Listowel Banner, 15 Nov 1928, p. 2

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Business Directory! Patronize These Advertisers Whenever You Need the Services of Reliable Business or Professional Men _A Safe taviitinedsé ae Bought first four days of each week at CHE first rule of investment is to require absolute fess of re prin- DY | ae . C. P_R. Freight Shed -- aT Ves i LEGAL cipal. ‘Andrew Clements _ op. q ter, Goeecranseas elles Are You The British Nicctsae and Trust Corporation has been safeguarding nea eee | } Phone 450 Sie 4 ore Genes ex toute “aide money for fifty-one years. Its safety is beyond a doubt. See iaane e 4 Ca of Main street, over Zinn's store. Bonds for Guaranteed Investment Certificates bear 5% half-yearly. Term five years. Just send your cheque. There is no better’investment. C. MORTON SCOTT, B.A. Barrister, Nie Public, Convey- British Mortgage and Trust t Corporation Ottce ovr, Baik of, Montes w i Geen 1 Weiter, tee . H. GREGORY, hes Brake That Reflect Good 4 ” : D. G. CAMPBELL, B. A. , ietrenting S| Barrister, Solicitor, Convéyancer j information on Office over Bolton & Johnston, | —— with Wallace street. [ Phone, Office 149 Insulex. : ei | Am Results Sieh W. G. E. SPENCE Sunday School Lesson And quick relief. Use Mrs, Sybilla Dentist, Graduate of the pene pa Ny Comte tee Bronetitie ‘enn- 7 vn iranian Mt Snaatyhis: Ces gradu- PAUL'S EXPERIENCES IN Paul to the council the following day | Quinsy, Head Colds, Catarrh, Tonsil 4 ve, of The Royal College of Dental JERUSALE) and they would Icill him on the way. | [ls and Sore Throats, Try it. E. M. Bur Oreo = oe When Sunday, November 18th—Acts 21:| TBS was foiled by Paul's nephew! Creighton. E. G. Coghlin, Atwood. Bchinbeln's etore. your 17 to 36 By be 3 ge Be rant Se is Sab Golden Text n prison an told him and then, at leas extraction we use nit- Paul's advice, went straight to the jolie cite extane gas, also conduct- Children Cry Ba tees ee one ae om a chiet captain and told him the story. rout ould ors we power ot Hie mien. CeDh. 8: | aigmaruane wenn ae | PERSONALS Sp, — ene Our lesson continues. from the , | gommander bge-| = aa a a re . eved in fair play, and he was in- "LOR, L.D.S.; D.D.8. point where we left Paul three Sun-/ terested in thi sner. ; R. F. TAY ra Royal College of} ,,>*Y bas little upsets at times.| days ago, when we studied his last] the next day Faith teed Before | Miss Marguerite McDonald of Tor- r Graduate = eT A boats tne All your care cannot prevent them.| journey to Jerusalem- He was re-| his prisoner on his way to the onto was home for Thanksgiving. Per § Sale By 7 Den urEg i ut you can be prepared. Then you| ceived ‘by the brethren there, and a eRe i l can do what any experienced nutse| 4 series of strange experiences fol-| ma" Governor at Caesarea under an} Mr. Clarence Liphardt spent the Robert Oliver, Ltd. - - ~- Listowel, Ont. Nitrous Oxide Gas for Extractions. would do—what most physicians| lowed. ps te ad = hundred soldiers,| week end at his home in Harriston. Office over pare s store-| would tell you to do—give a few| We saw from the Scriptures that died andar Wie akan ce one Mr, Alvip KAS wes } t o OY: drops of plain Castoria. No sooner| Paul evidently mistook God's guid- 2 vio. roe. WAe “een done than baby is soothed; relfef| ance when Me ieaiate’ On pl tol official letter to Felix, setting| Owen Sound for the week en. C. WILSON, L.D.S.; D.D.S.|i5 just a matter of moments. Yet} Jerusalem, He went contrary to the forth the ¢acts about this Roman . Ses ao ~~. F auate of Royal College of|¥ou have eased your child without| revealed word of the Holy Spirit.