At a Special Low Winter Coats, made of heavy: -ercoating in heather shades. Price ES ; we have just received a shipment of Boys’ all-wool Ov- These Coats are half leather lined and half polo lined. This is ‘absolutely the best wearing Coat for boys who mt. have a long walk to school. Sizes 10 to 16 years. | Special forSaturday - 3 Furnishings, Millinery, and F - West side Wallace St. : $11.95 Other Boys’ Coats as low as $4.95 A Full Line of Men’s and Women’s Clothing, Shoes at Special Low Prices for Saturday | SIEGAL’S Listowel » . Special Blended Black Regular 70c Pie ane Ll eh tava inh cy Tea Hestea Rov Bender, of _Eitenener broth- spent with her er, Mr. ¢ be age ee fe i re. Hd. a fatty? ‘Miss Virdella peniae o of Firs ch Miss rtha Sch ener, midt, Mr. and Mrs. Adam pom visiteti Sun- | day with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fil- nger. Mr. and Mre. Milton Krotz and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Pletch, Walkerto Sgr thudeea'e Sige taveres Cos- Messrs. Simon and Roy Walters Spat Thursday In Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. ok Walter and and Mrs. ed Quanz and Roy, ‘Mr. family spent danas — friende in} Co si Walkerton and Mildmay. Miss Lo rena Ben rg Ayton spent Rear de aa with. oF par- ents, Mr. and M H. Mr, Frank Schneider iatained home from the west on = Reg ae: and Mrs. Henry Walter, Gordon Walter, spent a few days wr eriname ‘in Kitchen iss Flora Kr “8g apent afew daye with friends in Millbank last week. r. and Mre. Cornelius Walter and Anita of Waterloo spent Thanksgly- ing aig ley here. a Walter 5 tew days with, ‘rionds in Kitchener and Wellesley last week. Mr. Ralph Krotz. is seen bias some time in Rochester, New York. Mr. and Mra. Ed. Schustder” Mr and Mrs. N.'J. Krotz, Mr. an rs. Clarence: Wenzel, Messrs. Gordon and Elwyn Krotz attended the fun- Big: Monday. and Mrs. Schaefer of Kitchen- er visited Sunday with the | r’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sanaa. and Mrs. Martin Bender and John Helnmilier visited Gunday at the home of and Mrs, Sam Heln- miller, Palmersto on, Mr. and Mre. H. R. Bender and family andMiss Carrie ae psec en Selling to introduce at Sunday with Mr. and Mrs -| $5,000 In cash, and carried on the FE mae, 3rd co usiness in Canada under the name Bs and Mrs, Norman Ruppel and| of Clark Metals Limitéd. Since the ee : - Idona of Kitchener spent a couple} Bassick company have taken pete of x Cc of days with friends on this line.| the company it has enjoyed i era i Mr. and -Mrs. Hy. Walters and Mr.| ed prosperity and it is too bad if th 4 . and Mrs, Gordon Walters epent Sun-| use of the one word “defunct" in : day with Mr. and Mrs, Hy. Stricker The Chrontele should have caused 2. * at Drayton the new owners any loss of ‘business ri Sample it Try it. and Mrs. George Mohr. Mr.| or affected their ‘credit in any way, Wg It is cusees Paff, Miss Ada Paff, —_ as they are said to be one of the : good mat Hope. visited Susday at ©) strongest sompanins in the North : jhomes of Mr. and vl net Bender American contine ; All grocery lines for Fall now complete ang ar eo ark Metals Liniited, the original _ . and Mrs. Milton Filsinger compsny, came to Durham in 1920; E apicat Monday in Ayton t th to § Good Service - Regular Delivery Mr Mrs. Norman Ruppel and No ee eae epucet rs Bylaw : Idona, “Mr. Norman Vetter of Kit- and we think the company came to ; chener, Mr. and. Mrs. George Moht,!town the same year. The bylaw Ss Mr. George Paff and Miss Ada Paff| -uaranteeing the bonds of the com- of Wellesley and Mr. and-Mrs. Burt! pany to the amount of $15,000 was M 1 fving at the * . Remee. Seeee Ea Sreon Wal. | Voted. om and carried on July 5th a alr. + “| with a mafority of 22 It was E a dnt Mire Leowava Perkin ‘of well known fact and needs no further "4 Phone 72 Use Your Phone Wallace St. Wellesley visited Sunday with Mr.