VOLUME 3 « ISSUE 22 PRODUCING THE OLYMPICS ce 3 JULY 12, 2024 WARRIORS 12 SIGNINGS °c 16 STRATFORD Jennifer Anderson Team Leader - BROKER Jamie Gerber Sales Associate - REALTOR® a “HEARIN Call Us Today! 370 Ontario St., Stratford ANDER [|| ANDERSON 519-271-HEAR (4327) ROYAL Pee Hiller Realty | info@chcare.ca Andersc alEstateGroup.c ca www ee ‘z 9 en Local paramedics working to make AEDs more accessible GALEN SIMMONS Regional Editor The Perth County Paramedic Service is revamp- ing its efforts to make automatic external defibril- lators (AEDs) more accessible to those who need them when they need them. At the July 4 Perth County council meeting, para- medic service deputy chief of program development Chris Keyser presented a report to council outlining the service’s plans for coordinating and revamping the Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) program. According to Keyser’s report, PAD aims to stream- line and ensure consistent service delivery to the public, enhance accessibility and ensure AEDs in public places comply with provincial requirements and best practices. The revamp of the program will include techno- logical upgrades, the replacement of older units and the potential expansion of AED coverage across Perth County. “The program started in 2008, evolved over time including more and more grants from the Heart & Stroke (Foundation). The grants dried up, so we’ve launched more of a program to regionalize, take care of things, make sure everything’ ’s in order as legislation moves forward,” Keyser said: “ ... date, we’ve replaced 23 units, taken the ee porean to upgrade our technology and do some training for facilities staff. “That has also helped us increase our complement of spare AEDs.that we can use for our cardiac-loan CONTINUED TO PAGES: HAPPY CANADA DAY! eS (CONNOR LUCZKA PHOTO) Stratford Nationals wave from the Orr Insurance fire engine to the crowd that gathered to see the parade on July 1, one of ide. the first floats of the annual Canada Day parade. Neighbours express support for Krug Factory redevelopment, apprehension for 10-storey building CONNOR LUCZKA Local Journalism Initiative Reporter During a public meeting for a proposed redevelopment of the former Krug Factory, Cambria Ravenhill might have summed up much of the public sentiment when she asked, “Who thought a 10-storey building was a good idea?” In a gallery and back hall fit to burst, neighbours and Stratford residents gathered at city hall June 27 for the public meeting, which was held on the zone change the developers were requesting. as St., Woodstock Jed 1lam-9pm; The developers are asking for a site-specific residen- tial fifth density (R5) zone to permit cluster poe dwellings, all other uses permitted in the R5 zone, a re- duced parking rate, a maximum height of 36 ietiee and reduced setbacks for the existing and proposed residen- tial buildings. With the new zone, R5(3), the development would create eleven residential buildings and 382 units on the site, which is located on the south side of Douro Street between Trinity Street and King Street. Most of the public expressed support for redeveloping CONTINUED TO PAGE 2 1/2 RIOR E APPS with me purchase of a be erage