imp 1ea 10n of ttie issu fioltendous," says Mr. Young contemplating a possible victory for the Doctors. "It would strike at the author- ity . or the federal government to · late over that land, and it d tend to cast some doubt on status of the band council as a ~mate form of government. " He says that if the Doctors are correct, the basic premise pon which the Six Nations re- e is based, that the land is , Crown land held in trust for the dians, could be proven false. Admitting such speculation is rimarily an academic exercise, · ce a reinterpretation of events years ago is unlikely to affect be reserve t!)day, _ Mr. Young ys the case presents a "wonder~ opportunity" to reconsider the t. . .. To avoid messy and potential- seea . a very "dea, because (a) i~ wa_s pra~ica~, ~~) it wa,s ~niical, and. (c) 1t mdn't throw-open a. -fundamenUll uestion that could dect the sta- of the Six Nations Reserve," sa s Mr. Young.