Listowel Banner, 27 Dec 1928, p. 2

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ctory! is ever You Need the or Professional Men mk of Montreal, | ace Street. { Y CAMPBELL, B. A. er, Solicitor, Conveyancer over Bolton & Johnston, etreet. Office 149 Heat and inhale Min- ard’s and rub it on the throat and chest. The great preventive. ~\"DENTAL W. G, E, SPENCE Dentist, Graduate of the Dentist ate of The Royal College of Dental surgeons, Toronto. Office over Schinbein's estore, For painless extraction we use nit- rous oxide oxygen gas, also conduct- Ive anaésthee! Herbs, all Herbs, Gallagher’s Keeps You Wonderfully Well R. F. TAYLOR, L.D.8.; D.D.8. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, and of Toronto Un- Nit itrows Oxide Gas for Extractions. vitice over J. C. McDonald's store. Phone. 60, ¥. oe C. WieOx. — 2 ot| taduate of Royal College o Take it. Eat better. Sleep Dental Gargoots, Toronto Univers! fx work, play better. - fo over Med sna White ® Office over Red rir ite Store Mother Nature's own good iving power, thesd are what in healt! agher’s Tonic and System MEDICAL Builder so good. It really works wonders es f Ming as bars ane po nervy: olk w ve skin A, G. SHIELL, M.D. Even dia ema yields to it. Physician and Surgeon Try a hires P 4 en keep ita, cleat of cold weather i as other - Diseases of Pang 44 and Surgery. Herbal H i lipo Office Inkefinan Street, West." | by Fe Opposite Presbyterian Church. E. M. Creighton, Listowel DR. F. J. R. FORSTER — Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ur in medicine, University of Toro Late on celstant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye and Golden Square Thrdat Hos- pitals, London, Eng. ‘aterioo Stratford. Phone 207 Will be at the Queen's Hotel, Lis- towel on the first aaa i‘ the month, from 10 a. m. 4p. INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE in best companies; also accident, au- tomobiles, burglary, plate glass and ane insurance. Automobile insur- nee, 85 cts. per 100. Your business eolicited. E. D. BOLTON Did you ever try Ford Coke? If not, try a Ton NOW Christian? Feeding Experiment At High School towel nt Schoo! Staff) Wednes On poultry feodina experiment Department Listowel High Sch x | by careful feeding and sold on Wed., Dec. 12th. The hbirde rooster, four Barred Rock Hena and one Barred Rock cockerel,* were bought by the pupils. The aim of the experiment was: (1) to determine the use of differ- ent fattening mashes; (2) to mine the use of different liquids in the wet mash, such ds milk, butter- milk and ekim milk; (3) to quaint the pupile with an elemen- tary knowledge of scientific feeding | of poultry for market. It conag, After being etarved a short | time, the birds were fed twice daily! from vover-feeding veid trouble 18 days and every two days the pens were cleaned out. clously tional ordora, Financially the « experlment clent to cover nearly the cost of their maintenance. Commenting on the value of such practica) Instruction {t might be sald that it gives the pupil «a knowledge of what scientific feeding means on the farm. It also .acquaints him with what can be done to the “culls” from: the laying flock on the farm. It is of educational value since it co4+ordinates the handa an the brain or practice and theory, This is only one phase of the work done under the Department of Agri- culture course at the High School. A pup!l learns to test milk, keep a garden, examine seed grain for im- purities, use of tools, the tying of knots, etc., as well as getting a gen- era but useful edudition in science, mathematics, English book- keeping, etc. to give boys who do not intend , December 12th, a was wo brought to a close under direction| years with credit if a pupil , | of the pupils taking the work of the! te ao i the Agricultural College at of pb culture at tf chickens wate. crate fattened | (A. D. Hember, B.S. A., of the Lis-; leave the farm for other work, a | good o » one Ancona | Training, E deter-j ance has grown sufficiently to show ac-}ed