A&B saturRDAY, JUNE 29, 2024 STRATFORD BEACON HERALD Poll shows Canadian pride as high as it’s ever been Asmaller : percentage of ' respondents say they were proud of Canadian history TRISTIN HOPPER Even amid arecent trend of public tism around Canad: poll shows that a huge majority of Canadians are unabashedly proud of their country. ‘Apoll commissioned by the As- sociation for Canadian Studies found 80 per cent of respondents vering “yes” to the question of whether they were proud to be Canadian. Although1 national pride differed and age gi majority of respondents agreeing to the sentiment, “I am proud to be Canadian.” This was even true among young people; a group that is typically the most skeptical of patriotism; three quarters of respondents under 24 said they were proud to be Cana- dian. Canadian pride also scored high marks in Quebec, where separatist sympathies often blunt: canal of as such,” he told National Post in p 5 mail. “It will be interesting to follow what leaders across the oe say about Canada on Jul Recent years have not a great for Canada Day or for expressions of national pride generally. n the wake of COVID-19 lock- i i f July] downs, “lam proud to Be Cau. Jack ec president of the Association for Canadian Stud- ies, anc | he Suspects feelings of Canadia: have never fully recovered to their pre-pandemic levels, in part due to official notions| that thec country ‘Anew online poll found that 80 per cent of respondents answered “yes” to the question of whether they were proud to be Canadian. PoSTMEDIA FILE although all of them reversed their plans in the face of public outrage. In Calgary, the cited reason was that a traditional Canada Day cel- ebration would be inappropriate given thatitwasthe 100th anniver- sary of the Chinese Immigration Act, a 1923 measure to dramati- cally reduce Chinese migration to Canada. “Formany Calgarians thisisaday of mourning or reflection,” reada City of Calgary press acy reads a description of the city’s Canada Together celebrations. The Association of Canadian Studies poll found that respon- dents weren't quite as enthusi- astic about Canadian history as they were about their own Cana- lereneas 68 per cent of respondents LS haba “proud” of Canadi- an history — and that figure dif- 59.5 per cent proud of Canadi- an history, with 88.7 per cent of over-75s saying mey were proud of Canadian history The poll didn’t ecity what as- pects of Canadian history respon- dents found worthy or unworthy of pride. It’s low number among younger people may potentially be a reflection of heightened public awareness of the Canadian Indian Residential School system. Polls have shown the purported discovery of 215 children’s graves atthe formersite of the Kamloops Indian Residential School did prone increased public knowl- A An ADA t Billionaire's new charges involve seven complainants from 1977 to this year ADRIAN HUMPHREYS The additional sex charges against 91-year-old business tycoon Frank Stronach involve seven complain- ants andallegations spanning from 1977 to this year, court documents show. The most recent alleged sexual assault was this past February. Ontario’s billionaire auto indus- try magnate and Order of Canada member was first arrested and charged on June 7 with five sex charges, including rape and forcible confinement, based on claims from three women alleging incidents as recentlyas last year and as far back as 1980. Theadditional eight charges, filed in court Friday, widen the pool ofal- dvicti d dthat edge of Canadian policies toward First Nations. “Th thi round whic! gi time frame of allegations back to - © RS Canadians are both proud and ashamed and the two shouldn't be seen as contradictory,” Jedwab told National Post. The Association of Canadian Studies poll was also surprising in finding that: national pridei isoften inversely related to one’s conser- vative leanings. This is the exact opposite of the situation in the United States, where Republican voters consistently score higher on rankings of mo pride than Democrat voter: pautia ‘identifying as being on the right were the least patriotic Of, any other Siam rt, Just 67.6 per cent id this year. Through his lawyer, Stronach has denied all of the allegations. He faces six additional charges of sexual assault and one each of attempted rape and indecent as- sault — although rape and inde- cent assault are charges no longer in the criminal code and date back to when previous versions of the Criminal Code of Canada was in © =] ect. In June 1977, in Toronto, Stronachis accused of attempting to have sexual intercourse wit! woman who is not his wife, ac- cording to court documents. (The ar pera of sex Cae at the ti ena of nats on the “ “right said they