| 3° Directory These Advertiver Whenever You Need the s of Reliable Business or Professional Men Y the Sabectal. eé to Ioan. Office on south side n street, over Zinn's store. Bonds for Sale. ©, MORTON SCOTT, B.A. ee wm, Notary Public, Convey- ig Office over Bank of Montreal, 4 P Wallace Street. ~ 7D. G. CAMPBELL, B. A. | Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer } Office over ‘sn & Johnston, di _ Wallace atree Phone, Omics 149 ‘DENTAL Ww. G. E. SPENCE - Dentist, Graduate of the Dentist ' Jepartment of Universiey of Penn- wivania, Philadelphia; also _ ate of The Royal College of Dental | @urgeons, Toronto. Office over * Schinbein’s store. For painleas extraction we use nit- | rous oxide oxygen gas, also conduct- | ive anaesthesia. , R. F. TAYLOR, L.D.S.; D.D.8. i Graduate of the Royal College of - Dental Surgeons, and of Toronto Un- : Nitrous Oxide Gas for Extractions. Office over J. C. McDonald's store. : Phone 60. BF. BT.°0. WILSON, eee D.D.S. ' Graduate of Royal ege of Dental Surgeons, Toronto OTatdacaiey 23 for Oftice over Red and @ Store | AUCTIONEER W. J. DOWD 2sDECEMBERS | |SUN |MON/TUES| WED ERI | SAT Z The forerunncrof colds and grippe. Hieat and inhale Min- ard’s and rub it on the throat and chest. The great preventive, 7 Herbs to Heal Those Sore, Sick ‘Bronchial Tubes Pa ser i gertie Indian Lung Remedy comes right from the Heart of Nature Don't be miserableall Winter. If you're to _Bronchiti similar ille— Prag oO > gg ondpee pr wg es - Auctioneer Gallagher Tecbal Homebolt Rove, Real Estate Insurance|” aged Phone 246, Listowel. E. M. Creighton, Listowel MEDICAL seces A. G. SHIELL, M.D. a Physician and Surgeon Diseases of Women at Surgery. yt Office Inkefman Street, West. Opposite Presbyterian Church. DR. Be J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 5 aeotee in medicine, University of Toro Late pol New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye and Golden — Throat Hose- pitals, London, En 53 Waterloo St. Stratford. Phopé 267 Will be at the Queen's Hotel, Lis-| "| NOW towel on the first Monday in t month, from 10 a. m. to4 p.m INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE * Im best companies; also accident, su- tomobiles, burglary, plate glass and | bond insurance, Automobile Insur-) ance, §5 cts. eolicited. E. D. per 100. Your business BOLTON. } Did you ever try Ford Coke? If not, try a Ton | | Robert Oliver Phone 4 Listowel E. L. ROBINSON Gowanstown Ontario Representing eset Life Assur- ance Co. Head Office, Toronto. FUNERAI ™ RECTOR W. F. Mc LAUGHLIN Funeral Service Reeldence and Parlor Main St. East. Night and day calls. Phone 227. Cook’s Regulating Compound , reliable farulating wchine Sold — de ‘o. 2, $3; NS : per Bold wl yp Ba or sent : receipt of price ree pamphiet. . Address; COCK MEDICINECO. bit Dep tlg (Formerly Windsor} Banner Readers Whose subscriptions have expired, are re- spectfully urged to re- new promptly. It is — | And Here It Is | the greatest Throat, Congh and Ton- sll remedy works won- ders and is guaranteed. Good re- sults or money back. Try it. Mrs. Sybilla Spehr'’s Tonsillitis, E. M. Creighton, Listowel; E. G. Coghlin, ood. SEE CANADA FIRST The twin coastal] cities, Vancouver | and Victoria, at this time of the year appeal with endlees charm to the holiday makers, wanderers and tired business men and women, for the weather Js ideal and the follage in the gerdens and parks of won- drous color. Not qa day passes, too, but sees the twelve golf courses gay with happy and enthuslaatic players, while riding in the early morning and afternoon {s particularly favor- ed. There,are spledid motor high- ways on Vancouver Island and In- numerable ones running into Van- couver City from all directions. The winter season's attractions include theatres and concerts of the highest caltbre, while the Hotel Vancouver at Vancouver and the world renown- ed Empress at Victoria are the cen- tres of the social and commercial activities of the two cities and dis- tricts. During the winter the Can- adian Pacific Railway operates the only through train from Toronto to Vanvouver. “Vancouver Ex- Drees” leaves the Union Station every night at 9.00 and reaches the com@t four days later. Comfortable and convenient cennections can be made with all western polnts by us- ing this famous train. Full information ae nearest Canadian Pacific, Agen 12-27 The first surplus in alix years shown by the Provincial Government was in 1927, but if a compari¢on was }mede, the showing.in the last two years would have been very unfay- returna from fe | | 6|7\8 1314/15 20)21/22 28/2! 