epee De Pie Seer Oder Pie Pee eee | roy By “ Wool Mittens at .°.""-35¢ to 75e Wool Searfs at o0........; Se Pe * Long Thick Fur Pocket. | at see | Nad Aled od icd bd a dl dl dl dd) od) dd) dd dd) ad) dd dd ed ae Lingerie ~ If you are troubled with your Christmas gift list, solve all your worries by selecting from this smart array of exquisite silken Undies in all the popular well known makes such as Harvey, Mercury and Griffin. Harvey Silk Bloomers, at $1.00 to $2.50 Harvey Vests, lace trim- med, at .. 75c¢ to $1.25 Mercury Bloomers, all sizes 75e to Griffin Vests and Bloom- ers, guaranteed run- proof, assorted sizes, Silk Brassiers $1.25-$1.65 Silk Pyjamas $4.50-$6.75 . | Silk Kimonas, all colors, at .. $6.25 to $6.75 When in Doubt, Give Gifts - GIVE SILK SCARFS A most acceptable gift for mother, sister or friend. We have dozens to choose from in all the bright new attractive shades, both plain and combination of colors in georgette and crepe de chene. Some silk fringe, others have lace trimmings, others have neat hem stitched hems. Crepe Scarfs 98c to $4.50 Georgette Scarfs, -1.25-4.50 Plain Crepes $1.25 & $1.50 Silk Crepe Squares, $2.50 Knitted Silk Scarfs worth up to $5 for ........... $1.50 YES, SHE WOULD AP. PRECIATE GLOVES did assortment of Gloves to choose as gifts. Fancy Kid Gloves at $2.50 Washable Crepe Gloves, at .... . $2.50 New Styles! Let Us Sugg new colored leathers. We suggest that you select your own supply for the ca aa $1 to $2.50 coming season as well as Christmas gifts. Please shop Silk G ‘all a i We can offer the early early for a good choice of.colors and styles. $1 89 pr a 52.50 to $3.50 Christmas shoppers a splen- PRC BE asa cl. sss carigyeonrencascabaseccxnpigneterectansorhantictn . est Hand Bags These bags at $1.89 are without a doubt the best hand bag values we have ever offered. Eyery bag is new and all are silk lined and attractive new styles. Many | Pric : oe Assorted Colors! ——= te Ae 2S A Gift for _ Every Baby | : Santa, of course, can be depend- : ed upon to make baby happy on Christmas day with toys. . But it remains for the rest of us to ‘\select cunning gifts of apparel. mm: : Wool Booties ab... 25e to 75c Woof Bonnets: at...-....... ne, 95e Wool Pullovers Wool Jackets at .... Wool Vests at. .......... Fancy Bibs at ........ 256 to 50e ‘ Wool Sets—Sweater, Pullover; Mitts and* Cap-at ......:..:.. $4.25 Wool Suits, assorted colors, ‘at « } : $2.50 to: Wool Séarf and Cap, Set $1.25 Babe’s Wool Shawls, white, at Baby’s Silk Kimonas at .... Baby’s* Wool Knee , Booties at Baby’s Silk Bonnets at .... $1.50 Baby’s Angora Mitts at ........ 75c May We Suggest You Give Her A Pretty Parasol — & Fur Lined Kid Gloves, at e ‘aa b "ep sessnsbecsnseees $3.75 sie ae bhthy ake ia S er A . . purple or ack, wi ancy 4 a Handkerchiefs Wool Lined Kid shes 7% ivory handles, tips and ferrules. ‘ + Our whole store is in a grand aoe . , A beautiful heavy cloth with R A array of colorful Handkerchiefs. Fancy Chamoisette Gloves tape edge, at secteeeatiecsnae QED i be a have kiddies’ at Se to 25c. at 49¢ to $1.00 8 = adies’ Hdkfs. in plain colors, H Ch . Glov - R 3 with fancy cornérs, Plain whites se eee i « with faney corners, also whites at... 7Se to $1.00 iia A MAN'S GIFT STORE : 4 with fancy colored corners at Si . j i 5 10c, 3 for 25¢ 5c, + for S0c oe Last Minute Suggestions i % Po — we _ aw ae A se ae — ’ fm i oc, or . or ancy ts nderwear “lS A te arouse 25c to $1 Handkerchiefs Stoves é R ——— —___ oy use = hiram: Dad, Brother or em Seat ae awe in : , ‘ Gentleman Friend Hats Caps _ Suits 3 fa ra | Yes, Watch Him Smile when He Overt aircbes = RANCY WOOL SOx Our stock never was Broadcloth Pyjamas a ry Opens up that as large or so complete Flannelette Pyjamas Hundreds of fancy wool a Muffler a range as we have to Garters and silk and wool and all q offer the early Christ- Every’ gift sent ‘out in a silk Sox in plain and fancy E Every man would b® glad to mas shoppers. Every special satin fancy Christ- combination colors. Every 3 receive a muffler such as this, tie a guaranteed qual- . mas box from ‘Chapman pair neatly boxed, at va Silk Scarfs, fancy checks $1.75 ity and the best that Bros. 50c, 65c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 vi Silk Squares, fancy checks. money can buy. at its Ne mm f at price. A big choice of mR Fe! All Wool, fancy checks, at polka dots, club stripes No gift is more acceptable to any man than-a real good ii I * — $1.00 to $1.50 and floral - patterns. plain or fancy Dress Shirt |e : Pure while heavy Egyptian Every tie neatly boxed x ise Fuji Silk Scarfs at. $1.50 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 ris f: The same quality, white with + ca i . small blue figures 1.65-2.50 \ BR E 3 : —. GIVE HIM Fancy Eng- he ; AS ti : ‘ A SHIRT Meh Bee ae n ; cloths in . ugges 10 May We Suggest For That of plain stripe or figs it GIVE HIM A SWEATER sere at = broadcloth R ‘ Many new lines in Pullovérs a SATHROBE pet gpa a fae ¥ and fancy Coat Sweaters, suit- a or sand, all she able for young or old and at ceptable gift for ap ee sizes, at der Prices to meet every pocket. We are showing them in a $1.95 . Pullovers at ........ $1.50 to $5.00 good assortment of pretty : i Coat Sweaters at ... $2.25 to $6.50 A big variety of colors and a good assortment of sizes. colors and color combina- tions. Sizes 38 to 44, Mod- erately priced, $5.95, $7.50 ® CHAPMAN BROS. PHONE71 “The Store That Sells For Less” - ay*" i tee f i + i, 5 é ‘ } F Ald) Ald ald) dl ddl dl dy dl dd lode a a Se a es es a a eg i ee a *