|to nic Gece” 12a committing him| Mr. Cecil Stewart of Toronto ieee? eae phn. > Dental Surgeors, Toronto University | use of a single doubtful drug. Cas-| (Acts 21:4.) And now almost his! [t is to be doubted whether the aii the week end at his home tn a Phone 23 for appointments. toria is vegetable, ita safe first act after reaching Jerusalem 1s/ forty conspiratore starved to death Office over Red pt White Store ten as an infant has any|to listen to the mistaken counsel of] when they found th ld ——- , little pain you cannot pat away. in Jewish Christians there, who urge| keep their vow b Kill re 1. mat Mr. Frank von Zuben of Paris it's always ready for the crueler! him to “stand In” with the Judalzers ¥ RE Eau spent Thanksgiving at his home in AUCTIONEER pangs: of pa Rad constipation, or|and try to clear his reputation by arrhea, effective, too, for older| taking a Jewish vow and offering a oe children. Twenty five million bot-| Jewish sacrifice. This seems un- wat apie se ne yg loa . W J. DOWD tles were bought last year, thinkable, from the chosen ane, HEALTH ue oot anksgiving at her home Ship your Cream to as to whom was revealed the full mean- GRAMS * of grace and the Gospel, and the urea. [Sar ‘- eer : \ and finality of the sacri- of rs. 8. L. Kidd and Miss Ada Kidd osedal Auction KT PST STOO | tciency and analy of the eacr| | Meal service of the Canadian | | spent ‘Thankeetving visiting. frends R e Creamery Co., Ltd. Real Estate Insurance C A S T @) R : A already written oe ee the mn fOronto. Kitchener “ 7 it orious declara- ames Phone: S86, oie i spiige« Rdag either “Jew, nor The Public Health Nurse y Messrs. Harvey Peppler, Murton Greek....for ye are all one in| During the past few years, @ great Pena ai is Zeon ick spent MEDICAL Christ Jesus....Stand fast therefore| deal has been learned concerning the cipal — at ane ee . in the Wberty wherewith Christ hath| Prevention of disease and the | We furnish Cans made us free, and be not entangled provement of health. Today we hensl| enone oe eon, Dierlam of London A. G. SHIELL, MD. with the yoke of bondage.” (Gal. 3:/a fund of knowledge which, it wel ename Mee eg th his parents, We pay Seg a * hysict Surgeon 28; 6:1). Were to use It, would ree ene i f W =e and Surgery But this Jewish vow and sacrifice| Sickness, fewer deaths and. ‘Setter Mr. Rodger R { Th W anieene Phas 13 ; by Paul did not, apparently, alter ees theraby increasing the well- staff ‘spent Thanksgiving. ea e y Premium savage opposition of the Jews.! being of mankind. . poate odsirmat oie Aaa Hie eoren gaye of ceremonial puri- ef ati ees hes weckee we Pon home néar Harriston, For weet Cream = fleation were not ended when an all, to see that this kn : @pen attack was made upon him in| ‘s imparted to every ‘uadividyel Pras mareie Karges of Detrolt spent DR. F. J. R. FORSTER me temple. The whole city wetiac| practices’ '* Put Into every day| parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. J.-Karges For Further Information write " t of the| pra : es i" Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat roused; Paul was dragged ou na te In medicine, University temple, and lynch law would have e. ost successful method Mr. F = e taken his life had he not been res- carrying the health message to ae go ee Mrs. beta Dippel of Kit " Late assistant New York Ophthal- ened by the Roman chief captain and id a is through the Public howe of Mr. Ge rae a Rosedale(¢ reame Co Ltd. > mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield’s his soldiers. calle rse. She might well be tees , Y vo °9 . ' . d . Bye and aesien fosare Throat Hoe | centenit copes a ine pambraaiey. Tes borg diieg as Miss Meena Fisher of Kitchener Kitchener - pitals, Lonaon at she/ spent Thankeglving at the home of » 7 mae Gospel in Jerusalem before an im-|/!s. By word of m ate ue + ei oie Apply the liniment every few ip audience of Jews and Gentiles. | beaith knowledge hy dena her father, Mr. Henry Fisher. towel on the first Monday in the| hours to throat and chest. The chief captain, iearniog of his; she shawg how to Put such know- Mr. Wallace Collie of Toronto month, from 10 a.m. to4¢4 pm | argle with Minard’s in warm identity ¥ “a —- : of ne -eaatie cee = eyactice: | by encourage. spent the week end visiting at the = es water. | ty” let him speak from the castle & Seips through difficult] home of Mr. and Mrs. F. §, Howe stafrs to the crowd. times that require perseverance; 4 rire aa sa : : ations | p! » —o— INSURANCE ee ee eee ar a | eneetiog arene retag” ge ae | ation Nelda Demin ot Wateroo ; | " Heese ant iRersiure In cultured family, one food “for the, Was o guest over the week end at ap e€ €a ery FIRE INSURANCE ! (mal MINA ; Hebrew, which commanded = silence | ® her work {1s done mostly Schell, 8 SS Se ee ee ee : ® im best companies; aleo accident, au-| RD'§ S as the Jewish crowd : stened in re: Pye individuals it is not see f t iF late glass and; —_—_ | spect, Paul told his life story. e © Masses. Because it fg ; 1 4 Nor- ee a tome sbilea insur-! “KING OF showed his zeal for the law of God, | because ft doag not dt Js not sen, ets atthe ome oar sbi Comunands the trade because they have ance, 85 cts. spat 100. Your business | PAIN | concerning which he was then under | brapha : uot the general abpreciation of ike sacthios Mrs vs G. Sav = the best Bread. eolicited, . D. BOLTON, i Li suspicion. He told his record as a Of it that there should } It is not ie —Qualit Always Tells ' persecutor of Ghrlitiens. Then he known, as it deserves t . = 7 ry s y y . = NI VIMPET N}* } | told of his sight of the Lord ‘Jesus | e shestion of mothers Pi be ee ae rt ‘iegee. oe nk cat a el own We eve our customers value for E. L. ROBINSON | Chrlat on ie ts Demeaees 400) | nureis, tb the npn pu Ie health his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Gem- their money. sap tecmcctsind ' ee Cast | Rearlesaty he told how his sins had ape tion of infant decthe, Mtns ru — Ww —That's Business. epresenting Imperia! Lite Assur- en washed away as he was bapt-; ¢O Dot know by Instinct h sti N e ¥ pec cash ance Co. Head Office, Toronto. | The Natural, Herbal | ied and saree on the name of the| for their ibab S; they ee aes 0 ig and ee George Small of Tor- pa} cash and se: t . , 4 lc when he came to his; #ueht. Friendly neighbors aed ae the "pone of Mr. a Sen Fe k —That's Principal. a Goodn Of |commission, In whieh the Lard told | Woman who knows ali avout bables|Graham. ©) NT Frank Everybody speaks of our Wholewheat; ; FUNERAI NIRECTOR 0 ess . nn he must be sent “far hence unto a naa ‘she has buried six" do net it’s genuine ‘ : ; he Gentiles” that was too much for; M&ee good teachers, The p Mr : . Gal Healt! ublic r. and Mrs. ~ Wesley Mason and lagher ) Clears Up his Jewish ‘noarers ines sate niodern ees tedee nena 6éhe has Mr. Lindsay Mason of Toronto were —That's Fame. E | earth; for it is not fit that he should The citizen who q ae cones orer Thankagttimg at the Same people try other Bread, but ev- “ W. F. Mc LAUGHLIN czema + lhe." the babies in his community prove jon. OF Mr. and Mek: ichard Wee entually come to us si ' . Soh taken into the castle by} &4 from di Oteee- —" . ‘ “Funeral Service Stops Indigestion. Tones his hiotana einter ts, be scouraabaii promoted, ‘shoulé’ tos cae ao eet "Nseteedespeendecde beat —That $ Intelligence. |). Residence and Perlor Main St. East. entire system. (examined. But Paul’s quiet ques-| sufficient number of Publie Health . ie i “ Our goods are fresh every day. Night and day calis. Phone 227. tion: “Is it lawful for you to scourge | N'rses to ser . ‘4 ‘ " & y Viece ae ae wlieal deste Oa | as tae for gau te scantes whieh bene the community {n P Aina LER = et h be —That’s Enterprize. > & lagher's Tonic and System Builder. demned?* startied the centurion and } me people tancy they get better elsewhere. be —————— | Itisentirely herbs. Natural. Ama the chief captain; the scourging was FE denise concerning health, Iretetndntentnblettedetnietetee ° y ve “i bey . ee “ ly healing. By purifying the blood and | emitted, the prisoner was treated eal pps the Canadian. Medi. rf Congratulations are due Mr. and . 7 —That's Foolishness. - Cook’s Regulating Compound | #°"tly stimulating neyavand | th proper respect and"was brought! Toronto will be ans 184 College St., irs. Jack Mackay on the arrival on Our customers recommend us to their friends, * - P liver, this reliable old remedy clears | Defore the Jewish Sanhedrin, their] tions as to dia Wered. Ques. | Saturday of a baby boy That's Ki F safe, reliable reguleting | yy skin troubles. Perfect for Indegestion, highest council. ment wil not gnosia and treat- - George Smith ot Bright spent a t's Kindness. wi af ascngth Ne. |e $i; rundown conditions, nervousness, coughs The Apostle, knowing that some = ee Sane ee eS si sa mee , * 7” So. 2, 83; No. 3, $5 of the Council were Sadducees, who ——>————_—=_=_——_—- <a ote pi oe ge ea al at ce ee a any resurrection, and others ‘Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wells nd | at Ww. ree. gt o" MoLaushiin The Maple Leaf Bakery Sea 1 oe arisees, cr orthodox Jewish be-j Eat and Miss 5 gon an Tr “ : i Fee pamphit. | Adres: « | Herbal Household Remedies are, by 38 | lievers, made the challenging state- iécn Brews gad. ir. and = Mrs. [ othy, spent Wednesday in Kitchener. Phone 248 Wallace St. Ee ORONTO,GNT.