| [icity Compa in Dotto ele ! and Mrs. Wesley Perkin. wot lve up to thelr Saspoiel obliga- E tions, and the last re’ Tepo is E ghar that ofvihe $16, S00, Cowulves 5 n thé town’s guarantee, ere ——————————— 0B pod got“ fearon still an unpaid balance of $11,577.- uy partments of The er. They will} 25 principal and interest which will ay turn many kinds of used goods into| have to be put up by the town. : ready money, and of Th's was the company that was ré- ’ all kinds And they will keep you in-| ferred to in our write-up as the i : ; formed about opportunities and bar- “original Clark Metals Company” 2 T Att ti gains of all kinda which went to the wall, and we re- Fr rappers, envon : gret exceedingly ibatoment should : $9 construe our slatemen as . make it apepar that we meant the 4 { present Clark Metals which is now 7 a subs‘diary.of the Bassick Company a € ant our urs S e | and which, We ate piaseed to learn, ‘g a | js doing a thriving and prosperous : , | pecia business in Listowel. We trust that “t if. this explanation will be acceptable 5 ah One to the present Clark Metals Company a iF ee which, aa we have said previously In E WE are inthe market to, buy [J 29C Writing fj ims atiete ts now ina sound, nnan- ii nl | . via oe) . we : 4 . ‘ ‘ 13 we k i. | ll ble to tak ¥ al-kinds of Furs. Highest Cash Prices will be | Tablet mare OF Guc undinele antinetons al . H | which they may Incur, and we are E an You can deliver Spat = ae may ih and mers oH the cetisla Te dee ak bee a one me at my expense an will ca or your flected upon the standing cf Clark * . Y Pp Y | 10c pkg. envel- Metals Limited and may say that it ms urs. Give us atrial. j was published in the best, of good F | opes faith and with no ill-will or Intention E- tl fad doing any harm to ie comer 2 ne P iy fe are tn justice to Clark Metals We Solicit Your Business i inserting this explanation at he Bs | or 25c earliest opportunity, * 1 wlesdeeferfenderlecdesecdecbeede de desdecleelecleclesiesdetestesieietete ‘a i oS + is L. SCHURE AT BS TROWBRIDGE ” ag os ? Mf Kieeanssuecces = Residence over cabal nhne Store Livingstone Ss Teensop ee aaiynaasseniee ; =a Phone 288 . Listowel D tor London, _ / i ru S Dr. and Mrs. R. Stewart and Ches- | 4 Oo e rh of mead sak Sunday at the | 1ome o Cade. ‘ Mr. Allen of St. Catharines 97 piece St. Cloud pattern, regular $32.50 a OF piece flowered pattern, regular a ae _ 97 piece bordered pattern, regular $2 All open stock, including cups and Sy OF pics gold band pattern, regular aa rf for _ 97 piece moline pattern, regular $18. Bs for saucers, ines, fruits, regular Big Special Sale of Dinnerwaré | 15% Discount on all Sets and Open Stock . We have a large Stock of Dinnerware on hand. We must move it out to make space for Christmas Stock coming in We are ae the following: ” $27.65 ir eid $20.85 for $18.30 $1 5.95 $15. 95 gis, and vegetable dishes at 15¢ off the 2s Sov ta rel bh gee ac gah eis SE ae La, honk ontin a price ra.| clients, we take it that the brig ayo eral of Mr. Wing Rogers in Ford-j a publ the building, on which the town for- WRITE-UP OF ABOUT FIRE IN waa Lieeges SOLIOI (Du rham Chronicle) ® have received a jetter trom jour Metals. Limited through their B, Morphy, complaining of one write-up In repo! oes a fire : thelr pre here, Wh appeared in our prsinag ‘of October 26th.” The statement taken hems ra to is: “Th wn loses not by the fire as after the Seater Chak Metals we the town f over the charter of the defunct com- pany. In. analyzing the letter received from Mr. Morphy in behalf of his ds taken on the ground that in ferring to Clark Metals as “defunct” we A claimed, tended to “reflect seriously upon Clark Metals and has already damaged their cred- po and in hands of rival manufact- we have every reason to belleve will "carther damage this company's credit." We are very sorry Indeed if this reference has done anything like this, even inthe slightest degree, as there was no intention ‘of so [ and none of the article feporting their recent loss by fire was written with malicious intent, It was merely news report of an autostenate| happening, and the paragraph Spat red to ished to show that merly held first mortgage through rings : fue » Bay ela he meeting. minister, a Geiias, 145 p..m.