‘oct.28 IF YOU WANT St ess MEATS RIGHT - -- ~ PRICES "STEVENSON THE CITY.BUTCHER ALSO FRESH GROCERIES of all kinds always on hand. ? 8, J, STEVENSON, Wallace St. Morphy & Carthew, BARRISTERS, soLIonruns Oo solicitors ‘for the Bank ton. Movaries Public and ‘Commiesloners. Monsy H. B, Monpar. J. M. Caninew, Among Them Is-Sald to Be the Big- gest Spouter In the World, iiepedeaa park is reputed to have mrgnificent geysers in the iE pon the statements of travelers who hive never been to New Zealand and who know nothing of its natural won- ders. Leaving Auckland by a fast express train, a journey of eight hours brings one to Rotorua, where may be seen the most splendid geyser which is proba- bly to be found anywhere in the world To give one some idea of the magni: : tude of the geyser I need mention only the height of some of the surround- ing objects. Over the “Inferno crater,” which contains a seething lake of wa- ter,*is-a small shelter shed 450 feet above the plain. The surface of the water in the geyser basin when at rest is about forty feet below this plain. The height of the eruption must often be about 900 feet, This is by 06 means exceptional. “shots” have been recorded. myself seen a shot computed at 1,200 feet. Some months ago the _ of " — 4 NEW ZEALAND GEYSERS. worl, ara their reputation is based | - “The Berliner winter of last year. and happy. e hymns st ya aoe 7M and the pergh very usand iis five minutes. Blewett. _& Bray BARRISTERS AND SILIOLTORE, Sotarioes Pabiicaud a Converenee Ag oucltors for Scott'~ een ae Ont. Porm. Blig & Loan A ation aoc oax AT 4 ae TER CENT. ® R. Rie ko, Bray. BK. A. J. Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barriste>, Conveyancer, MONEY TO LOAN at 4} PER CENT fice, Main St., next to Dr. Foster, Dentist. * Branch: conige in Atwood every Wednesday afte: [Mabee & Makins, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &C. Solicitors for ae cedercneoee Bank. STRATFORD, ONT. 1, BP, Manes, 6 Cc. J. Maxine, OR. W. tad BRUCE, $C. D. Potato eS D.S. Trinity Uni- wont © nto; Post Graduate Staskel Boho! of Prowthotie enna: Chicago, od fom ee stand to Lor pl over W. 68 oad same stairway 45 Bpeare! Stare Main mst. Po rtetowel. JAMES MOORE, M. D., C. M.; ¥, T. M C. . Member of College of Physici- Surgeons, Ontario, ssistant eral Hoapita _ tarium for Sonmaaitle Office, first house west of Schaefer's atare, CARTHAGE, ONT. DR. BROWN, L. R. C. P., A re ate ea London, New York and Chic. EASES of EYE, EAR, NOS eo THROAT. Will be at the ia CENTRAL HOTEL, LISTO E London, England. 2nd Tuesday in Each Month. Hours 10a, m. to 6 p. m. Thos, lari, ATWOOD ON E Marri Li Cc isaioner in 1Ig3s Bowe Mo rege sym a Conrey- ancing done on reasonableterms Money tolen R. G. Roberts, SHIPLEY, UNT. AGENT tor the London and “Dencastire ire Insarance Company. Also Money te any auma from $200 and aprarde sata low tate of interes! on easy ‘berms. G. T. R, TIME CARD Trains leave Listowe! station daily as follows : ND WIARTON, OWEN 20U) AND ro DOVES “Wome sou Vu avenger 845 a. mixed? p. 1 i hasseng ger tm. Going north, Pasren rita Ta.m., avid 7,07 p- PAL ERSTON AND KINCARDINE ~ For Palmerston: Passenger 7 fixed 2p. m5 Faaeceace 3.54 p.in. For Kincardine: phar 7.20 ; pastenger 12.50 p. m., and 8.00 p the—brsin boat by a Mr. ‘Buckerldge and a a. guide. They found that the area is about two and a half acres, from which it may be inferred that this geyser may well be called the largest in the world. The geyser plays about twenty-two times each month, is very erratic and gives no warning when it is about to erupt. The theory is advanced that the basin is somewhat like a funnel and that when the water and stones are ejected the larger stones return and jam in the neck, thereby choking the outlet, so that an enormous pres- sure of steam must shift ee When the pressure is sufficiently great to blow out the obstructions tt naturally would eject water to a great height. The theory, however, is at best rather fanciful. This geyser is not the only one to be seen in the vicinity. Others may be mentioned, such as the Pohutu, Wairoa, Feather, Papakura and oth- ers, besides mud volcanoes.