8 Friday j February 14, 1969 :3eamsville Pee Wee Six Nations 14 Smithville 0 Six Nations won this round two games to none. They will now go against the winner of the Plattsville - Innerkip serieso fagersville Saturday, February 15, 1969 O.M.H.A. Playdowns :Midget Si:;~ Nations 6 Bantam · Six Nat ions 8 Jarvis 4 Smithville 2 Hciuse League Bantam - Seals 4 North Stars 2 S11-1day February 16 , 1969 '.-faterford Bantam - North Stars 3 Wings 3 Bantam S9al 2 5 All Stars 0 Pee 1·Iee - Ki:ngs 6 Flyers 2 Pee Hee Blues 3 Perq:uins 0 Friday, February 21 7 1969 SCHEDULE Beamsville O. M._H. A. Playd.owns - Bantam - Six N2:tions vs SmHhville This is the second game of a two out of three series. Last Saturday Six Nations trounced Smithville 8-2. The Six Nat ions team was led by Roger Jonathan with one goal and three assists. Other scorers were Steve Isaacs with three goals, Rick Anderson with three assists , Steve :Mi ller with two goals 7 Terry General and Paul Henhat·ik had single goals, and Gerry Hill had one assist. Smithville marksmen were Steve Priswak wi th two goa::.. s, Da-ve rEtsui with two assists and Jeff Leach with one assist. Dave lh tsui set up both Smithville goals by catching the Six Nations team unaware of his capabili tiesc This boy '·c2-n play ho ckey and will no doubt have a great future. Saturday, February 22, 1969 O.:tvI.H.A. Playdo~mf:: Hagersville Pee Wee 3: 45 P.M. Novice 4:45 P.M. Midget 5 :45 P.M. l . .". Sunday, February 23, 1969 House League Semi-finals: Pl a t t svil:ie Plattsville Pract i ce · vs vs Haterford Pee Wee 4: 00 P . }L Ki ngs vs Pee Wee 5:20 P.M. Blues vs 6:30 P.M. Pleasure skating Ladies Hockey Tournament -~-_t_jjallaceburg _ Six Nations Six Nat ions Flyers Penq:uins Burlington lad:i.es hockey t eam arrived at the semi-finals and they won the first game played 1 the;y beat Toronto Canadetted 4-2. In this game Bev Beaver -got 1 goal and two assists, Then they beat Dundas 8-lin the 2nd game. Bev got 2 goals in that game and 4 assists. In the final game the3r were defeated by Don Mills 5-1. Warriors Will Not Enter Team ~~his Year. Feb. 1 7, 1969 Brantford Supertest Warriors announced today that they would not enter a team in the Ontario Lacrosse Association this year 1 under the present conditions. In a signed statement re leased Monday 9 club officials listed three main reasons for their decision, The possi b:i.li ty of a pr0fessional team being formed in Brantford this year. An order from the OLA that any senior entry from Brantford must be in the "An series. - A problem in scheduling home games at the civic centre due to the possible over- lapping of the hockey and lacrosse sea&ons. The statement added: nTlB difficulties involved in recruiting players, promoting season tickets and progra:n adJertising sales 9 which are considered insurmountable at this time, has forced this deci sion. 11 The statement was signed by Fred Conradi, Singe Ludlow and Ray Simpson. The Warriors won the Canadian senior ;iB" championship in each of the last two years . They won three straight games from Naniamo Luckies in the 1967 final and took four straight L.~om Nanaimo O iKeefe is last year .