preiers. We We still feel our hearts beat with Avish to fulfil ailee- tion for them, and now to the promise th^ir ser- we made them, and vices. reward them foi' have, therefore, made np onr minds Erio, to give them a seat of two square miles of land, the outlet lying on miles of Lake about three below Black Rock, beginning at the mouth of a creek des creek, ara, known by the name of Scoy-gu-quoy- ruHuing one mile from the river Niagcreek, thence northerly, as the river mile, to the up said runs, river ; two miles; thenc« westerly owe thence up the river, as the river runs, two miles, to the place of beginning, so as to contain two square our minds. that miles. '^Brothers --We have We will now made known to you this expect, and earnestly request, the same you gift, will permit our friends to receive our and make good to them, according to the laws and customs of your nation. '^ Brothers -- Why Avith should you hesitate to make ? our minds easy regard to this our request To you it is but a little tlilng, and have you not complied with the request, and confirmed the gift of our brothers the Oneidas, the Onondagas, and Cayugas, to their interpreters? ? iind shall we ask and not be heard