—Scientific American, ASIATIC TIGER PROVERBS. A tiger's meal—a gluttonous repnast. To face the tiger in his lair—great bravery. A’ winged tiger—cunning added to power and ability. After the Chinese oe tigers—total dev —— of a coun A tige tah —_—- being with a aeuxercts exterior, To bring up a tiger and bave him turn upon you—ingratitud “Maingoho,” a man carer person with an ungovernuble temper. A tiger with a broken back—rage and fury which are powerless. To let go the tail of a tiger—to avoid one danger and encounter another. To turn from a deer and meet a tiger—the danger of too much caution. Devoured by a tiger—said of a man who wishes to be concealed from his creditors You must enter the tiger's den if you would secure a cub—what fis worth having is not procured without risk and trouble. Indians With Jewish Blood. Sir Alexander Mackenzie had an idea that the Indians of the far northwest were partly Jewish in origin. From Lake Athabasca in 1794 he set out at the head of an expedition “in a birch bark canoe twenty-five feet long, four and three-quarters feet twenty-six inches hold, pounds of baggage and provisions and a crew of nine French Canadians. He reached the Pacific coast and returned. The aborigines he met were “for the most part possessed of strongly reli- gious tnstinets,” said he in his report. “With regard to their origiu, «J! we are prepared to state after a careful sur- vey of their languages, manners and customs is that they are undoubtedly of a mixed origin; come from the north- northwest and had commerce in their early history perhaps through inter- mmarriqge with pe wile of Jewish per- suasion or origin. Heine's Sense of Heine's sense of humor aid not leave him until the last. few duys before his denth Hector Berlioz called on him just ns a tiresome: German professor was Jeaving after worry Ing him with am Executors’ Notice to Credi- tors Matter of she Eatate of SALOMA GABEL, law ofthe Township of Wallace, in the County’ © of Perth, Wilow, Dec Not! mt R 8. 0. 1897, ‘Chapter 129, ‘iat all persons having claims agains 6 bt inat ee Estate o said oma Gabel, whe at ied op Eke. Aven! th day of Ma: ey rs 4 “at pt paid or ie “ieliver to Blewett Listewel, Onta: the Solicitors ster ‘the “atecotors of the said Estate, on or 15th ay of Now, He t ie sgt a articulars ik 1 a statement of th their (if any.) held ‘by “them,.duly verified by Statutory Dec- laration tice further that after the sald 15th And take 1% ‘901, the Executors of the said Estate to distribute the assets of the aaid deceased stone ane Bastien entiUed thereto o y 4 Oe he ee cl pp then hav an oresa! and tall sxecutors will not be 2 Mable for said assets 8 afraid you will find me very stupid, my dear fellow,” he said. “The fact is 1 have just been exchanging thoughts with Dr. Ou one occasion when the doctor was ex:unining his chest he asked him, “Can you whistle: Ife replied, “Alas, no; not even the pieces of M. Scribe.” Made a Lock For th An old and curious key aay tock are attached to the dvor of Temple church in Vleet street, London. The weighs seven pounds, is eighteen inch- es long, and, unlike other keys, it was not made for the lock. On the contra- ry, the lock was made for it. Both key and lock have been in use since the crusades, the church itself having been built by the Knights Templars: in 1485. —Loudon Standard. oo 2 bac] eh. T bought of you was a God-send during the long It cheered us and what it cost if I could not thousands of similar letters telling of ype derived from the Berliner ap cea favorit to #/Masorka fC will ealeraia aoe well, Costs o tim sien tore Varlecy and peendaoe Eee Seton of Gram-o-phones complete with 3 Records Gram-o-phone get another.” We have the pleasure and $15 to $45 ae jlistowel ee, Sash and Door