Mea os bor) ag Bid ci la . oa i When the Christmas season ap- proaches and the advertisements everywhere Are permeated with gift suggestions, it seems hough every known article of merchandise does the gift come in? Well, you can add to his favorite collection, ¢an you-not? Or buy him a lamp that will show off his treasures. ‘Lanyps deserve a complete story in th the Modern Art is offered as a gift—by the at leas is year one fully expects to see some advertiser extolling the merite of his plum colored sink (plum be- ing the favorite color of piumbers) and showing a wife accepting it with leasure from her beaming husband, the faucets being tastefully decorat- ed with holly. Not that we object to mauve or heliotrope sinks! Not in the least. And of course there are wives here and there (no survey has been made as yet) who would prefer a new ink to any other gift they might recelve! However, when gifts for women predominate in the gift shop why choose a eink? Logical Gifts For Men Abeoaaee gifts for men are much harder to find. There are fa ways things in leather, trays galore. But he really an carry more than geven bill sone. and if he doesn’t smoke, what the: y, then you must pel iy - dind a gift that fits his pet hobby—his office, or his bridge game. ‘For the latter, are e6uggested imported cards. ‘A pack of these is of great interest. Instead of the conventional Kings and Jacks, each face is different and as fascinating as a portrait. The Queens are especially Bane: with faces of Tare Tovelines For a man's desk, “Thane are many » =] a ae design and material. Among new gift suggestions Is a combina- tion calendar pad and diary. This 8s a fine tooled cover with gold On morocco. The pad within is bound Into the cover, and the lower edge of each sheet sticks out below and is perforated at the edge of the cover. Each day is dated and may be torn off. Books On Open Shelves Open shelves for books as in a H- brary are becoming a feature of some of the new offices. Besides ‘books, one or two objects d'art may be used appropriately. Should your friend perchance collect pewter, or candlesticks, or old ivory, or clocks, why not place part of hie collertion on the shelves of his office. Where atyle, a lamp seems to fit very nicely | on Into the formalities of office furniture and furnishings. ‘This is one of the couple who are starting house-keep- ing would be a ‘breakfast set for two. Plates, butter plates, cups, egg cups, cereal bowls in paire, a toast rack, a coffee pot, a hot water’jug and the mane sugar and creamer, constitute . These are of cheerful partanenss yellow in English china with bright flowers dashed on the few places where the modern art f'ts | sides without jarring on {ts surroundings. In some renee lamps in this style are good to Fine pela In Lamps It quite possible to fit y A pleces and antiques together e decorators have already shown us. But it takes skill and knowledge to do this. When® it heen to lamps, however, there are o many lovely ones designed, in Italian pottery, (Spanish, Colonial, Venetian, that one need not despair. Before ong leaves the subject of gifts for men, there is one line of gifts t that la comparatively new—it you have plenty to spend, This |'ne includes radio cabinets. One of these was of carved oak in Gothic design with appropriate bronze hinges, a lock and door pulls. An- other one of interest was covered entirely with petit point. One can imagine it fitting In ‘beautifully in some homes Suggestions In Wrought Tron @ man and a-wife have a mutual Interest in, eay, gardening, the em of giving to them is simplified. For their indoor gar- den, there is a number of new sug- gestions in wrought iron. Flower stands {n all sorts of pain and finishes are offered. These hold one, two, three—six pots or more. One-stand resembles a wrought iron gate in its general flat appearance. Here d there on it are arranged pots for trailing yines, Fancy pottery jars to hold plants are Imported from other countries. These are gay and modern in de- sign and color. A number of them are especially designed to hold cact- us. If your friend {fs not collecting cactus you can offer him another var- lety. There is a clever imitation cactua in pale green velvet that most deceptive In its pretty ttle flower pot. Even the spines