_. SCHOOLREPORTS | . The following is the report of S. ——_—_—_————— e es L1, Logan, for the month of <> ee ADropes Of the eensen: a iacientint |= ene. Hiccd Re tnoeckc en asks’ “ean fish hear?” The angling Schmidt. fn eee ie ee ee Sport of this staff, who, claims to be|” Sr, 111—Georgina Lannin 81, Fred —tiperecloattant cr” °F Mo | nes Bb, Ving taut O Porgoe iis Sie RY cae agata ys nov. ———s—i“‘ité‘é‘*S Watters 63. Edna McEtweni 52, Heer 3s Ce ae Ree ne pena PA CE <bean fae ice -. .. Fashioneraft, asks “what i r. IIi—Alice Watters 60, Ralph result of wearing a new wut? The Davidson 45, Viola Lemmon 41, Edith Apr Oe ha ot go ale Aiiaet te je nA nathigctlegad, Lamain 15, Leola. ee Sie. .doer (st en intimation Tanta | Hele 50, Care ere nen ee ee” cutie ae a — re 7 # a NERS rel t . er 2 Be i ere 1 itors t tior YLOn« ~+G % ‘hurs av. settlement will oblige... 45 *Witrone Abbie 8 and Mie, ©. Wolfe were visitors| Mr, Robt. Crooks First—Ronald Bannerman 69, F.|to Selkirk last week. _ AS a Elmira on Thursday. Mueller 55, *Harvey Partridge and} Miss Alice Reid visited this past} Mr. George Mogk, of Elmira, who Fc pertg Norman Weir 49. week with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reidjhas been spending the past’ few - Tast week. The action of the crowd| Primer—Violet Heanel, Letty Lan-|at Listowel. aes = months with his daughter, Mrs. Wm. _ In permitting the fire brigade to try} nin Joe Healy, Ralph Schmidt, Olive| Mr. John Pender, of Mitchell, spent | Gaines, returned to his home on Mon- to extinguish it has made a distinctly | Schenck, Florence Watters, John In-|Saturday with his parents, Mr. and|day. — | : _ unfavorable impression in mining|gram, Aldeen Lemmon, Geo. Abbott. | Mrs. Chas. Pender, _| Myr. E. H. Bean. of Kitchener, was circles. note Pupils whose names are marked by} Mrs. Roy Mulcahy and sons Roy |a visitor in town for a few days last | : and Norman. and Miss Alice Clark | week, | an asterisk were absent from one or or a more examinations. eae were visitors to Guelph on Saturday.! An absent-minded man went into panes. | | : Mrs. Bert Smith and son Wilfred,!a shop to buy a kettle, and noticing Vy. W. Lockhart, Teacher. who spent the past winter with her one turned upside down, he said, “4° ¢ parents, left for her home in Hamil-| “How ridiculous! The kettle has no ‘ | . ; ton on Monday. mouth.” Turning it. over he was The following is the report of S. Miss Olive Lowrie left Monday to once more astonished. “Why, the S. No. 8. Ellice, for the month of|spend a few weeks at Hamilton with | bottom’s gone too.” March. . Names are in order of merit. | her sister, Mrs. B. Smith. Mr. Martin Lenahan spent a few Sr. [V—Dorothy Quipp 100, Milton| Mrs. Wm. Turnbull visited friends days last week with friends on the Gropp 100, Harvey Querengesser 98,/at Milverton on Saturday. 18rd of Peel. Moody Kalbfleisch 95. | Mrs. Wolfe, of Linwood, visited her; Mr. Daniel Brodhagen, of Palmer- Sr. II-—Fred Becker 89, Fred}cousin. Mrs. L. Reaman, part of last! ston, spent a few days last week with Pauli 78. — , week. ae Mr. and Mrs. John Gilliland, _ Jr. UI—Minnie Becker 79, Clar-| Mr. John Mank was a visitor to Mr. James Hewitt was a business ence Querengesser 77, John Diehl 68,! Elmira on Saturday. 9 __ . | Visitor at Waterloo last Monday. Roy Gropp 60. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Riley, of Mil- Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Nurse spent Second Class—Lawrence Becker; verton, visited with Mr. and Mrs.| Friday at Arris. 95, Margaret 86, Edward Pauli 77,| Scott Coulter on Sunday. Mr. Herb. Helm spent Saturday at Clarence Diehl 22. 