in tbit National Gallery of Canada," said Mr. Hill, who bas been trying to change that 11tuation since be waned Natianal Gallery 1917. . He said IDalt artis haven't faced the utne abaustive l&rugle. He believes that's ~ non-na- Uve people have controlled the Inuit art marut, and have manipulated iDl&itutioaa to ac:cept ll But JadiaD people have always bad to do it • their own, and art in Canada IDOWII in circles that India people wauldn't have to - the corporate tloar*ooma. said . HW. . 11lt quite ac:ceplable for U1 to be selling little thinp to the tour- ists, br. to be able to make • major ~ and comment Fartuaalely, tima are eblngbw said . HID. One INi victory the ftnt4"!' nbibition of Indian dlaplayed In Ille Art Gallery of Otl terioinllk