Business Accounts — We have watched many small bus. iness accounts opened in this Bank grow. We could cite instances when the small business has grown to be the poaiee industry in the commun- ity in which it is established. The service of the officers of this Bank may assist your business t ‘become a leading industry. IMPERIAL | BANK M. R. HAY, EL. BRAN si Munsgeg” | Feathers Wanted ] WILL pay highest market price for geese” and duck feathers. You can bring them in or phone and I will call. . L.SCHURE . // Residence over Kibler’s Shoe Stoe. : Phone 288 Listowel —) CLIMIE’S GROCERY The Place you get the Best that can be bought Our Grocery Department is well filled with clean, fresh Groceries, and prices are reasonable. We have everything. on disylay for your Christmas baking. Raisins, Currants, Dates, Figs, Nuts, Peels, Cherries, everything that you pent to have a good Christmas ake | RA. CLIMIE Phone 72 Use Your Phone Wallace St. GUBAMS of kindness, of sympath- etic understanding in the planned ritual of the ceremony make our Ser- vice of Sincerity one to be desired. often WA BRITTO ek resipence DIRECTOR OF LisTow 224 FUNERAL SERVICE "Proved safe by millions and prescribed my physicians for Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago a Pain Toothache _Neuritis Rheumatism 21 ys) 25\26 The Listowel Baer and The Atwond Bee (Amalgamated Oct., lst., 1928.) Published Thursday of each week. Hight to sixteen pages, seven col- umns to the page. All home-print Can use ma Subscription rate $2.00 a ear, strictly in advance: otherwise $2.60. six months $1.00; three months 60c. To subscribers in the United States 60c additional for postage. The Banner and Bee has the cir- culation—several hundreds more then its competitor—and excels as un advertising medium We do job eintiig of all kinds. E. 5. HUDSON. Editor and Proprietor. Member Canadian Weekly Newspa- per Association Thursday, November 29th socio oo be at a ae a + ~ AN EVENING WITH Dd A THE AVERAGE RADIO + + + Te sa eS a i a a (Ottawa Journal) A Untted States technical journal Informs us that an Inventor has dis- covered a means of eliminating static. If he has, then 50,000,000 people on this continent will “bow down and call him blessed. For Btatle, we are convinced, is an Inven- tion and a weapon of the Evil One, an ‘nternel ‘thing that is desolating more homes and losing more i{m- mortal souls than ell the terrible sing and temptations the preachers keep denouncing. Static, im fact, is like missing a two-foot putt on 1 Buccessive holes, or like foozling your drive just when that charming young thing you wanted to Impress seems to he taken with the hang of your plue-fours. It is all of that, and Fo onth now we have been sitting “5 er night, borrowing from our sleep credit and neglecting our work and family, trying to find out something about this presidential soothing music, and this, usually, is the result: “This is stetion H-I-A-T-U-5. Alice Mo@Monogle, the world's most tenderest soprano, will now sing “Ramona.” “The time has come when all men who ee the Republic must etrike “Let us see what Helen aaah acted, the world's most famous operatic star, says about peeen all" “It le a well ‘known fact, pote by most reliable authorities, that Al. Smith sits up at night in Albany with". .“ Hazel Carruthers will now sing ‘Ramona.’ ... "This is station WOP.".... “The alligator vacuum cleaner which leaves rugs and car- pets free.of ashes, clinkers, old newspapbr& icicles, and’... .“Ah, my fellow-countrymen, only once in a century are the free and Intelligent electors of any nation afforded ‘the opportunity of voting for a Heaven- sent genius, a noble patrict, a mighty statesman, a loving father Iike Herb- ert." “Edith | Skinne r will now sing ‘Ramona.’ --+"This hour is presented by the courtesy of the Gold Diggers’ Magazine for tired ‘business men who have to stay at home and mind the baby”....1 pre- sent to you now, ladies and gentle- men, Alfred E. Smith, the next proe- sident of the United States, the Happy Warrlor, the new Lincoln" “A package of this corn cure, known the world vover, will be sent to all who write. - ‘Gladys Smart, Am- erica’s celebrated beautifn!l soprano, will now render that heunting song “Ramona.’"’