7 _| Mr. Roy Hawthorne left last week! Kitchener, First Class—Luella Becker 98,|}to spend a couple of weeks with Mr. Miss Marcella Goetz who has been Ruth Kalbfleisch 95, Wilfred Diehl 70|N. Wagler, Ayr. = spending the past few months at Charlotte Hanna 65, Ralph Kerr 25, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nurse. visited | Elmira, returned home on Saturday. Adam Kerr 20, Esther Rassman 20./ friends at Milverton a couple of days| Br, Jacob Lorentz shipped a couple ej ay ee Kalbfleisch 60, Nor- | last week, of carloads of hay from here last man Diehl. ° A, gS. _ Mr. Chas, Vogan was a visitor to |S WOE WoNnw wIArIHeo |. enn tat POR Bint at ak DELIVERY HOURS . saat poe sgeners me penne Sk ee eS eg eR Se arias ce lage We Oe et ice ae Se council session in Stratford last week. SO et, 1, Se oes oor ee eS Sas SEG ar ty a RRR aE ae: Merge oe Afternoon o.5 Hof Mill Street, 10 o’clock South of Mill Street, 4 o'clock _ North of Mill Street, 4.30 o’cloc’ - = ba may 4 itn - ’ Tate: ? 2 eS =e ‘. z —— ‘ Lean bach iy a - ‘ hi = j —< ~ ni tf zs eal aes - Nt tee ee ote a es ah # : «* Sek a ~~ a = . — ~ ~ ee "i * 7 > x a “4! = en, a a ee ‘ e. i ee ; 3 - = # : hoe 5 biting _ aS a, = a aii oe ‘ 2 — ett : < ; 5 - af a é = — » : : > ae a, a : * of pad = ae hea b 4 : ion + Se - “ sta ~~¢ . = —. . r - * ae = * : ey “ - = 1 > : hea oie vy — it a ae ee Se, ee a Nl UN oon Di or eo be eet eee = = ri - cit = — > # a _ = ate cacan ea ee eee 7 _ = : F, . = 4 % a 7 4 : et: eat < hom git Tian er ~ P eet a t 4 is : fl = Fe y Saat he : ~~ ) “4 * i s 4 7 ; , is i 4 ; ‘ ‘ a rT rrrrrrrererererreeremhmTermhCemleereeereCerYTree eee ee PP ee a a a ee ee eee eee ee ee eee i a visitor in town on Tuesday. = __ Mrs. Conrad Koenig spent a few Save ‘With friends at Listowel last | “week, == roe ube tise Mr. Mike Brenner. of Kitchener, a i = ia tee? ae i tg ts # . i Py or A ‘aie oa eeerewn eee ewww 4 af "Mrs. H, Sage and children, of Mil- wald on Saturday. #8 =. ___—+| was a visitor in town for a few davs Rev. W. Moffat was called to Lon-|last week, =, Si a yi don last week to officiate at the fun-} Mr. Jos. Lenhart, of Waterloo, parishioners. ipent a few days at his home here last | | : SER tae meee REO ses. Oa eee Mr. Harry Lutz was a visitor to _ :. * 2-6 3 ‘ oS Oia Bc ee : was a visitor to A destructive fire broke out at a | basic slag works near Scranton, Pa., * sai ry ~ re ' Ss SS Ses ee eee ee ees Now For Easter Selling—You Will Want a New Blouse or a New _ | Spring Coat. Our Stock is Now CompleteWitha —> Full Stock of New Goods No ee: _ Northway Spring Coats _ We have secured full control of this firm’s Spring Coats. Prices range from $10.00 up to $35.00. a Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Suits for Easter le ne There are people opposed to the medical and dental inspection of schools and pretend to be insulted at the idea of whee ay, Peruse on the - eare of children. ost frequently these are the individuals most in need of it. —— + : agi em, if { hc New House Dresses and Middies — , Are here styles. = Ve a ee —— Some members of the House of Commons have been desiring a re- turn to the patronage system and advocating the withdrawal of the out- —-— gide service from the jurisdiction of the Civil Service Commission. It is $s - understood that the Government, and - also the sag Fei in the Senate, is opposed to the move. See mY: Sy re hi a oe i i i a i =e oer ee ee ee ee eT ae eae ee ee ee ee ae ae ae ae ae ee a Curtains and Curtainettes _ The largest display we have ever — shown. Brighten up the home for East- — er with new Curtains and Cretonnes. i i i i tt i i i i a ci a i a a i a ee ee Sa ae eS ae ala ltiltd rir ——— le Again the ancient miracle As new as though it had not been! Blossom by blossom, bell by bell, The South winds usher Easter in. On every hill beneath the skies, Where winter storms have worked | their strife, April; that shining angel, cries The resurrection and the life. —Nancy Byrd Turner. These are allnew. In order to make a special for Easter we will make a re- duction of $2.00 on Men’s Suits, $1.50 on Youths’ Suits, and $1.00 on Boys’ Suits from now until Kaster. . 