2 T E K A ,-J E N N A K E New Credit - Six Nations Reporter Published at Ohsweken? Ontario, Canada. Editors and Publishers A. and W. Jamieson Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa anc~ for Paymt3nt of Postage in Cash *"k-lc·X··X-,i--l<*·>·-lc·X-**·**********·K****-l'·*************** PLonc Problem ( continued) The comp2ny was approached las t year to correct the matter 1 but council has not re~eived a formal plan as yet. fj.~ Nations Left Out in..:~c_i;_ _C_h_aEJ~es Six Nations Council Thurzday drafted a formal letter of protest to the Indian Affairs m· :1ister ovor the lack of a Six Nations representative in the final draft of amendments to the Indian Act. The final draft of tlrn acJ· will be made in Ottawa, probably within the next month. Representatives of various Ind ·an groups to the final draft was selected at a recent week- ~.ong confersnce in Toronto whi h was held as preliminary discussions on what Indians thou~ht the act should say. No :;:,epresentetive of the ix Nations was elected to attend the Ottawa meeting. Tha letter to the minister will contain a plea for representation of the 10,000- member Six Na~ions group. Fjrm Awarde1 Bridge Paci; Maple Engineering and. Construction Limited of Rexdale received the contract to con- st:::-uct a nc1-J brid.gs.:i on Road 266 on the Six Nat:.ons Reserve. The Six: Natio;1~ Council accepted the company 1 s ;;;64, 239 tender at a meeting in O>.sw,·bm Thursday. Construction will begin soon. CouYJ.cil received word tha-~ the department of highways had accepted the annual road t u<:g3t w:nc~ w::i,s so·c at jn31.oooo Of thic figure, the pro;ince of Ontario will provide about $86,000. The balance of +he money will come from road allow::mces of )~25 7 000 of band funds and Indian affairs allowa.YJ.ces of ~295,000. Payment at the rate of \;5 per sha:.·3 will be made to members of the Upper and Lower Ca;yuga bandso The pay list will comprise those members of the band who are included in, the Registered Indian Record (membership list) as of 31 December 1968. Persons not regis- tered at that date will not be eligible for the 1969 pa~-!"lent. Membership tickets must be presented and where persons are drawing shares for other members, a signed order must be presented. Members may receive 9ayment by calling at the agency office in Brantford, 9:00 - 4:00, Monday-· Friday, or by mailing their membership tickets with return address to the Six Nations Indian Agency office, Box 514, Brantford, Ont. Six Natior:s Council Moeti~g.1.. ,f.e~..!'.-§_: _~69 Supt. Six Nations Indian Agency Brantford, Ontario That th:;.s council approve the recommendation of the 1,-.Jelfare Cammi ttee to protest the addition of the four named to membership in the bando Carried · Thet the report as presc:1ted by Mrs. Belva Monture in relation to the Lady Willingdon nursing Home be accepted. Carriedo That a letter be presented to the Brantford Planning Board asking that a represent- ative meet with the Six Nations Council in relation to the future planning of the Glebe L0t a.YJ.d Eag~es 1 Nest Tracto Defeated. Amendment That the Planning and Development Committee look into the Glebe property for future developinent. Carried. That this council request Dunnville Community Telephone Co. to remove their tele- phone lines if we do not hear from them in 30 days. Carried. That this council accept the tender of James A. Miller at the price of $1,500 cash for-'"-ha Parcel shown on L.T.So, 966 in the 5-} ac. lot concession 4, Tuscarora. Carried.