imitate J o Breakfast Set For Two If one were to conelder gifts in the electric department there are ever 50 many thet a y tive ,too. Waffle irons come in more attractive designs every year. ag ai too, wear new oo gus. Toasters do er thing bet think. haven't eennd one yet that will ae a bell to re- mind one’s husband (who is reading paper at the breakfast table and told to “‘mind the toast") that the toast is done. Oura always finds that out, when it is burned to a crisp. He is so surprised. Even unto the fourth ne at the same meal. EI Grills Useful The electric grills offered to you these days are snough to convince ond bride 7 * Tange is quite un can poach eggs, fry tacos, toast ‘tat cook a few other py things all at the same time—why Va buy a Tange? Right here, we remember our plum colored sink. rand we know this year’s advertising will invite the fond husband to buy one of these butter colored ranges, for the etl i woman for her Christm ( color is especially reoricurenied aot to show splashes). It has always seemed to us-to be a bit hard on Santa to deliver— a ren with chimneys the way they are now, and all—but then, perhaps he doesn’t mind. We think we will ask him some day. (Note, liberal allowances, say ten doHars, allowed on old range). the margin of this recone to note the date of their subscript and when you find it, if your a Py has | & expired, hunt up the necessary a- mount to renew it/one year. A useful present for a@ young BANNER ADS. PAY make your contribution pressiveness. FOR A LADY Fancy Umbrella $5 to $7.50 Fancy Compacts $1 to $10 Two-tone Ivory 50c to $3 Brush, Comb and Mirror If the gift is to be a consequential one, doesn’t your first impulse move .you to gifts of jewelry? That’s because jewelry and silver plate are so firmly established as articles of value denoting a desire to Gold Tie Pirr ........ $2 to’ $10 Gold Filled Cuff Links Pen Sod Pencil Set $3 to $8 im- of utmost FOR A MAN at . $1 to $3 at. . $8.50 to — Ivory me “Sancy Clock at $1.50 to $7.50 Gold Signet Rings $2.50-$8: Wrist Watches ... $6 to $25 Fancy Bracelets $2 to $8 Mesh Bags .... $3.50 to $10 Card Cases ........... $1.00 up ’ Sdmething for all. We are sole agents a Listowel for the Canadian Artists and look them Christmas Conge: Be sure wh ane and Wrist Watches $l $30 ire Belt Sets Heather Wallets $1 to $3.50 Military Brush Sets $3-$10 Chain and Knife $3.50-$8.50 Smoking Sets ........ Coat Hangers 9c to $1.50 ~ And now the leader of them all—the Warwick Gift line. Re gaat tc 50 to 35 to $6 $1 to $4 them over. sa FS eb ar baer corn herb ae, re practical and decora- es + s) if ‘. a, i) ay 7 ~~, 1 FOR REAL BARGAINS IN ‘ Electrical Appliances & LOOK THIS LIST OVER 8 Electric Troms at cccccecscsinecerveee $2.00 and up ectric Toasters at ........ up i Hot Plates and Grills at $1.50 to $7.50 == Full line of Christmas Specials such as Sleighs, Hockey # Skates, Hockey Sticks and Pucks, Table and Pocket # Cutlery, Aluminum and Silverware. Prices the Lowest—Goods the Best in Adolph’s Hardware ; gx toascd polo ica ah doh [eh Jed Jd Pd} sia [oa Sk Dod Did Pond Pd Fed Pood Jed Sk Se Toys Stationery — Dolls - Cigars Books Canes Chocolates See Our Beautiful Toilet Sets, Gift Sets, Compacts pony? Make It A Family Ch ristmas & Perfumes BIGGEST ASSORTMENT OF TINSEL & CREPE PAPER DECORATIONS, CANDLES, ICICLES, SNOW, ETC. —AT— LIVINGSTONE’S Orb ar dyed lod) -d)-d) a) a) al ald) dd) ddd) ddd dad dt a Fb of ayo De Toa 2 aycd Joa atoa) Par her bar * Yes ge s Maa hd ih Pa « A fine selection of ladies’ Hat Boxes and Dressing Cases, priced from $4.75 *° $12.00 (evegeitny 1 Men's special at Men’s 3-buckle Golosh, special at Men's House Slippers in plain and fancy plaid colors $1.00 to $2.25 Men’s Leather Romeo, turnsole cushion A very generous sel- ection in all wool jer- sey cloth and cotton materials in the new- est styles and patterns. All first quality goods. Those new boudoir Slippers. Just the kind that sister or mother would appre- ciate in felt and silk finished materials. red Fo oe ee Pd Fe $2.50 and $3.00 $2.95 styles in FOR CHILDREN ‘We have a good assortment of Hockey Shoes, Felt House Slippers Moccasins, Goloshes, Socks, and Leather Eootwerr at. yes saree from 60c to 7 50 Club Bags, genuine cowhide, hand stitched frames find drop handles, A real $15.00