MITEHELS: ADVOCATE _ U13 3-on-3 basketball champions were Team Krempien - Luke Krempien (left), Max Brodhagen, Blake Otten and Bryson Eickmeyer. The winners oF the 9u division at the ssomacoralie ball pestis inant Aug. 3 were, from left to right: Bryce Chessell, Will Courtney and Calahan Gaynor. Front are Emmett Chessell (left) and Ryker Chessell. U10 3-on-: n3 maith basketball chains the Ankle Breakers’ ined Dun- can Johnston (left), Matthais Gedwig, Jeter Moses and Jack Tiller Winners of the 11, girls ‘division i in he Homecoming ball hockey tourna- ment Aug. 3 were, from left: Paige McCarthy, Abby Lepelaars, Alayna Terps- tra, Lyla Gloor and Natalie Vosper, while in front is goalie Bailee Chessell. 4 Ateam eaptained by Kyle Verberne e (front row, left) narrowly captured the championship of the 16-team beach volleyball Bete eld edging oe Stacey's squad Aug. 3 after two days of competition during Homecomi Back row (left), Brett Verberne, Leanna Kelly, oe Kelly, Jennifer Notion: and in front, at left, is Mike Feltz. apy Bape. var Van Nuland, aoe with his 1925 Overland comer oma Mitchell, won best car in show during the Mitchell Homecoming event on Day 4, Aug. 3, at Keterson Park. He won $100 and a plaque as over 225 cars and wines crowded the park in a glorious day. Winners of the 11U boys division in Homecoming's ball hockey tourna- ment Aug. 3 were: Back row (left): Myles Havens, Aiden Crawford and Owen Dietrich. Middle, Liam Ches- sell (left) and Keaton Weesjes while goalie is Jack Laverty. Austin Pettapiece (middle) won the soap box derby’s open division, flanked by oy tarik a proud grandpa Jim Ke Austin also ie second nt the | junior division. Mike MactEi with his 1996 Harley Davidson Roadking motorcycle was the People’s Choice Winner at the Homecoming Car & Motorcycle show Aug. 4 at Keterson Park. Over 225 cars and bikes appeared under glorious weather conditions.