2(3/415 Q 1O\11 |12 17/18 |19 x24 (25126127 Che Listowel Banner The Atwmand Bee (Amalgamated Oct., Ist., 19238.) Published Thursday of each week. Bight to sixteen pages, seven col- umns to the page. All home-print. Can wu Bubseription rate $2. ‘ear, strictly In advance: Brad $2. 50. ix months $1.00; three months 60c. To subscribers in the United States 50¢ additional for postage. The Banner and Bee has the cir- enlation—several hundr more than its competitor—and excels as an eorecens inedium e do job printing of all kinds. E. §. HUDSON. Editor and Proprietor. Member Canadian Weekly Newespa- per Association Thursday, December 13th Editorial editorial in an exchange says: “There are no pirates now ex- cept In China.” What about ban- dits, who are nothing less than land pirgtes? There are more of them than the old time pirates of the sea. An The advertising columns of this week's Banner are excellent guide There are not many weekly papers In towne of this e'ze with such an array of attractive Christmas adver- tising, or local business ‘concerns announcing such a varlety of pres- ents for the youngest to tie oldest and at prices to fit all purses. It Banner be your guide for Christmas shopping. Read every ad. and you will be the gainer. into this office last week and spok> of the appearance of Wallace stree: last Tuesday afternoon with Its ar- ray of garbage and ash cane all along the street. He favored gar- | bage collection all right but he |} thought that the garbage should bo ‘collected earlier on euch a main | street as Wallace, and on the high- | way alt that. The array of refnge gave a bad impression to people | coming Into the town. l that ff it took all day to collect the gurbage that the principal streeta! | should be attended to first and that ‘other streete not on the main trav- elled roads to and from town should be left to the last. And there is considerable to his contention! -= And while we're on that subject there may be more said, We believe that ority of all the been pleased with the garbage col- lection as conducted by the Board of Health during the past summer and fall, and that they would like to see {t continued during the winter months, at least once a week, The eollectian has accomplished its ob- ject and has been well carried out, but it might be made even more effective during next year. We may be wrong In an idea we have, but we believe that if the Board of Health was to buy a good horse and rig, secure ¢ competent man, that all the garbage could be collected, by dividing the town’ into districts and collecting a certain dis- trict each day; the streets could ‘be kept clean, the grass could be cut On the streets; on the {cy walks in the winter time— and at practically the same cost as the garbage is being collected for now or maybe a Ilttle more. If this could be done money could be saved by the municipality. . AN EGG A DAY. (Brockville Recorder-Times) Canadians eat 356 eggs per person in a year, or nearly am ege a day, In the United States the consumption of eges je 207 eggs per capita, In Belgium 213, France 133, Germany 117, and ih Great Britain 130. Can- .ada.has invariably taken the lead in poultry advancement and the post- tion of “chief egg consumér” right- eupendet will beta. your Interest to.let The} op. ~ A citizen of Zima township came! He thought | the great — householders have | sand could be spread ly belongs to her. She preaches ogg A total of $103,114.13 hes been id Poke Lan regind and con- He ‘estimated that approximately $5,000 would be rey, itred to cover outstanding accounts and work not yet eaves so that the expend!- ture for cou ork this year will be woul within the estimate of $142,000 set at the begining of the year. et Notwithstanding the fact that backward weather interfered at times with the progress of the work, a total of 29 miles of road was graded and 74 miles re-surfaced, in addition to the construction of a cul- vert south of Mitchell; two culverts north -of Kirkton and extensions north of Rostock, west of Monkton and south of Dublin. Of the 160 gmiles in the county road eystem, 66 miles have now been widened and brought up to standard requirements. The remain- ing sections will gradually be steand- ardized as time permits, An official report covering the maintenance and constriction work done on county roads in the various townships, to- gether with expenditures and other details for the yéar, is now in the course of preparation and will be published when completed. “ CONFEDERATION“ TRAIN EDMONTON er ee PLEASANT, COMFORT. Canadian National Railway offi- clals are being congratulated on hav- ing continued