in the epecial course in Agricul- was also found out that An-| body or committee made up of four | which are a laying breed, do| members of the Board of Education not fatten so easily as Barred Rocks | and four members actually engaged which are general purpose poultry. | in farming. and started on a small ration to a-) idea Feeding proceeded over a period ot! jects to the needs o Disinfectant judi- | used prevented any objec-| similar nature but peculiar to their was! Dressmaking, Mi inary, justifiable since it practically paid | purpose of for itself, the birds bringing in suffi-| that of the one for farm boys, e¢., canal e: Aig The purpose of the course le tot eneral academic education plus practicn] work In agricultural subjects, ‘The covers two wishes Whe en space permits farm mechan- sta ig taught in conjunction with the uras and this involves Manual Machine Repairs, Farm Gas Engines, Lighting, and Ventilation Systems, Machinery, pempate Sin nee its Introduction to the High Schoo! in January, 1928, the attend- that there is a demand for instruc- tion of a vocational nature as offer- ture. In connection with this particular | course there Is a special advisory | cipal. Guaranteed Inves Just send your ch W. A Safe Investment CHE first rule of investment is to require absolute safety of the prin- The British Mortgage and Trust Corporation has been safeguarding people's money for fifty-one years: tment Certificates bear 5% half-yearly. eque. British Mortgage and Trust t Corporation Its safety is beyond a doubt. Term five years. There is no better investment. 0 Albert St. a GREGORY, Ai aa vg This body functions in ain advisory capacity to the instruc- | ter In charge of the work, with the of aiding in obtaining pupils |}and in suiting the agricultural sub- the special types of farming In the community, Farm girls may take work of a eatic Sclenca, ete. e a course parallels h as om such For Straight Legs For Baby—Give Scott’s Emulsion ide a girl who intends to re- on the farm a general, useful ounauticts over a period of two years. These courses should appeal to those boys and girls who can only attend school after late harvest up until seeding time in the spring of the next year. e cost to the pu- pil is practically nothing . Under the Vocational Education Act money grants are available for buildings, equipment and teachers’ salaries when it can be shown that there ie sufficient demand for voca- tional education. Vocational Agri- culture is ge successfully taught le and Ren- frew in Ontar Whe shacation of this type will fulflll the needs of a class not re- ulring the entrance qualifications to the profession, then je it ot worth @ little consideration? Sunday School Lesson REVIEW: PAUL THE WORLD CHRISTIAN December oa 1928 Golde ‘ext Fer me to, tee is Christ, (Phil, 1:21). In reviewing the quarter's lessons in addition to the topic suggested as the title of the review the son Committee suggests additionel topics for different grades as follows: “The Secret of Paul's Greatness,’ an “The Life and Achievements Paul.” Let us look for light on all three topics as we run through the leasone. The Golden Text shows why Paul was necessarily a ‘world Christian.” Christ was his life. Christ ia in- terested (n the whole world, loves the whole world, died to save the world, How can any one whose life is’ Christ be anything but a world Every normal Christian t be interested in all those whom Christ died to save. "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gos- pel to every creature’ (Mark 16 15) was ‘8 last commission. Paul took the Lord at His word and nga E. L. ROBINSON Gowanstown Ontario Representing Imperial Life Assur- - ance Co. Head Office, Toronto, Robert Oliver am. | Phone 4 Listowel FUNERAI AIRECTOR» E Diccrimination Is The Better Part) W. F. Mc LAUGHLIN | Pier a To travel in a distingaished man- her across the continent ts the wish always cf discriminating travellers, and If your journey ends {in Callifor- nia or along the Pacific coast, ask the nearest agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway to map out your itinerary 69 that you will recelve the Cook k’s Reguiating Compound full qu wenery. <A winter in California wiil give you an album ;}of memeries. Pleasant memories af "a fase!nating country possessing a virtual infinity of charm. Grand ‘uneral Service Residence and Parlor Main St. East. Night and day calls. Phone 227, a Ere mal. ad Ene mountaing stretching into the sea, ses. pemiphiet. : orese © ache - “4 EDICINE CO., sent ehaped beaches that are al ways gold except when the moon turns them silver and coed frult that THE COCK TOPONTO,ONT. (Pomariy inde} | | only California know The ally cr | play consists of soit, polo, tennis Yachting, fishing and even flying. Dancing is for the moonlit nights. The more serious sports include hunting, but you can ulso be as lazy as you Wish Fsr information n J. Livingstone Cc. P, R., Listowel. Banner i | Readers . and tickets call “icket Agent, c “HIS NAME LIVETH FOREVER- MORE—" Wright was right and the reat were wroug. when they eald he couldn't fly— We ~_ him now as or _plcnpas of | e legions of the « ‘Edison Is a stacee whom owe a life-long debt— the guy who thought of holl- days—that man’s the greatest! yet! Whose subscriptions Ne, have expired, are re- spectfully urged to re« It is necessary that al] sub- And But we new promptly. Columbus wes a r of brains, tough they said he was a fool, But as we know, he showed them up, when he came across the pool. Bill Shakespeare, too, was 4 genius tf? make you cry and laugh— But the guy who thought of holl- days—build him ‘a cenotaph! gph ie Alexander Bell eee Ford, tevenson and o Who Auaccien all thelr genius 5 the ‘welfare of their We build them’ or them 4 scriptions be paid advance. "PHONE nonumente \ | | God "Thits wit bride its fellows. ed. Any Christian who Is not world Christian is a disobed: ent | Christian, who is born again by faith in Christ have fs Christ. “‘He that hath the} Son hath life: and he that hath not the Son of God hath nat life” John 4:12). So the secret of Paul's greatness was Christ and opty c nr ist. The secret of 9 life and thiere ments was Christ. 1. Paul in erhesen: (Acts 18:1- miracles and other great gifts he put love. For God ‘3 greater than id of His gifts and God is love matter what cur talents may be. pecple think more of our love anything elae we hare? Lo the secret of Paul's groatnes. 8. Christian Stewardsh'p. (2 Cer inthians 8:1 to 9:15). let pe He showed that not depend what we have, but on the sp'r which we give. He wos greatest givers that ever lived 4. Paul's Last Journey to alem. (Acts 20:1 to 22:17; 2 Corl thians 11:28). In «utter eegerd oF h’s own safety Paul jto the efty that was | most dangerous piace world. | He was reat mone he was abso- lutely self-forget 5. .World's Tempe rance (Romans 13:1-14), Temperanca means saltoontror ats wos mn other eecret of Paul's greatness, The normal Christian life led by Christ's control of Dronkenness and other sins are im-/ possible while Christ ontrols Nfe. Sunday. elf 6. Peare and Gog aki seeOne Men. (Romana 12 Here ods call to present ang are ‘ living sacrifice to Him. mede this act a secre: of his life and ach God "s bow ad to be life given en wholly #, cannot fall, her | 7. Paul's (Acts. 21 Let ua remember, also, that the| be able to gainsay nor = roaist." Golden Text describes not only Paul| (Luke 21-12-15). — but every real Chr‘stian; every one 10. Paul oo to Rome. (Acts The only true Hfe that any ove can (1| 1 Ephesians 4.1-16). Paul's | Nfe on board when the ship went preaching turned people away fro m | down. The Holy Spirit is always the false gods and injured an ant'-; prect'eal, and He Was n secret of Christian business. Do Hives | Paul's greatness and achievement and our words turn people away| Paul and His Friends, (Acts from the wrong and to the right? i Oe Y, Romans 16:1-4: Pniiip- 2. Spiritual Gifts. (1 Corinth-! piqng 2:96-1 Philemon.) Few. if lans 12 to 14). Paul always pu any other men in Paul