Factory. BAMFORD BROS. Builders’ and Contractor pared tn contract for the erection of all: face se of ings. Plans specifi- build catioas drawn, and estimates furniahed on- application. SASH, DOOR FRAMES, . BLINDS, fo tre tie on anos ig eoorrr rder, Kverything inthe bui ng ‘line will be aes ar attontion and FIRST C NORKMA seen 304k. Charges Moderate. FALL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM ee J. S. Gee’ s2 Stores We beg to state that we have just completed ¢ bur store re- pairs and are now prepared to accommodate ovr many custom. - ers with fulllines of Fall and Winter Dress Goods Wrapperettes,' Flannelettes, in fact all lines very complete, having recently visited the wholesale ‘markets, and can show you MANY ATTRACTIVE LINES selling much below regular prices. Also-in Groceries, for particulars, Gatalogee your for four. THE a GRAM-O-PHONE ¢ 0. of CA of CANADA, UTD, BORTREAL, as Qe FOR SALE BY J. Ho. GUNTHER, Listowel. af desired. Write end list of Records. Agent will old Berliner Gramophone Records lia ah ne epelenyndeexa my See one you return for —— two Records : receive sia: pay om Democratic King Edward. An interesting story is told of King Edward in connection wish some pur- chases of jewelry he made during his recent stay at Momentos. _ Spitz the weli-known local jeweler, took a selection of hia choicest goods to the King's hotel for inspection. Although it was morning Herr Spite wore evening dress, according to Austrian etiquette, which requires evening dress to be worn in the et of royalty at any time of the “I don't like ly Bee you in this ceremonial dress,"’ said the King to the jeweler. ‘‘It is’ not necessary. his second visit Herr Spitz wore a black frock coat. ‘‘Your at- tire is_ still too formal to suit my taste,’’ said the King with a smile. “Why don’t you come to see me in the suit which you wear in your shop. I like you best hat."’ Herr Spitz on his next visit wore his 1 ordinary working clothes The average man takos.a womans a partner for life and never lets her participate in the business. Not until Henry VIII's time were faspberries, strawberries or cherries” cultiveted tn England. ODD MOON BELIEFS. The Orb of Night as _" For the Immertal God Certain it is that a vellef 1 in the m as the abode of the fathors was 4 ato spread among the people speaking To the present day the peasants in Swabia are heard to any, “Mny I go to the moon if I did it," instead of “May I die tf I did it.” Nay, people who work on the Sabbath day are threatening even now that they will go to the moon—that is, that they aa os =e be punished in the moon. ing idea—pecullar, It ay ily to India—was that of the moon serving as the food of the gods, And yet, though it sounds strange to us, it was not so very unnatural an idea after all. The gods, though = ble, had been located in the sky. the same sky the golden moon, bPhee compared to a round of golden butter, was seen regularly to decrease. And by the gods? Hence the ready conclu- sion that it was so and that it was, fact, this food which secured to the gods their immortal life. If so much had once been granted, then came the question, How was the moon gradually increased and restored to its fullness? And here the old su- perstition came in that the souls of the departed entered the moon, so that the waxing of’the moon might readily be accounted for by this more ancient ar- ticle of faith. Hence the systematized belief that the moon wanes while it is being eaten by the gods and that it waxes while it is being filled by the departed souls entering it. A last con- clusion was that the gods when feed- ing on the moon were really feeding on the souls of the departed. 