...‘‘An if you cast your vote for any other than Herbert Hoover, then I e¢ay to you that this country is doo sain and we shall have nothing but”. world's eater tires"”’ “Moran and Mack”. -clgarettes” oe eg | nell “Mr. Chair- ‘Ramona.”....“‘Mhis is Zerhasd “McSwizle bidding you “G-o-o-d Night." And*so, as Pepys say, to bed. URGERY a THE MAN ~ By H. C.) They first anipped off bis tonsils, id, They simply laughed him out of court “He's uot-all there,” they said. There’s ong consolathon about. woth When you finish 4 death and one you are with” The other, race in the States, or to hear some|on Digests Easily SCOFPFT’S =&MULSION Mr. Robt. Braden visited in Trow- bridge and Listowel last Thureday.— Teeswater News. Municipal nominations will this year be held on Monday, December ery and elections on January 7th, 929. Norman Tilker of the Bank of Commerce staff, Listowel, spant the week end at his home here.—Har- riston Review. The Chesley Athletic Association netted $100 from the indoor circus held In that town a couple of weeks Ago. ; ! Mrs. 8. McGeorge and danghter Agnes of Molesworth while dn their way to Toronto where they will re- side in future, spent a few daye at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. John- ston, Drayton.—Drayton Advocate. The total receipts at the Walker- ton rink last season amounted to $3,328.25 and of this amount up- wards of $1400 was received as the rink’s share of hockey games. The rink cleared $1498.27. Cars Hit Head On— Bhool Gordon Burt of Listowel going towards Brussels on Sat- erie night, at Cunningham's, 3% miles south of the town, after he had turned out to pass a wagon, he babe . met head on with a Chevrolet. night was misty and that accounted for the accident. No one was hurt but the cars were damaged some- what.—Brussels Post. Would This Work Here?— The -Chesley Enterprise “Will offers of prizes help to fil yi almost empty churches In some com- munities. At Shawville, in Quebec province, a prize wes offered for the laraust family seated in the same pew and the oldest couple dn church on Thanksgiving Sunday. This isn’t a very high motive to induce people to go to church but It drew the crowd just as some new stunts does to a fall fair. Music Appreciated— The Exeter Times-Advocate says. Special music was furnished by the choir, who were ably assisted by the Listowel male quartette composed of Messrs. E. F. Finkbeiner, C. Black- evening service. voices that blend very nicely and their slinging was much appreciated and added greatly to the success of the day. Lad Died From Eating Pill A tragic and sad affair bapscaed Saturday evening when Denald mart signet Radford, a three year old on of J| Radford, died very suidanie pret effects of eating some pills which he mistook for candy. The littl, chap soon lost consciousness, when his mother called a neighbor who summoned a doctor, but 16 efforts were in vain, death coming In a very short time. There is much of real tragedy and sorrow In this unfortunate affair, and the sympathy of the community goes out te bereaved mother and famlly.—Wing- ham Advance-Times. Farmers May Use Mytors Por Marketing Produce n unwarranted rumour has been in oitculation in this part for some oe that actions-has been or were against farmers for hauling mgr from their homes to market o passenger cars. The vrevincia! authorities adverae, however, that there is not the alight- est ground for at Impression. farmer has the right to use his paa- senger car for any purpose connect- ed with his business and can freely take grist to the mill, cream to the creamery, produce to market, or fill ‘t with live stock. The only etipu- lation is that this must be done for himself and not for hire or pay by another party; or change the shape of his car to as to make H a truck. Fell Down Hay Chute— On Saturday, Eddie, 14 year old son of Mr. John Sutherland, Kincar- dine, was