—Young People’s Session. 7.30 p. here clase Pena S gisvembex 18th * [9.20 a: a. -itbte Gane! and-hervve. 3 =, Ciage ar study of Femperance Lenton. ‘Teacher, Mr a Seer se on Wallace St., | $ room how all Tegreday: and Praise Service. conveniences, Apply cc Calder. — * : VE D. About. $400. for a short period. a interest. Apply at Banner LEE I AOL LT United Church Listowel Sunday, November 18th Anthem—"“Sing Unto the Lord" —Tozer Duet—Mre. H. G. Zilliax and Mr: »L. Lore eo—"Whispe ring Hope." EVENING 7 p. m. ne on po Pahoa peta of Religio » i Factor of Addi Anthem—"Rock of Ages’’—Buck Solo—Miss Olive McDonald. ae the guarantee of certain bonds, had no further intereat in the building this interest having been absorbed by the Bassick Company when they purchased the obligations of the Clark a Limited for the sum of called in the village on Sunday. ‘Miss Etta Ausman, who has accept- ed a position in the P. K. Mills, Lis- towel, spent the holiday at the hame of = parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Aus- m Mr. H. Knight epent st with his parents near. Eth A falr number attended the Ladies A’'d meeting Big at Tabor’s last Wednes 20n. A splendid Susisd Circle meeting election of officers. fs worth the vear's Ma Sabai price to the farmers of Canada, rmers” families rejoloa in gsiting : v8 addition of a superb magazin EREEDELTI APES CE EPL GAS EN HM te we + DOWD'S SALE LIST = Minister. P. F. E. F. Oetantes TE Precautions to be Taken lanting Every Issue of the Family Herald| { Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal +]. oe j School. hag 7 p. m.—Subject “The..Blessings of -mn.— 1 Visions. Il +s alitles. Se - on ee ansinne Ringing uauiday, m.—B.b. C. B. God." Thursday, ro. 30 p ™m.—Preparatory service, Rey. B. hen of Milver- The Salvation Army Galvary Evangelical Rey. E. H. Bean of Hanover will a eee 10 a. m.—Subject, “Comradeship With Christ." 11 a. m.— Sunday ton will preach, fohowed by quar- terly conference. Communion ser- vice will be held on Sunday, Nov. 265th. Sunday, Nov. 18th Ensign and Mrs. Morrison Services at 11 a. m., 3 p. m. and 7p. m. When Transp! Potatoes During Cold Weather (Experimental Farms Note) The potato tuber, which is in real- ity a living plant stem, is very sen- sitive to freezing te ratures and inion considerable precaution is ta- ken to protect it during periods of ae weather, serious injury may re- of the potato tuber should always be carefully borne in mind when trans-; 7 -p. porting potatoes during the late fall and winter ~ + naa bag prevent fro damage. readily achieved by shipp ive Scitatane in cars properly provided wlth heat. o types of Insulated and heated freight cars are now In gene the adapted refrigerator with suit- able heaters introduced from , the outside at each end into the com- partments occupied by the ‘brine tank units, and the Eastman Heater a limed car provided with a heater located under the car. These types are attended to and charged at junc- tion joints by the railway staffs when ped is required. Heat should be ap- cautions should also ‘be taken, where applicable, to ensure that the false floors and floor racks are thorough-' ly cleaned, that the throat to the ‘bunker space is positively open A permit free air circulation, that the) bulkheads