5 TOMB OF CONFUCIUS. Ome of the Chief Spots of Interest In the Orient The city of Chufuhsien, the Mecca of the believers in Confucianism, is in the province of Shangtung, one of the most populous districts of the orient. Here Confucius was born, and here his sacred bones He buried. The tomb, which {s located In one of the largest cemeteries in the province, about three miles out from the city above mention- ed, is one of the most imposing In the whole empire. The grave itself {s surmounted by an f i Train up a Child And, when up, send him or her o the . TERM BEGINS. SEPT. 6TH, 1904. rees— _ Commercial and Short Two Cow hand, Send for College Journal. A. L, McINTY RE, Manager. Largest and Best in Western Ontario. —_-—— jeSo far as we can learn no Business Col- “ge in Canada graduates so many, and at the same time such a large per centage as does the EVERYBODY GGME and take ad sentege of the Wall Paper Bargains In order to make room for new stock, we are making great reduc- tions.] 5c. Paper at 3cts. 10c. Paper at 6cts. 15c. Paper at 10Octs. 2O0c. Paper at 13ets. Window Blinds 4 :or $1. Frou Bargains in Curtain * Paloxing and Papering promptly Sarlsfaction guaranteed. L. H. PLEVSCH, Painter and Paper Hanger, MAIN STREET EAST. Bamfcrd Bros. _ J. Gabel, OPTICIAN AND JEWELER Listowel. A Good Time Piece is a Faithful Servant. J. GABEL ENTIRELY .NEW STOCk OF Pure Drugs and Chemicals. k. A. HUNTER having acquired the sole interest, will in future attend to the want ot his Customers personally. | 3 Family recipes a specialty. R. A Hunter. BUGGIES FOR SALE Top Buggies, Open Buggies, ‘Road Carts _and Wagons. If you want anything in the vehicle line, now is the time to buy,"asI have a large stock on hand and will ell at closcat prices A call at my carriage shop will convince. J. F. WILSON, Mill Street Listowel. Sour hment, {f Chiidren Cry for ASTORIA. A new consignment of Japan Tea, per lb., English Blend, 4 Ibs; for $1, lb., Pure Ceylon, Splendid Coffee 20c. excellent flavor, 25¢. Famous Blend, 30c. per Black regular qoc. per Ib. for 3oc, Burter and Eggs bought and highes prices pai *. a 6S. Main Street. GEE. Listowel. GREAT BARGAINS AT THE Up-to-Date Grocery: I will give all kinds of Dinner Sets, Sets, Toilet Sets, of broken Sets, for one month at cost price, Tea Sets, Berry Any quantity I also carry a full line of Groceries, which will be sold at a margin. Canned Goods and Fruits, New in Stock. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. JAS. ARMSTRONG THE TURKO, VAPOR BALK SABINET A Cinoinnati man has proved be- yond a question of doubt that ihe Romans and Greeks had No Physicians for 600 tears But Termal and Vapor wutus, and that oe owed their spicndid oealtu, fine phyr » streegio aod veauty to ieee air or “sweat baths,” dso he set to work to invent a method vy which toe American and. i-2 o Canadian ;eupie could secure all t marvellous penefits of these baths Withoul expensive Spence tate bath- coat and at smallest expense. now “famous” Tarko Cabinet was the real of b his effo Astonishing is the scoot im your health, feeli and comple- . It is the most remarkable 1n- vention of the twentieth century, for at makes the siok well, t strong, and it has done that which ag am and medicines have failed Qa Every one knows that disease due to the presence in the blood or vital organs ef poisonous matter, Below, are the complaints that the usage of the Bath Cabinet does oure> The Turko Bath eradicates that son, and it is impossible for these poisons to remain in the system of a It removes all ebstructions thus allowing mature to do its best work. The blood is made pure, rioh and eaithy. ives it a free course through the human system, thus giving the tissues new and fresh and after a short treatment of this method old men _, women grow yo vigor- weak men and women gain their aarmal arene, emaciated individ- uals recover their lost flesh, aches pains and congestions a new human being develops from, in many cases, total wrecks. Rheumatism Lumbago, Sciatica, Asthma, Stomach Troubles, Bilious- p oa ‘ever, Headache, Dropsy, Piles, Kidney pak ubles, Liver Complaint, Sleepless , Gout, Malaria, Colds, Catarrh zene, Erysipelas, Neuralgia, Pieu- risy; it isa woadectul specific in all ar