were proud of their country, vie the 86.6 per cent of cen- victim ane was a man’s as and one who was not.) In that same time frame and in- he didn’t d In 2021, the most Robie Can- as they 've always been — even if pro-Canada sentiments have been notably absent from the public sphere. “You don’t hear influencers or thought leaders talk as much about being proud of Canada despite 8 in 10 Canadians feeling ada Day on Par- liament Hill was a Cancel Canada Day rally organized by the First Nations activist group Idle No More. And last year, three major Ca- nadian cities (Calgary, Vancouver and Toronto) flirted with cancel- ling official Canada Day festivities, | PAID ADVERTISEMENT Famous scientist creates a revolutionary new “ocean collagen” skin cream for his wife That is clinically proven to diminish 65% of wrinkles and more. Surprisingly men and women across Canada are witnessing a shocking and instant improvement to their skin - and feeling at least a decade younger. In today’s society that craves youthful energy, looking young and vibrant health, the youth-restoring story of a revolutinary new skin cream is one that was inspired by science, passion and true love. Anew Eat cream was developed by Dr. Bassam Damaj, a well-published and tightly respected scientist and inventor who wanted to give his wife a safe, natural-based skin care gift that delivered on the promise of beautiful, healthy, wrinkle-free, young-looking skin. ears of research and formulation, using the highest quality and most effective natural ingredients, Dr. Damaj presented her with what is now called Firming Collagen Day Cream. And after noticing dramatic results for herself, A began sharin samples with family and friends who also experienced a similar dramatic facial appearance improvement. Now, all men and women can enjoy a reduction in wrinkles in just 2 weeks, and which lasted all the way through the clinical use. The fact that — were seen so fast, and lasted long term, is a bit departure from most skin creams that are slow to show, results, and have only very temporary effects, often just hours or at most, a day. With opinion polls showing that facial wrinkles are the #1 complaint when it comes to aging, men inkles mi fee! old, and affects their confidence in their appearance. ‘And it was from a passion driven by love that Eslor grew into a line of skin re products that can now be shared be Ay women and men around the And this success is largely atrbuted to its miraculous main ingredient. 3 8 It contains a rare form of clinicalty- aber a hyped Laseany “eae into pores to skin. Collagen is one aa the we srt just 2 weeks. There are thousands of skin cream options available for purchase. Most of them largely contain water as the main ingredient to help temporarily plump up kin. But for Dr. Damaj, when it came to his wife and her et ag and satisfaction d to create a skin cream that he 0 just hoped would work, but en was Clinically proven to work. step that most skin care companies ae Not willing to take. And after major clinical trials, it was shown that regular use of his Firming Collagen Day Cream resulted in near instant results, and an impressive 65% ly. It literally holds everything ‘ogee: andi is the key component to youthful-looking skin. Which is why skin becomes dry, splotchy and wrinkled as we age — the dramatic loss of collagen. Collagen production and levels in the body start to decline in our 20's for men and women. e time people reach age 80, production is reduced by 10%. During the aging process, hyaluronic pie collagen, and elastin fibers break down and undergo structural which lead to fine lines, furrows, roughness, wrinkles, brown spots, and thickened and sagging skin. esame. Canada Day festivities along sim- ilar lines, stressing to attendees that it’s not necessarily a celebra- tion of Canada’s 1867 creation as an independent dominion. Hae respondents on the left were also less likely (69.1 per cent) to say they were proud of Canada. The public opinion poll studied volving th is charged with indecent assault. Heis charged with. ey assault of six other complainant The charges were sworn by an officer with Peel Regional Police on Jj i dof une 28. responses from 1,519 adult Cana- dian resi lit and If, the details of the May 17 and 20, Asan | the charges and signed an under- i dtocre- traditional margins | taking to remain free of custody te awelcoming experience forall _ of error do not apply. that same da people who live in this country,” Postmedia News ahumphreys@postmedia, com And Firming Collagen Day Cream helps reverse that, leaving skin soft and hydrated while helping to prevent the early appearance of wrinkles. 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