7 New Hats and Caps See our display—the very latest in style. Ginghams oe Our wonderful display of Ginghams baged are now showing in plain and checks. $ Prices per yard 25 to 50c. ae = Grocery Specials It is out West where the real word painters live. How is this for a free _ hand sketch of the efforts of a politi- _ €al leader in Saskatchewan : i i i ei i i i A i i en i i ee i a i i ain a ee ee SS SS Oe we eS ee ee ee eee eee ee eT SCS 2 Cans of Peas for 2 Cans of Corn for .... ; 2 Pkgs. of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes for 25¢ 2 Packages of Green Corn for .....19c¢ 33 at Bo ae New Ties A special showing of Gurrie’s cele- brated Ties will be here for Easter. Don’t forget to see them. “They recognized that it wasn’t frothy turgid rhetoric which has been served up to them for years, it was the dynamite of facts nooming across that sea of faced 1 Package of Shredded Wheat for The Epworth League of the Metho- | week. O. E. Cowan, Teacher. | dist Church held their annual. meet~| Miss Ruby Shearer returned to her . ing last week when the folfowing| home at Listowel after spending a ££ be & officers A foe ~~ vs ia rd few weeks with her sister, Mrs. A. R. ‘ : year: res., 3 : amilton;| Peebles. r ; m ft hc Fuse Sata agar ie wheag eae vice-pres., Mrs. Hester Tanner and Mr, Sylvester Lanz, of Hesson, Gi Mave , Misses Florence Rutherford and/ spent a few days with friends in town Sy. BV—Clartic Sinith Myrtle Eedy; secy., Miss Irene Coul-|} Jast week. . Jr. 1V—Lorne Gunn, Nancy Jantzi, | tts tt€as., Howard Mayberry. The} “Mr. Jacoh Mosser is spending a Reta Henry, Sam Jantzi, John Erb, League will meet on Thursday night | few days at Preston. Margaret Chalmers Andrew Kipfer, ©! this week at the home of Mr. and) Mrs. J. W. Hayes and Miss Cene peta Gxlulee Strimmers Clarke oMer.| Mrs. George Wray. : Hayes spent Saturday at Listowel. vyn Mayberry, Barbara Kropf ‘Elroy | The Memorial library will be closed A lady was once equally in love Neumeister, » “~~ | after this until the first week in May. with three fellows at the same time. Sy, IlI-—-Manuel Zehr, Emerson) e¥: B.C. Capper, of Milverton, | She is now an.old maid, living alone Whitney. Margaret Smith. Maurice | °ccupied the pulpit of Grace Church] with an album full of sweet memories Whitney, Clara Poole, Ivy Whitney, | 2” Sunday morning, while Rev. E. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Neuert spent one ; ; nid charge of Mr. Capper’s Sunday at Kitchener. may be the salvation of his like a minute gun awakening the ‘dormant menta! splendors of thosé imaginative industrious sons of toil, revealing to them the gsophistical cogwheels of political vote catching chicanery,” . eS Sorat” ane CaO The British will come back to re- Schultz, Jr, 11i—Gordon Schultz, Kropf, Annie Kipfer, Emma Nafziger Elmer Neumeister, Emma Schultz, Ferne Clarke. : Second Class—Lavina Yutzi, Fanny store their government, and they will have justified themselves in the eyes of the world,” declared Michael Col- lins, head of the Irish Free Staté government the other day in a note of warning to his countrymen. It eople if the British do return. The first British occupation of Ireland, over seven hundred years ago, was the re- sult of tribal wars and clan fighting, and down through the centuries the same spirit has ever prevailed the breasts of those impetuous, impulsive irrespressible sons of Erin. If they now fail to seize the opportunity of self-government when it has been so) handsomely and generously presented to them another generation may pass | before those golden. privileges may come within their grasp again. GADSHILL Spring is here again and the sweet song of the frogs fills one’s heart with joy. Should we not take an example fromthe poor critters? Thousands of them are dead in the ponds and ditches, but there is no depression among the survivors for _. they sing with a double