etsicration. firet things first, and above even had such friends. When the Friend than’ ve was Paul did not people think of giving as a duty, Mm rd ! fended himeelf by telling, in great detail, the story of his conversion, Paul was saved and he knéw he was saved, end he knew he was His definite knowledge of hie salvation was a secret of Paul's greatness. We should be as sure o our own as Pau) was of 8. The 20:86-39; ; sians 8:14-21; lonians 1:2-5.) Because Christ was Paul's life, Paul's was a Iife of prayer. Chr'st “ever liveth to make intercession.” (Heb. 7.26). And Paul knew what it meant to “pray without ceasing.” (1 Thess. 5:17.) His prayer life was a secret ye hia greatness, and his greatest achieve- ments were by prayer 9. Paul Before His, Judges, (Acte 24:1 to 26:32.) Becanse Paul's rea) Judge was His Saviour and Lord, he had noth'ng to fear when he faced earthly judges. His experiences be- fore Governors and King st rikingly j fulfilled the Lord’s promise to | disciples when He said that they would be “threnght before kings and Tulers for My name's gake.' told them not to try to think before- | hand what they should say, “For I wll give you a mouth and wisdom. which all your adversaries shal! not ;2t-1 to 28-31; Romans 1:8-15 Philippians lt nie 2-14). The most fr ly spiritual man on board that stcrm- | wracked and deonied sh'p, lost in the Mediterranean, was also the most | thoroughly practical man. If his advice early In the vor age. had been | taken. the wreck might have been avoided. His later advice, relayed 1 by him from Heaven, saved every {sinners is a man’s literal life, tha‘ a man will make many friends. And he h’m-elf will be a friend to others vt all times, A age was @ se- eret of Paul's greatness 12. Panl's Last Meg ange. (2 Tim- othy 4:1-18). Paul believed In the Sec:nd Coming of Christ. He brought {t prom nen‘ly and repeat- edly into his Inspired Epistles. He named it a4 the great motive In the Chr ‘tia in life, in the Ipst chan‘ter of the knew Letter he wrote. he was not to live last SEE CANADA FIRST The twin coastal cities, Vancouver and Victoria, at this time of the year appeal with endless charm to the holiday makers, wanderers and tired business men and womén, for the weather Is ideal and the foliage in the gardens and parks of won- drous color. Not g day pasees, too, but sees the twelve golf courses gay with happy and enthusiastic players, while riding in the early morning and afternoon is particularly favor- There are spledid motor high- ways on Vancouver Island and in- numerable ones running into, Van- couver City from all directions. The winter season's attractions include theatres and concerts of the highest calibre, while the Hotel Vancouver at Vancouver and the world renown- and commercial activities of the two cities and dis- tricte. During the winter the Can- adian Pacific Railway operates the only through train from Toronto to Vanvouver. “Vancouver Ex- press” leaves the Union Station every night at 9.00 and reaches the coast four days later. Comfortable and convenient connections can be mede with all weetern points by us- ing this famous train. nll information from nearest Canadian Pacific Agent. | 12-27 Feathers Wanted | WILL pay highest market price for geese and duck feathers, You can bring them in or phone and I will call. L. SCHURE ‘Residence over Kibler’s Shoe Stoe. Phone 288 Listowel Radio Fans Is your Radio Set giving you the Sat isfaction that it should? If Not Why Not? Give us a call and we will tell you Phone No. 455 Radio Repairing and Service for All Makes of Sets Prompt and Courteous Service M. H. C. Hemsworth Doorway East George's Restaurant Main Street Seen adi ee THE DIFFERENCE When Pa Is Sick) When pe is sick he's scared to death And Ma and us just hold our | breath, He crawis in bed and - puffe runte, And does all kinds of crazy stunts. { He warts the doctor, an’ mighty | quick, For when pa's i! he’s awful sick. | and | An’ ten o’ sighs, he gasps and | ns, He tate s0 queer and rolls his Ma jumps and runs