( Formerly Wixideor } ent: “Men and brethren, I ; Monday visitin ‘8S - MeConaghy spent the E I orcas Weicvor? | EM. Creighton, Listowel | pitiisog the enn of chee 1 Ae 5 | Sear Clifford and at the home of = end at her home in Newton. x Be = the hope and resurrection of the sister, Mrs. Koehler, Mr. and Mrs, C. E. McLaughlin ; = “= dead I am called in qu on.” A Mr. and Wy and Mrs. R, J. Moore spent Thurs- a Wesley McNeil of Ethel, who has} great cry from the ‘Council was the] and fre C Ts. F. W. Dieiz and Mr. %, afternoon in ‘Kitchener . Seen in the Bank of Commerce at) response; the Pharlaees at ones took were peel cag Marham of Hamilton Mr. E. Morgan, who has been yisit- fee Palmerston, has been moved to] Paul’s part, while the Sadducees a jhe S over the week end ing here, has returned home to Pe- E Moorefield, and has now been pro- shine against their fellows in the me of Mr. and Mrs, Fred | trolia. Banner moted to ledger. Wesley is one of neil. The chief captain, fearing Mrs. George Smith and Sanford of i Listowel's Business College students for Paul's fe, had the soldiers take; Mrs. R. stevens. Bright spent Sunday at the home of E and has secured his Diploma in the; him by force from the exctted relle- turned -Th evenson and family ra-| Mr. (lqrence Bago gg . hi Readers Secretarial Course.—Brussels Post. | fon'sts and he was again imprisoned | in Harri euraday last to their home; | Mr. and Mra. H..Moore, Bruce Be in the castle. visitin ok te spending a week | Moore and Miss Mitlte ‘smith Visited NO CHOICE One of the great prison experiences} yy & at the home of hexgsister, Wetinesday in Kitchener. The burglar’@ wife was in the wit-|of history followed, h 20rd ra. Fred Wells. M ‘Allan MeLaughIn — ness box and prosecuting counsel} Jeeus appeared to’ him the next Mr dy a and Dorothy visited on Sunday at the . a * Whose subscriptions comsisition, a Vigorous crose- night and said: “Be of good chéer,| ang family or tee Cc. Gender home of Mr, Wm. Carnochan, Lin- ‘ 3 aul, for as thou has testified Me In spen the; Woo ‘ have expired are re- “Madam, are you the wife ot this! Jerusalem, so must thon bear wit- noe end visiting at their homes [n Mr. and Mrs. John: Marks, 3rd TO BE HELPFUL. TO BE KIND’ : ant’ ness also at Rome.” Whatever mis-| ys, Baan ey were actompanied by/| line, visited Monday afternoon with A dy spectfully urged to re- ne ‘Yow x ’ b " “ takes in gufdance or act'on Paul a Bradley of Toronto, Mrs. L. Smith. Alf, ge Stevenson, should be the goal of 7 : new he was a ars rwhen}may have made, the Lord Jesus a Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Welsh and a though Gq 5 It i you iaeriea h Christ -stood by him. Onr Saviour’s —_—_—_ Mr. Bruce "Moore rein the dance ghtful man. Itis the attainment : new promptiy. It w = ‘love and protection: do net depend : in Listowel uriday 2 reachd by this earnest organization. ~ th il Hy oe you come to contract upon our perfection, but upon H's. r Mr: and “Mrs. ry "andtie: ecLaughlin nae ii uaete oi necessary that al] sub- |/* matrimonial alliance with su Paul-could have no doubt, after “thls Quick ly Di Dives family were Sunday visitors at : ne wii ; mani” ‘that he would live to see Rome and =) tec Mr. W. AL. Wataon’ ie, ie line, PHONE scriptions be paid in ee, said the witness sarcas-| preach there. Mission Band wi held poll BR orriceso¥¥.. ee : tically, “I was getting old and tmd| But. than forty Jews took = ay aftéPsoon at E rocitak at the advance. ~ a between 4 lawyer and a) oath, way aig ves er ‘bm ot Miss Doris Chuter, Carth- (DENCE ‘ curse, ne to eat ‘ The _cross- -gxaniinaon eddea Ei they bad wile ‘Px 224 * if _ pned to ask the chiet

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