voice, either ee they have been spared or did they hear that certain members of parliament recommended that we | First Class—Aileen Demal, Clara ‘Clayton Schultz; Earl Gunn, John : Chalmers. Primer—Sam Jantzi, Willie Smith, Clara Albrecht. a January to April. Those marked with an asterisk missed some examinations Fifth—(H) Fern E. Denstedt. _ Sr. [V—Hilda Mueller (H), Nelson 'equal, Stella Opper. | Jr, IV—Alvin Mogk (H). *Eliza- beth Yungblut and Adolph Mueller equal. ‘ Sr. I1I—Walter Mogk (H), *Mar- /garet Smith, Rueben Denstedt, Wil- | fred Debold, Amanda Riehl. |. Jr. Ill—Leo Mueller (H), *Doug- ilas Denstedt, Willie Mueller.« ( Second — Lynda .Debold, Arnie Mueller, *Mabel Grant, Geo. Mogk and Viola Denstedt equal. First — Erlin Zimmerman (H), *Lorne Denstedt, Olive Pfaff, *Annis Smith, Louis Riehl, Walter Debold, *Rudolph Yungblut. Sr, Primer—Dorothy Rock, Harry 'Graul and Johnnie Mueller equal. | Jr. Primer—Beatrice Yungblut. J. M. Barclay, Teacher. Verdeliz Zehr, Idella Zehr, Mahlon | 98°94 ni took Lena’ Jantzi, Walter gunn, Selina Albrecht. and Oliva Yutzi equal, Helen Whitney | | Albrecht, Christian Kipfer, Roy Poole | The following is the report of S.! 5. No. 10, Ellice, for the winter term, | Mokk (H) and Henry Mueller (H) | *Pearl Smith Laura Riehl, | /Wosn if an tlVervon, The Ladies’ Aid of ‘held a very successful sale of home- made baking im the Oddfellow’s hail ion Saturday, the proceeds amounting ‘to about $20. - FERNBANK Mr. and Mrs. Ben Diamond and little son spent the week-end with ‘the former’s parents at Palmerston. ' Mr. and Mrs. D. Boyers renewed “acquaintances here last week. Mr. Herb Stemmler has returned after a businéss trip to Toronto. Messrs. Jack Crawford and G. Roth ‘spent Saturday night in Dorking. We understand that it is not only customary for the cars to wear a number as a number of our young men were seen in the town of Listo- wel on the ist of April with a sign on the rear of their buggy while en route to visit friends North. Messrs. Walter, Gordon and Oliver Reid spent Saturday in Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott spent Sun- ‘day at Mr. S. Loney’s. Mr. Jim Robinson spent Thursday in Milverton. Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson -spent Saturday at Mr. Melville Kerr’s. Rev. E. Jacques called on Mr. and Mrs. Sam Loney one day recently. Mr, Dave Harron has been purchas- ing some fine horses lately. Mr. Elgin Barton spent Wednesday evening with. Mr. and Mrs, D. Reid. - Mr. Wm. McAulley spent Saturday in Linwood, —— Knox Church Mrs, A. 0, Schnurr and son Grant spent Saturday at Kitchener. Mrs. George Ruler spent a few days last week- with her daughter, Mrs. Dave Harron. near Tralee. Mr. Robt. Voll spent a few days at Kitchener last week. Messrs. August, Willie and John Boegel spent Saturday evening in town. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Allie Koebel, on Sunday, April 9th, a daughter. We are sorry to hear that Mr. John Dechert Sr. is at present indisposed. Is a girl who sits on a man’s knee 2 Laplander? Master Sylvester Keiswetter under- went an operation for appendicitis on Sunday and is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. Fred .Seehaver, of ‘Tralee, cheesemaker was a business visitor in town on Thursday. : My, W.. Brown, of Moorefield, spent a few days last week with Mr. James Ogram., Mr. Sam Koebel met with quite a serious accident on Monday afternoon while chopping some wood when the axe accidentally glanced off and struck him on top of the foot. It required seven stitches to close the wound. We are glad to see Mr. Alex Craw- ford able to be around again after being confined to the house for a couple of weeks with a sprained knee. Mr, Mason Armstrong, of Hollen, purchased from Mr. James Ogram last week two of Mr. Ogram’s fine Aberdeen Angus cattle. Mr. Norman. McLaughlin, of Dork- ing, was in town Sunday