an" all of wa. | An’ all the house an’ peace sini | Is mighty skeerce—when pa ia sick, | It's something fierce. | (When Ma Is Sick) When ma is sick She pegs away, not She goes right on a-doin’ An’ sometimes laughs, much t’ aay, | things, er’ even) dings, She says she don't feel extra well, But then {t's just a kind of spell, She'll be all right tomorrow sure glad— When ma fs sick, it ain't s9 bad. TR: Throughout the year there Is no! period so like a magnet for drawing! people together as Christmas time. No matter where you be, | there Is an Intensive Christmen at home, Long ago, when travelling facilities limited, people journeyed many weary they loved this der that friends and mas day. but changed by ern railway methods, whereby the continent may be crosee safety and with every comfort, comparatively short journey. Christmas and all been even in| In a: Year’ and a p! every ac lity at the disposal of thelr pat- rons, Canadian WNatfonal Reall]waye) have made their advance prepara- d's re torn, for he told youns Timothy, “the time of mv departure |is at hand.” Three final secre’s Paul's greatness and ach! eaemngnt | ; are given in this chapter: fight | the Chr’stian warfare: holding | to} his commissioned course until it wa> pg through: keeping the faitt the end. Is there any reasan wi these three secrets of Paul's success should not character‘ze our own lives? -8 self-contral-} | friend to recommen a oe Should Operrte On Him Able had q bad cold ve asked a ctor. He Bir? told ts go to Dr, Smith. 6 expensive?" enquired Able He Was told that the doctor mate : -charse of $4 for the first call an’ each subsequent one. So Abie went to Dr. Smith's, rica at doe *| tare of relatives or friends from an) t grade Type we ed sock at Banner Office for | Un x Tiach-/ tlons and plans for extra trains end additionnl equipment on regular t . Full particulars willl appear newspapers and special time | tables will be shortly obtainable from any agent of the Campany. Those who wish to prepay the otitside polnt can depesit the moner at any Canadian National Agency | and the trans ‘portation will be de- and econom!- livered Immediately 12-27 | Beaver Brand Carbon Paper and | Typewriter Rivbons do not smudges | and are guaranteed to give twice! the length of service. Ribbona The } vach, Buy your ribbons and carbon | rt | paper at The Banner office. i, TYPEWRITER RIBBONS writer R'bbons al- | and A good old sleep will be the eure: | An’ pa he sniffs an’ makes no Kick, | For women foks is always sick, An’ ma she smiles, let's on ehe's miles | and endured great hardships In or-! might be with their | ones on Christ-! the application of mod-j| If you cannot come to the office Telephone your Want Ads. to the--- LISTOWEL BANNER Phone 61 | “WHERE Gauci counrTs” For New Year's Festivities est California tia NavelOranges| 7 British Columbia Apples Fes Our Winkens for Fvlose™ Tha thallty Groceries, a = Fin | a ee Year's Dinner ; Very Choice Mixed Nats... ,Ib, 27¢ ¥ i opts Thompson's Seedless Raisins. . } + IPG recor ae 2 lhe. 23¢ | French Budded Walnuts, 33 32: jg Melage Table Raisins.1b, plt. Sc | 7, sue Almonte :; (54) 1a ae ia “Lame or Orin veo ‘Finest Quality Mincomeat..2 tbs, 28¢ 44 Ws CHO ow asies cece oe California f ba Cut a: and Mixed .........Ib. 28¢ +seseeee ol Tall Tina 25¢ 46) i Smyrna Table f | KE FIGS - w. 15 Soups 2 ™= 25: ! Fo Less Than Wholesale Cost All Kinds ? Fe sf Fs Palmolive For the New Year's Party 7 a Cakes HY 4) SOap3 ‘tor 19e | Feuit Cakew.39- fF 71 @|_ Fer That School Girl Complexion | 3-lb. Cake $1.09 | ; 75 SW a ed t; SWEEEEEARE F Gee Wishes HOLIDAY 4 a3 CHESTS ~ C. A delightful tment | fOr 2 Happy and WINES ; 3 ef Chocolates, ‘ Prosperous . ; 2's-1b. Family Box. 89¢ a New Year Port, Ginger, Grape 9 (Lib, Bex, .....,..39¢ & and Sherry..Btle. 28¢ 3j Aunt Jemima | Bird's Custard Powder . -» Phat. 18 Zuckwheat Flour ...... . Qcebec Maple Syrup .. HBB. ..33¢ | | Rice—Fancy..... 4 Pry's Breakfast Cocoa. .! ; t y

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