ART SHOW - Amateut artists and art painting of Pauline Jolmson, painted from a ents from all parts of the Brantford area crowded used in her boot "Flint and Feather". Re did Central School at Obsweken during the weekend to ing especially fot the ubibition. Top rigbt sbows.!::;c the third euibition of paintings by the Six ations Hirst (left) and Margaret Reid, London school - Group. The group, which includes both adults and admiripg a painting. Lower right ar-e rs. J. C. young people, tries to encourage and assist the younger left, president of the group, and Mn. Walt4ll' members by supplying oils, boards and other materials. secretary-treasllrer. - (Expolitor Photos) Photo at left shows R. W. Hill of Obsweken with bis