seriously injured wh fell 25 feet through a hay a r. W. McLeod, . Eddie was spendng, he day with the McLeod boys, wheat- ‘tend High School here, and while they were In the hay mow he fell into the hay chute head foremost and plunged to the cement floor of the stables below the barn. Several of hts teeth were broken off and driven through his tongue and one shoulder was ‘badly Injured and he Je ors ing from p shaking up.. picked up ta a semi-conscious, condi. tion and when able, was removad- to is home on.Harbor street, where he fs under the doctor's care. ee carding Review-Reporter. HOW TO REACH Mentally pmapett Fo Day There is one sure fine recipe for a Successful Montreal trip—start the day right. Step. into one of the ed eae ne rooms on the 10 as barn r Montreal. ave © satie& night’ a E Anare ities carer pial Wake wp Tra are exceedingly enthue- jastic over the comfort and conven- “Tt’a Just ke a home on wheels” ig the comment of a recent traveller who declares that ft 1s the Ideal way to travel if ona wishes to arrive in Mortreal sed, refreshed and ready tof khe/day's work. : euttfe of the individual | room sleeping cars that has mde them extremely popular is the suc- ceseful manner in whic y vibra- tion that tends to disturb sleep has been eliminated ‘by the special ar- rangement of rooms and beds and the adoption of ae latest type of box spring mattress Reservations in “the room sleeping cars should well ahead re time with Canadian National Agen 11-26 individual Those who complain they can’t hear themselves talk are seldom mic- sing much. YOUR FAMILY’S CHARACTERISTICS TOLD BY THE EYES WHICH PARENT DO THE CHILDREN TAKE AFTER? Color and shape of the eyes indicate nt and ances- ~ eyed plexion. What color are your eyes? EYES ALSO DENOTE THE CONDITION OF YOUR HEALTH Whatever be their color or natural sparkle, their beauty is if they ane ule by fe tion of tiver from constipation The whites of the eyes be t should be clear and slightly bluish. If they show a yellow tinge you need a larative. NATURE’S LAXATIVES ARE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES a’ diet of fruit and its action— be mada} — ‘HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR 3 Live and Dressed Poultry ‘Bought first tobe days of each week p- ©. POR. Freight Shed be (Andrew Clements "Phone Listowel ent of the acer Rogers Model reer 4 Voltage ‘Gia "ol, Ror ey oo Phen Phoucerop r ogers » Phono, “Plug-in” Jack. Genuine Walnut "Cabinet “by at okole. AreYouA Hockey Fan? rice of this Rogers-Batteryless a aA | oir Wy Srety Bate eee ee sing omg age long as you want to keep this Set. And, of course, every other Sporting Event is no farther away than your den, if you own a Rogers-Batteryless. The famous Mode! “Two-Twenty” that preceded this model, sold for $225 =e a Yet this set, with all the new 1929 improvements added costs only $165. complete (except Loud Speaker), $60 /ess than last year! That's why we say without any “if’s”, “and’s” or “but’s” that this particular Rogers Model is the one best “buy” inthe whole field of electric radio, i . . . but don’t take our word for it. Come in’or telephone and ask to have a “Four-Twenty” ii in talled An your home without. obligation. That’s the way to nd gut for yourself what the suit. yourconvenience, ym Os J. A. McINTYRE Your eyes will even solace lnpesved boukt. Listowel,_ Ontario en ‘50° per ton iInore Vite will find, with Sampson Feed, that growing hogs make cheap, gains in weight and keep thrifty; that \ ewes winter well on this well-balanced ration; that fattening cattle become Sleek and well-conditioned from the high protein content. It is just the thing to feed between now and market time. No other low-priced, general purpose feed contains so much valuable protein and so ' little fibre as does In low fibre content it compares with feeds selling $5.00 higher per ton, Let pe quote you prices on any quantity. Sampson Feed contains J 4 Hominy Feed, Oat Chop, Barle \ * Chop, Rye Shorts pas ee Meal. Chemical Analysis Protein 12%; Fat 3%; Fibre 10%, rewire ae. SAMPSON _~ FEED