4 Letters to Editor (continued) "I am amazed at how the people are getting ahead and being more independent for themselves as they have been held down so long. I wish them all the luck in the world and keep up the good work.n sincerely (name withheld) These letters are from readers in the Canadian West and the United States. Thank you again, kind friends, for your words of encouragement. Yes, we agree our Reserve is going ahead by leaps and d01.mds ; "Providence helps those who help themselves" and every one is working hard - even the young folks. Remember when there were 3 or 4 going to high school and the Six Nation Council got the band out when one made an extra high mark? Well, today there are 380 Indian students from the reserve being bussed to Six. high and technical schools in nearby towns and cities; and there are over 40 native teachers in the Reserve elementary schools. Now we could do with a High and Technical School right here on the Reserveo Ed. Leather Crafts Class will start soon The leather class will begin withj_n a week or so. The number in the class will necessarily be limited. So if you're interested send in your name immediately to Mrs~ Ruth Isaac, 445-2275. Language Arts Workshop On Monday afternoon, the toacl:ors of the Six Nations Reserve attended a Language Arts Workshop at Ohsweken Centr al SchooL This workshop was run by Mr. Barton and Mr~ Boothe from the Hamil ton Board. of Education. Their subjects for the day were Choral \ Speaking and activities concerning what to do with poetry in the classroom. All the teachers participated in the activities. Especially Mrs. Brenda Davis who yelled at the top of her hmgs 11 lfaose got my shinny-bone!." Everyone had an enjoyable time and much was learned from these two gentlemen. Coffee and do-nuts were served during the course of the session. SIX NATIONS SPORTS The 12th Annual Indian Hockey Tournament will be held on March 1 7 1969, at Strath- roy, Ont.: 1st game 10:00 a., mo Walpole vs Sarnia 2nd game 12:00 Cape Croker vs Kettle Point 3rd game 2:00 p. m. Oneida vs Six Nations 4th game 4:00 p .m. 7rfinners of games 1 & 11 5th game 6:00 p., m. Exhibition game 6th game 8:00 p.m. Finals Admission: Adults in .. so Students with student card 75¢ Financial Report A sketch of the financial report of the Minor Hockey·League on the Six Nations Reserve is as follows: The Recreation Commission of the Six Nations Council devoted $500 towards minor hockey on the reserve last August. They paid back .1n53 for Waterford and Hagersville arenas arrears from last year ( ice time and referee's fees). Average takes at the door ~i,15 to $49. From this money referee's fees are paid. So far this year $351 has been paid out in referee fees. Sweaters were bought for the House League at a cost of :i~525 . Referee fees at Hagersville for the O.M.H.L. was $B5. Hockey is sport but it is'nt. a money-making proposition until you make the N.H.L. Treasurer - Norma Davis Auxiliary for Minor Hockey __ A Ladies Auxiliary is being established to support ·Minor Sports on the reserve- hockey, lacrosse, baseball etc The first meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Russell Davis on Feb. 12, at 8 p.m., All mothers of the minors and interested ladies are invited to attend. One of the main duties of the ladies will be to host visiting officials and visiting outside teams. Six Nations Hinor Hocke~r Saturday, February 8, 1969 O.M.H.A. Playdowns J os. Montour Hagersville Arena Pee Wee Six ~fations 8 Smithville 0 . ,. • ',,