the popular “Confed- eration’ in coureins between Tor- onto and Edmon he st an has eliminated most of the delays experienced by travellers crossing the Prairies in the winter time as it provides a fast, through, comfortable service o Edmonton, via Winnipeg. Bran- don, Regina and Saskatoon. By rs route good connections are made t all important points by lines mon fa ing from these The splendid eatinnant and cour- teous service—always a feature of the “Confederation"—ensure a plea- sant journey without the discom- fort of winter travel. Full information and reservations from any Canadian National Reail- ways Agent 12-27 || The Cook’s Corner | posts for the early holiday shoppers. | — Macaroons 2 egg whites, 1 cup sugar, half, tea- spoon vanilla, 1 cup cocoanut, 2 cups Kellogg’s Corn aon half cup of nut meats (cho Beat the oan whites until stiff, add the sugar gradually, then add the vanilla, cocoanut, Corn Flakes and nut meats. Drop by spoonsful ae -parend cake in erate oven (400 d macaroons are a delicate brown. Orange Biscuits 2 cups flour, 4 tsps. baking pow- der, half tsp. ealt, 1 tbsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. of grated orange rind, half cup shortening, three quarter cup Hk. Mix end sift dry ingredients, add “range rind. Cut in shortening. Add milk to make a dough. Toss on floured board and cut in small raunde. In the centre of each bis- cult, place a emall lump of sugar whieh has been dipped in orange juice. Boke In a hot oven (425 de- grees F) for about fifteen minutes. Chocolate Cookies | Cream one half cup butter with jane cup eranulated suear; add three |squares of unsweetened chocolate, |} melted, and one egg. Sift two cups | of flanur with two teaepoons of bak- ling powder and a pinch of salt and | stir this dry mixture Into the first i mixture alternately with one-fourth !eup of cold, sweet milk. Place this | batter in your ice box overnight and } next day roll out, cut In clrcles, foes with granulated sugar and ake 10 minutes in_a hot cven. Sour Cream Cookies Beat one egg well and into it stir one cup of sugar and three-quarters a cup of eour cream, then add two cups of flour sifted with three- e'ghths of a teaspoon of soda, pinch of salt and one and one-half teaspoons of baking powder. Drop this batter hy teaspoonsfule one Inch apart on a buttered pan and bake 15 minutes in a moderate oven. -~ Surprise Apples Peel and core tar apples; fill the cavity with chopped raisins or dates, nuts and sugar. Place in a baking pan and add haif cup of water. Bake in a slow oven until tender.. When almcst done place a marshmallow on each apple and bake until the marshmallow is a golden brown. If the gang ed {s omitted. age apples may be served ag a sal- with whipped akhash dressing. or dressin ng. e Egg Cake % cup butter. % oup sugar, 1 egg, % p 144 cups four, 2% teaspoons Dakide powder. Cream the bntter, add sugar grad- ually. Then the. well-beaten egg. Sift flour and baking powder. Add alternately with milk to fir#t mix- ture, Bake thirty minntes in shallow pan. ad. boiled Spanish Rice Cover the bottom of a baking dish with a thick laver of ‘bailed rice, Pour over th'é a can of tometo soup, If it does not moisten it sufficiently, add milk. Place sausage on top and bake they are cooked. This Is a d cold weather lal oe If there are gm fdr # obi =| teoahines ; tpn water, scp brown| $103,114 For Good Roads 5 dish of rice for tien a tg the mae Vv ble for NIGHT COUGHS FAMILY SIZE 75¢ TRIAL SIZE 35¢ PER BOTTLE BRONCHITIS Children Love ASTHMA AFTER A COLD BUILD STRENGTH ON Scott's Emulsion Gas Made Her Cross, Can't Eat or Sleep F nikon Wanted | WILL pay highest market price for geese and duck feathers. You can bring them in or phone and I will call. L. SCHURE Residence over Kibler’s Shoe Stoe. Phone 288 Listowel “When I ate tet wi would bloat up with gas. I couldn't sleep, was c and nervous. Adlerika has given me real rellef,"—Mrs. M. Meyer... - Adlerika relleves stomach gas and sourness in TEN minutes, Acting on BOTH upper and lower bowels, it removes old waste matter yon never thought was in your system. Let Adlerika give your stomach and bowels a real cleansing and see how much ne ad you coe It will sur- prise yo Creighton’ Store. pan and heat. Cover and cook gently until apples are tender. Re- move apples from the syrup with skimmer or wire egg beater and place on serving dish. In another pan mix ,cornstarch and milk thor- oughly, heat to i? point, stir- ring comstantly. Add syrup from apple and boll five to teh minutes until flour or starch ia well cooked. Add salt, butter, vanilla, stir well and pour over cooked