night. knows several married couples who Sate ae PE I eee ee are ee aj te ie tte te te i ede i i ei i i i Me i i i i i i i i di i i a i te a a, a ne i a a i a a 7 Nea ERE Oa Sa SP a. HEAVY FOWL WANTED. Ww. K. LOTH, Mi Iver ton : baal 6th LINE ELMA Mr. and Mrs. Perey :Burnett, of Gotham, and Miss Nina MeCuthcheon of Atwood, were the guests of Mr. Roy Cleland. : A number from our burg took in the April Fair at Listowel. Sunday visitors at Mr. T. R, Alex- ander’s were: Mr. and Mrs. Kargas and daughter Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Collwell and family, Miss Edna Leonard and Mr. Charlie Foul- ston. The maple syrup making is about completed for this year, Mrs. Darey Atkin» spent. Sunday evening at Mr. John Leonard’s, We are sorry to hear that Miss Pearl Leonard is at present on the sick list. We wish her a speedy re- eovery. Miss Alexis Alexander is at present sick with the cold. She will soon be able to be around again, | Mrs. N. Kargas has left our line and intends spending Easter in Kitch- ener. A certain comedian says that she | | The Home and School Club of the'| 7TH LINE WELLESLEY } t i ; Will } We all hope that! deliverance of maple syrup. ; 4 ! | i i { | | | HESSON Mrs. W. Keyes, of Guelph, spent a few days with her mother here. Mr. Sylvester Lanz made a_ busi- ness trip to Linwood one day last week, | Mr. Ed. Helm made a business trip to Waterloo last week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Stem- mier, a daughter, Rita Kathleen, Mr. James Hanley left for Toronto last week where he has taken up his former position there. We wish him much success. Many from here attended th wood Fair on Tuesday. . Miss Mary Schill is spending a few weeks with her cousin, Mrs. J, Stem-{ miler, Mr. E. C. Knoblauch made a busi- ness trip to Listowel last week. Mr. Sol. Bauman made his annual Every- e Lin- body enjoyed the sweets. If you have tried everything—ii you are discouraged—if you think your case is hopeless, you are just like thousands of othe: It’s a capsule. Just swallow it as you would a tablet. It is guar- | anteed to bring relief. Costs $1.00 _ a at your druggists. Ask any anyofour agents for free trial or write Temple- tons Limited, Toronto. m2 te Sold by S. Petrie; Monkton, Web & Bettger; Atwood, BE. A. Coghlin should have our light wines and beer | again, : Mr. Ed, Dahms and lady friend | spent an evening at the home of Mr. | and Mrs. Forbes Elliott last week. have adopted the “night off a week’, arrangement, “On settled even-| ings,’ she remarks, ‘‘the wife goes off with her girl friends, while the hus- band spends his evening with his men BAECHLERVILLE Mr. Andrew Diehl] and sister, Miss Emma, of West Monkton, spent Sun- day with Mr. Robt. Raycraft. | Coal Oil Stoves’ . ¥ : es a 7th line, Wellesley, has just complet-| —} = : ee: ed a very successful years work. The! & om Secretary’s report given at the annual; & i meeting last Thursday evening show- | .ed a very pleasant, helpful series of | +b hb & The following is the report of S. /S. No, 12, Mornington, for the months Now that the warm weather is here you will want to do your a Megsrs. J. Kuepfer, D. Jantzi and ‘M. Lichty spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Kuepfer. Mr, and Mrs. Forbes Elliott made a trip to Stratford last Saturday. _Mr. Sam Jutzi spent Sunday with Mr. Joe Kropf, near Topping. Mr, and Mrs, N. Ruby made a trip to Stratford last Thursday. _ The report has reached the corres- pondent that Sammy and the grey made their usual trip to the 12th line on Sunday evéning. Hi * SILOS * ” “ s We furnish a Stave Silo made of Select Norway Pine complete with roof. Write for prices and full information. : THE. ElmiraPlaning Mill Co.Ltd. See eee ee —se _ ae lof January, February and March. Those marked (a) were absent for one or more examination. Those ' marked with an asterisk are doing | good work. Sr. [V—James Raycraft (a). | Jr. IV—*Ella Gernhelder, -*Reta Koch, _*George Westman, Willie ieee Beatrice Lohr, Angus Kerr ay. , Sr. IlI-—*Laurene Westman, Mary Attridge, Johnnie Hamilton. Irving | Coxon. _ . ' Jr. II—*Johnnie Gilbert, *Wesley | Coxon. Jr. Il—*Charlié Wettlaufer, *Billy Gilbert, *Gertie Lohr, *Roy Jacobs, Bobbie Hamilton. Wallace Kerr (a). Primer—*Fred Attridge, *Evelyn Attridge, *Clara Gilbert, Francis Abraham (a).. M. Hawthorne, Teacher. | The London Public Utilities Com- mission has decided to ask the Civie Finance Commission: for a special ap- propriation of $5,000 to cover the cost of trimming and general tree survey to save the thousands of shade trees that were shattered by the re- .¢ent sleet storm. Mrs. Henry Debus spent a few days with her parents in Kuhryville. Mr. Jacob Schmidt and family at- tended a wedding at Topping on Wed- nesday. Miss Eunice M. Parkinson spent Sunday with her cousin, Miss Agnes Holmes. Miss Edna Debus is spending the week-end with her aunt. Mrs. George Yungblut at Kuhryville. Mr. Herman Debus returned home after spending a few days at Bahn’s Corners. Mr. Wm. Parkinson, of Milverton, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Parkinson. = POOLE Mrs, W. C, Mayberry has returned after spending some weeks in Toronto and Fergus. Mr. Jchn Fetter hag ‘sold his farm to Mr. Jantzi, of Michigan. The condition of the roads are very bad in this vicinity, Honey Grove hill being almost impassable last Sunday. Maple syrup making seems to be the order of the day, with a good run and splendid quality. ca . Se i? | ira i. DP MADE I apleh™ ala 5p) a hae ee ae ee > oF a « _ ‘ Bee: Ree $e he Po. Kay Of fit Mean EOE A ye 0 Pr Rte Oe Oe? ROT Fi he am) Tar SRerey > . it eu, Re SEAT Ly ating ey te Mihet AEs tc bias _ Yefly, + . — ah es OT fe » at n ote Me ¢ a er ae 4 MALDON . ‘4 , Fee - . ed ~~ ‘ > ‘ Pd RE mg dee SS 4 Me Maro se “4 te a x : Mlb ae " in pe 5A -) Mr. and Mrs; Adam: Haniittion on: Fri- ie daughter, Mrs. | , pe SUPUGHE 5 ai soar avian: pals.’’—Perhaps! Mrs. Jas. Ogram spent a couple of days with her sister, Mrs. Jacob Mosser, 7 Mr. Jacob Mosser attended’ the Bible Student’s convention at Hamil- ton on Saturday, Sunday and Mon- day. On Sunday, April 16th, Rev. Mr. Stewart will. occupy the pulpit of the Union church. the Easter service of song will be conducted by eighteen little girls. | Miss Jean Allingham, daughter of Mrs. Wm. Allingham, of the townline, Peel, died at her home there on Tues- frm pulmonary trouble. Miss Alling- ham is survived by her mother and one brother, Newton, who have the in their severe affliction. er on Saturday afternoon. Flachs, of Linwood, by whom he is survived with a daughter, Reta. aged one year. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to St. Marys R.C. Church, interment taking place in Mount Hope cemetery. The stores in Linwood will remain open on Tuesday evenings instead of Wednesday evenings during the sum- mer months commencing this week. The Linwood Spring Show, on ac- count of the weather, was postponed from Tuesday to Thursday. The induction of Rev. M. F. Stew- art to the charge of Linwood and Hawkesville churches will take place in the Union church here on Friday, April 14th, at eleven o’clock. The following ministers will be present : Rev. G. B. MeLennan, modérator; Rev, W. H. Harvey and Rev J. L: Small. The following will also be inducted-as elders: . Messrs. George Beges, R. Crooks, J; C. McKay, Wm. Calder, J. Dunnington and Albert Wray. : ———S GRAVELRIDGE ~ Mx. cand Mysi-Herb. Schwindt and Miss Gertie Lohr spent Sunday with Mr..and Mrs. Andrew Kipfer, Poole. | J.. Schenck; . of -Rostock. “1s spending a’ few “days with her.