tario, and when the encounter was over there was not enough of the bear left to make a pair of mitts. Bruin evidently wandered on tothe tracks during the night and was blinded by the glare of the head- Hight. Black bear are found throughout Eastern Canada but @re not offen seen, except during the berry season, as they are night prowlers. } ~Addressing the Board of Trade of Vancouver, recently, E. W. Beatty. Chairman and President of the Can- adian Pacific Raflway, stated that Present prosperity in Canada is clearly indicated by four main fac- tors: Record of railway car load ings (showing the volume of busi- ness), employment returns, reports of financial houses, and bullding freed from the plow, kept on around the fleld till one fell over a stone, | breaking one of its legs. The other | horse became entangled in the har-| ness and fell over its prostrate mate. | also breaking {ts legs in the fall. There was nothing else for it than for Mr. Miraham to pu # out of thelr agony The team to replace thém will be gufte an. ex- pense to the owner.—Chesley Enter- A Good Tale Rastus—"Here am «4 legram from de master in Africa: see say he am sending us some-lion's tails.” Circus Owners’ Wite—"'Lions’ tails, Rastus? What -are. yoti talk- ing- about?’ Rastus—" Well, read Hs el *salf. It say plain: captured. two. lions; sending veal ‘by. mail. mea bv Secrndaic = construction. nse Indices were ~ of epecial value, he remarked, be- cause of the wide range of activity which they reflect. The gross earn- Ings of the company, he added, ad been greatly decreased, how- ever, by reduced [reight rates. A unique piece of railway equip- ment, a dynamometer car, has been constructed by the Angus shops for the Canadian Pacifi¢ Railway. The apparatus is-intended to test the efficiency of locomotives at various speeds and is placed between the every conv ‘oo information of clients, \, The two tender and the train during opera- ‘sBilp are both widely known through- tion. The forces exerted om the {\out-this city and district. J L. Coles, coupler of the car are tranamitted Neor seven r of young men in this partner-