gee Complaints. oman or “ebild who properly “see "the Cabinet WM. STEPHAN, sappear and 4, + J TIMONIALB, -vr 3 years | was afflicted with coid feet and legs, and th numb and stiff all the time. After Kheumatism—1 was not able to one eo 9 owm clothing on, nor had 1 slept im bed for over two weeks. W hat lit- _ ne sai a use of .. baths my ie eo Was a <= t allaete Br Street, Peterboro Peer icy <a gt Waa very bad, had ban wy nd bad lost in- w: trom 180-dow 126 ibs: «After 2 ee you are afLlioted in Pca! Bt bef try the Bath Cabinet—W. Elliptte, Park 8t., Peterborough. My shoulder, hand and foot were et went to work again. lots of remedies but none of any use. —Hidney Gibbs, ashvurnham, Ont, This is to certify that 1 find your Vapor Cabinet a cure for the many itis of suffering humanity. | have complication of afflictions saad find that when 1 take a bath I greatly relieved, in fact 1 feel dike new person the next morning. | highly recommend it * isa remedy at every family ould bave in their possession ap 1 would not art with for ouey ui a If the pores of the skin are ty healthy they pres cell as- sist natur internal medicine give seammedla te relief but the J abess must be healthy to give vigor and yest to. the body and -happiness to mip ishing you every suo- the cause of su ieee. J. O. Kidd, Listowel. Main St. Stoves ! Stoves! Stoves! If you want a good RANGE or HEATER call and inspect our lines, the best on the market. oF any Parime notice shall nut have Deeu re rth d about twelve feet in of whose claims notice Par ete aoe “She is the most "inconatates woman | ea mound about twelve fee + {the time of auch istribntion as afore I ever saw.’ height, the whole surrounded by a Dated :at Listowel this Lithday of October, “Rut, you know, it is a -woman’s cluster of — oaks feast oe cy- A.D. TH privilege to change her mind.” trees: mound 18-8 RGE GABEL, GEORGE OAs, }Bxecatoreg ‘By BLEWETT; & BRAY, their,Solicitors.j, A NEW LOT OF Amateur Photographic Supplies at - - C. A. LEE'S PHOTO STUDi0. Artist Proofs, A NEW PHOTO. all and see it. . “Of course it is. That is what is wapccwd. But this girl never does.” a Bad Wi Doct es pt think 3 you have in- somnia? Spoiled Darling—Sure of it, doctor. I can’t sleep after 9 e’clock in the morning! For Over/Sixty Years. | Mra toe a Sooramma Srr haa bee used by millions of mothers fur thelr ebildren fiiteteetning. If sick hilt wat at nigh baad bre roken su gig i Call Seiya press tablet about six x feet broad and twenty feet high, upon inhgergt are inscribed the names and deeds of the great founder of Confucianism, a pirat adhered to by over 400,000,000 human beings. The burden of this inseription, according to reliable translation, is “Perfect One,” “Absolutely Pure," “Perfect Sage,” “First Teacher,” “Great Philosopher,” etc. The avenue which leads up to the a tomb is even more inte h n the actual place of bur! itself. ‘On each side of the avenue are ws of figures of huge animals cut in stone—lions, tigers, elephants and horses, besides numerous mythical creatures, such as animals half dog and half frog, beasts with four legs and twice as many wings, des a multitude of unnamable monsters that never lived on the earth, in the wa- ter or in the air. Taken altogether, the burial place of Confucius is one of inishe - rg “patents preeared why ene wen receive © special a. ith ) repay: s¢ ; ga ‘&. MARION Patent Expert; and Solicitors. , Mlentreal New York Life B'id’ 1 Offices : ottices: { Atlantic Di. ¢, sake D.C. ————_ | CASTORIA For Infants and Children, the chief spots of interest in the ori- ent. twenty-five, voeats, a pette, Bala by all Tues Winaoweboowseme brsen* Se. zs , se CL ATE, Fe Pipes, Furnaces, Stoves, Elbows, Drums, Pots, Pans, Kettles, Granite- ware? Galv. Iron ~ «Work, Metallic Ceiling, Roofing, Piumbing, Gas Fitting Heating, Pumps, Steam Fittings, Tron Pipe, ai Ete. AMERICAN AND CANADIAN COAL AND MACHINE OIL. LEADING STOVE DEPARTMENT. ZILLIAX & SARVIS. ELON A 4O