-par- ents, Mr. and Mrs... Menry Koch The Milverton: branch, cf. the ©. were entertained. atthe honic of a oe ie i La L * dav ‘evening. Bveryone veported an- enjoyable: time. be ‘meetings W. Henry; secretary, Miss Marshall : ! : An! day morning after a year’s illness’ sympathy of a wide circle of friends | i The death of Arthur E. Hackborn | in his 24th year occurred at Kitchen-! About | two years ago he married Miss Luella | held during- the winter. Probably the most helpful of all the Points |meetings was the March one at which | |addresses and papers were given by | different members on ‘‘Ways of im- | proving our rural schools.” 'brought out in these addresses being + medical inspection, school gardens, | hot lunches, music, hints on beautify. | ing interior of school school grounds. | rooms elected for the coming year: and | The election of offi- | cers resulted in the following being’ Pres., | | Mrs. Wm. McKee; vice-pres., Mrs. | ‘ treasurer, Mrs. A. Chalmers. organization of this kind is an ex- ae cellent way of bringing together the | | parents and the school and of getting | in touch with educational matters. WELLESLEY Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kelterborn were Visiting friends in Kitchener -over Sunday. Mrs, C. F, Ottman spent a few days of last week in Kitchener and also attended the funeral of one of her intimate friends last Thursday. Mr. A, Berscht, who was seriously ill for several weeks. with throat trouble, is able to be about again. Dr. and Mrs. Glaister, who spent a short time in California and ex- tended their trip to the’ Northwest visiting the former’s sister and broth- er, returned home last week. Dr. Croft hag taken possession of his new residence. Mrs. Croft is spending a short time with her. parents near Stratford. Mrs, i. Schaub and daughter will spend a few weeks with friends in Midland, and will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. West. | Mrs..W. Hyde spent several days with Mr. J. Hyde on the farm near Shakespeare, WARTBURG G. Brown; of Tavistock, was a week-end visitor’ at the home ‘of Mr, and Mrs. Ws F. Kruspe. Mr. and Mts. John Carty and little daughter -Mary spent. Friday with relatives in Stratford. : oa Mr.’ Andrew Graul* has recently purchdsed a new tractor. *, The-roads inthis neighborhood are ina tather bad condition at present. Confirmation was held at St. John’s Cutheran Church on Sinday, Rev. ay Ves Messrs: John -Yost-and Levi Jacobs spent Sunday at Mr. 8. Jacobs’. at Mrs. B. Westman visited friends in| Milverton during th Mrs. Doepel Sy, ig Visiting with ker my cl stranle e 9 ee a ho $ Spite Sanderson in -Rliv + The Separate school board of Strat- & Son, Loudon, for | SA SS Sag Svat or he cece nef a land. has declared haye let the contract {ci the -con- | meditmistic’ methods of physi -of e-neéw school. building +0.) vestigation, | feke Bruar officiating. ‘ , | _ tbe’ telephone “system, which ‘has Neen Out oT svorkine ordér since the storm,>is: gradua tion. 4 tson,, atithor-of “Twentieth thas had enouch of medians: himself --agaitnst Dr Wa ly) ) riane, sages wer a “<3 ea Gee | 4 7 } lly. nearing. coimple- |. sical: in= 4} /He declared that mes-] J > usually unreliable andj 4” Mit Aa deen bu PAINTS and VARNISHES. (the permanent wall coating), SCREEN DOORS CHICKEN WIRE. 2 cooking on a coal oil stove.—Call in and see our stock before _ ying. ite CLEAN UP TIME IS HERE We are well supplied for your Spring Clean-Up requirements PAINT BRUSHES, ALABASTINE- and WINDOWS. Highest Price Paid For Your Eggs GEORGE GUENTHER | Doors South of Post Office — - MILVERTON, ONT. — @ Re eT They h2 4 + atest Trowe e : , ab a Wet RATE, Nome Lae RD Sat aed RAEN SPM ER BERTIE " | E. H. GROPP, 1 Touring Car $535 - “-huy where your money goes furthest is just another way _ of saying --- BUY A FORD Chassis | ee Runabout Truck Cha Sis a ao. x 5. S tar wing o — $445 AQS S75: hting on 7 and Electric Li above $85 Ste ~~ ov Coupe i , ies Se 840 Ch 2s ut & j - * io. a a0 CA ag nie ie Com ple tely Equ ipped All: Prices are F.O.B. Ford. Ontario ie he i ocal Dealer, “Milve: io ae Fm ve = +r. oes NS | er