are closed tightly and| evenly against the bunkers or tanks, o| that the ventilator openings In the | face of the tanks are opened to per mit heated air unrestricted entry into the car, that the hand holes in} the battom of the tanks are opened, | that the tanks are clear of ice and | water, and that the washout plugs in the corner of car floor and drip openings to the outside are without fall closed and plugged loosely from | the outside, Heavy sheathing paper or paper should be placed over floor and side walls, and with laths to a height of at least! three feet, The sheets spould over-/ lap at least six inches and be folded. carefully over all corners and junc- | tion points of the floor and aside walla. the case of refr.gerator) cars, however, no paper should be; placed over the end walls or central | floor rack between the side dsors.| The floor should be bedded with dry hay or straw, leaving the bunker) ends free, and exercising due care) to prevent ite alfting under onl racks ot false floors. Place. side! racks cr scantiings to prevent the | liad from touching tha sides of the} car and in order to provide an alr channel, The doors h car) should be carefully fitted and protect- | ed on the ontside around all the} seams by building paper battened, with laths. The new Igerator | car equipment of the r&iways is/ generally of very good corstruction | and well Insulated. Driving nails through. the car floors, walls or ceil- ings destroys the insulation. Such practices cannot be condemned tao | severely and the shippers and rall-| way companies should co-operate) to save this high grade equipment. | School Teacher Attacked putp | | Not so very long ago, Hen | very anxious to ! was held at* the parsonage last into one ‘ot “the Thursday afternoon. Mrs, (Rev.) | Professions, uae Se with hts Armstrong, Mra. J. Henderson of expenses, he took up schoo teaching. Listowel were the speakers, Mrs, en teens fk gg? Aik Sena Fletcher gave a sclo which was also0|to work doubly hard $3'do bis dass } very much appreciated. The lesson! work and also keep up with his Bt: i was read from the 103rd Psalm by | Yate studles, More than that. he hyd | ' to spare some of his slender earning» Mrs. C. Adams and a p’ano instru-/{o help keep his widow mother. mental given by Miss Luella Marka. | His cathar gies cng the dig time, ase The December meeting will be the| [50m Peete oe con was reached, i , too, had outworn his slender peeree of strength. Now he bas had | \ “St ee i eet airbhé: up. seit, “js when you don't. ‘ @@ because #5 manr City Mission Sunday, Nov. 18th Deaconesses Peard Alexander 1.45 p. m.—Sutiday 8c 3 p. m.—Mr. Percy fanas of Tor- poe will s pis Wm. McWatters. Tueaday, oy p- m.—Cottage prayer One. erates = bull; Holstein cow, good_ milk alfalfa and sweet clover seis aed "Phone 601ri2. APARTMENT TO RENT Apartment to rent Sateen all con- veniences, Apply J. Vandrick. TTENTION TO FARMERS horses wanted for fertilizer. oat ae paid. Phone 304, Lis- owel. A Old APPLICATIONS Applications will be recelved for —e junior by Bank of Mont- One square plano, solid rosewood case, one quick sale. Apply . J. Russell tf PIGS FOR SALE Three hogs, 3 months old, eligible for registration. App Beirnes, R, R. 2, ply _ phone Broase 57r12. itp FOR SALE Triplex Auto ager! m good con- dition, Will sell at bargain. Chas. aa phone 415, pigs tp BAKING SALE The Ladies" Aid of Listowel Bap- tist church will hold a work and beking sale on Friday afternoon, December 7th. Particulars Iater. Priday, 5 p. m—Young People’s 'SE FOR SALE meeting. Good house and lot for sale in the All Are Welcome village of Atwood. Harry ——— = | Speiran, 12th con. Grey. Itnp | ANNUAL MEETING IN MEMORIAM \The annual meeting of the Hosp!i- orekinn hae ey “inal FARRELL—In loving memory othe 4 y Mary N