fruit. Serve either hot or cold as a deasert. CRANBERRY \JELLY Cook one quart of cranberries and Oe cup of water in covered ae five or six minutes. Press throug a siege and stir in two cups of ieee and without reheating pour the mix- ture into the mould or jelly jars. Do not return to the flre after the sugar js added or the mixture will Radio Fans Is your Radio Set giving you the Sat isfaction that it should? If Not : Why Not? Give us a call and we will tell you Phone No. 455 , Radio Repairing and Service for All Makes of Sets Prompt and Courteous Service M. H. C. Hemsworth Doorway East George’s Restaurant - Main Street not jelly. The etrong acid of the cranberry In connection with high heat “splits the sugar and inter- feres with the jellying process. MENNONITE SETTLEMENT (Kitchener Record) ~oloany of Mennonite farmers, pric soT g of 26 families, Is to be es- tablished pens Harrow, in Essex County. n allotment of 207 acres will be divided into 26 small truck | farms and a village ed be built in the centre of the colon This get- tlement will be the first of a chain of farm cdlonies throughout the county. Essex county could mot choose a more promising type of settler for its colonization scheme. Noted Red | thelr thrift, their industry and t moral uprightness, the Mennonites have shown themselves to be a ac- | quisition ty any ne! ahberiined which they have chosen to etait their homes. Waterloo county owes much of sl present prosperity to its Mennonite popuiation. Many of farms in the county are owned by this fine type of settler. Their! bulld'ngs, ve stock and fields bear! testimony to the laborious care ex- pended and it's a rare, ff not un-| known spectacle, to see a run-down! farmed owned or tenanted by Men-/ nonites. | Esséx. county makes no mista ke! in encouraging the settlement of. these thrifty and industrious people. | They hav good elsewhere. | They will doubtless live up to their, igh reputation amid their new sur- roundings., | the finest \ t Induction ” South Kinloss— McLaren was inducted | Into the BBs charge of the churches of South K'nioss and Kin- lough last Thursday in the presence arge congregation. Rev. John Pritchard of Molesworth and Gorrie einducted the devotional exercises and preached the sermon. Rev McDonald, moderator of Maitland Presbytery, conducted the Induction service. The address to the min- fster was given by Rey. Dr. Forbes of Teeswater and Rev. John Pol- lock of Whitechurch addressed the people,—Teeswater News, =~ WESTWARD HO “where Quality Counts” Quality maintained is far better than quality | —-, = bp th page are amples of value, visit to bn Renamer Store will convin that “Where ce Quality Counts” is no idle boast. FULL 24-07. Malaga Cluster Raisins .14b. pkt. 35¢ Glace Cherries ........... Va Ib. 25 A scerar 1 ()- Maraschino Cherries . ten. if 12 Troan ' Lemon on Gy Hees Peel ... «thes Ae. Citron Peel ........55. oeee Weapped feat Cut Mixed ot cid tere 4 .. ixed Nuts i ‘ G ar = shia “inhale 2 “ Hs6 Brazil Nuts .........csye -Ib. 27 e aims. 6.6.0... ; gona Almonds ........Ib. 27¢ © Bulk Dates ...... seuees +2 Ibe, 21c , Filberts ........ oss scbsees din ae i : van Dates ......... 2 pkts. 35¢ Manchurian Walnuts ....... Tb: 1Bc bSmnyron Figs .......0......+ Ib. 19¢ | Shelled Almonds ae ees Vs, Th, 30c CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S DON'T FORGET Marmalade ‘$27 23¢ Butter ™ fst * 1; 46¢ cee Chests rr aga Fey Size. = A Delightfal Aiettananhak By Soa ay Christie’ s Water Ice Wafers. “ag 50c Armour's Wi nes—Part, ats = vier so meagan STvEne 1D Campfire Salada Japan Green TEA »« ». 35¢ 7-lb. Bag Five Roses Flow i Tin Cook's Friend Baking Powder SPECIAL ie DEAL ; hee 6 Tle “s -— All good Canadians realize that Canada fsa country to be proud of, but how many, however, have tried to visualize the remarkable variety and vastness of this colt Dom- | infon? It is only thro travel that the immens'ty and cetatentian! natural beauty of our great heritagg| is rediized. Travelling westward to | the Pacif'c Coast we pars mighty! rushing rivers, innumerable lakes! and dense lumbering regions, thence} acroes the wide prairies and thro ugh | the magnificent Rockies, a revel-| ation of peerless scenic grandeur— | then Vancouver and Victoria, these! gems of the North Pacific. where| the -warm ginier: winds make year- round golf po Te. Travel taciiities are of the best. @ year round ‘The ’ widely known THAT BETHLE*FIEM STAR is still telling the world of the story. of the one Greatest Service; it keeps implanted i in. the minds of men the value of sincerity. oftiont WA. BRIT TON f eesvenc DIRECTOR OF *