igging, beloved wife of | keep this date In mind. ; Robert J. Farrell, who died on Nov. 16th, 1926. FOR SALE pant missed by husband. and! -'Two Holstein bulls, 16 and € family, F'] = CY, * ilosoitai for Sick Children 67 College St, Toronto 2, Ont. December, 1924. Dear Mr Editor:— for some yexrs past the work that (his tinspital’ nas Deen able w do for the chijdpen of Untario nas oven poner old; —_ seed, and a tow u shels_ bargain once. ‘Phone ~ 60 1-12, sold at- seriously cramped through iack o: space <A point Was reached warre the Frustees oad to decide woethe: its service snowd be restricted wu the utmost number of “sick Kida Bagm it could provide With outs or it should sad to its pa Bae 2 . delivered in their yard at Estee 11-22 There are many uffer tn2z from afflictions of the aches ani Joints. whom ogly aneny ions montana: Cun restore to aealtp and strensth Medicai care will oeip: out whut they principally need is treah ir and sunsnine. Hitherto the Hospita for Sick Children nas looked after SCO COMGTeN 1D 4M INsliiutien sys a city playzround. where more fortunate coves and uirls sn.y the sports, imagine ineir plight, fying month alter month lsténing te the shouts andlangater of other children In October iaat, the Hoapita! tor Sick Children opened -ts country annex d@voted to foung-ters whore one chance to nave tnetr limbs atrajehtene or their oodies built op must of if some place where they have sunshine and freso alr plus nure‘ne care and medica! attention On 4 helebt of land near Weston. awhy from the murk of the city. children are "inning their way pack to health in ar environment of sun shine. pure breezes and quiet. The country hoapita!l at Thistle town if a Geod-eend for children whom it will take a jone time to cure. {t also 'berates q anndred ects ia the parent institation for soupesters who can be set cient in a sort tima if qanickle given con / Slant attention So the tlospital tor Sick Children’ has now tq doore to eep open day and wieht ta overy class. color and cre=a et For more than alt a century tne Hoepita: has depended for Its very existence upon the public response to tts annual appeal +hich, being i beonif of ehiidren {* appronriarely made at Christmas time, For over” fifty years the FS.C, aas peer enabled to make both ends meet DS the denations of Ite friends, whether Buch 2e a dolinr or an endowment Bur the end of 192% finds 1 vith many iarce bille to one for ite new venture To its old friends tne Hospitar for Silex Children once mere “Wppeais it of rour tenders are included in that oever-erovtne tircie, that i “trespass upon rour srace to remind them that it war their generosity in the past thet eur boidened the Hespital’s Trustees to oid for the fornre, With an effort stimulated br a the income of *" be put Gece more , its utrent o : Fastytuyy. yours. {RVING E ROBERTSON, » Chairman Appeal Committee the ‘Siew abreast of TO RENT OR §: Brick residence on Male street for sale or rent, all conveniences, new furnace, ession at once. Apply W. J. Bartley, phone 619r2. tf. FOR SALE Choice Barred Rock cockersts from the pedigreed stock of Miss Maud Holdsworth, Port ein Sale to las: during November. Price $2. thy ach. Laura Thomson, Henfryn, O HOMES MORE BEA Star Nurseries, "Ridgevitie. 0 Ontario. can sell your property {f yon grid it sold. We have a number ane, all good value, Re xemp e Sars once? tinp AUCTION SALE © ae psties biecor will hold an auction gale of st which tn 62 head of cattle, “3 ies stock sale. it will be of interest to to all farmer AGENTS WANTED ents wanted to sell Dr. Bove!'s rg ‘Soap and Toilet Articies. etc. We sell to you 4 prices which pe yon a*splendid profit, Our ods are well and ane known End are sold only through agents. heb for pape and cexelusiye erritory. Tironto 8, Ont. "Bests . Li-22