• 9 Six Nations Personals Sgto Howard M. Hill U. 3 •. ,'1. .F,, son of Mr & :Mrs. rrilbur Hill, Buffalo N.Y. and Ohsweken, was recently home on leave. He was stationed at Ft,, Wurtsmuth Air Force Base in Micho and has been ordered to Thailando Sgt. Hill received his basic training at Lackland Air Base in ·Texas and has been stationed in Guam t wice and Thailando · He also visited Wake Island, n. Viet Nam, Hawaii, Alaska and California on his round of duties. Sgt. Hill has been a member of the U.SoA.F. for 3 years. Mr'.: & Mrs. Lonni e Johnson (nee Mary Porter) Detroit, Mich. off on a two weeks vacation, spent a week at the home of the l atter's parents, Lr. & Mrs. Gus Porter and also a week in Buffalo with relatives. Mrs. Pearl Hartin, Ohsweken, has left for a month's vacation with relatives in Florida. Mro & Mrs. Wilbur Hill and sons 1 Ronald a..11.d Sydney, Buffalo,N.Y. spent the weekend at their Ohsweken home. Sydney i s the leader of the "In- Crowd Band" which supplied music at the Teen Dance last Friday evening. Congratulations to Victor Porter of Northway fforcury rfotors, Brantford, on his promo- tion to Sales Manager. Good. fo r Vic.! Mr. and. Mrs. John Wilson, Delaware, attended a birthday party at Caledonia last Satur- day evening at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Wilson (nee Cathy Monture) in honour of Cathy's and her father Cam Iionture's birthdays. Also present was Mrs. Ethel Monture and Mrso Eleanor Hill and d.2,ughter Sandrac They must have had a happy time. Ifro & Mrs. Glen Porter and. Barbara f:,c Linda Miller spent the previous weekend with rel- atives in St. Catharines. Miss Terry Porter 1 daughter of Mr . & Mrso Carmen Porter, River Rd. has returned home after a week's stay in the Brantford General Hospital due to an unfortunate accident. Terry will again continue her duties a s one of the leaders in the Saturday morning activities at Ohsweken Central School . ri1r. & rnrs. Gil (Hubert) Hartin (nee Essie Jamieson) have moved back to the Reserve from Ft. Erie. Colin Porter, son of Nr . & £.'lrso Carmen Porter, is back home after a week's treatment in Chedoke Hospital in Hamilton. Mr. & Mrs. David Seth and son were weekend visitors at the home of Mr • . & Mrs.; Rober:t ... Buck, Delaware. 1'1r. & Mrs. James :Moses, Vineland Station, visited relatives on the Reserve on Sunday._ - . . In the Brantford General Hospital are Titus VanEvery, Earl Russell, George (Jacket) Hill; _ Roy Lickers, Erni e Davis and t he infant son of Mr. & Mrso Wayne Miller. We wish for you all a speedy recovery~ Mr. Gordon Farmer, Sr. R.H. 1 1-hlsonville, returned last Friday from a ten day trip to Calgary on behalf of his late s on 7 Corporal Arnold (Butch) Farmer. Gordie and Billy Hill, Four Corners, Paul and Rich Hill, Art Porter and Larry Douglas, Ohsweken, had a very successful ice-fishing venture at St. TrJilliams. They returned home laden with fish. It is with regret that we report the illness of Mrs. Leah Nease (the former Leah Staats) in a Washington Do C. hospi taL Mrs. Nease is a sister of the late Mrs. Alex Garlow and Mrs. Samantha Cusick. Messrs. John Capton and Daniel Jamieson are attending the Plowmen's Conference at the King Edward Hotel 1 Toront o,. Mrs~ S. A. Anderson was accompaniedback home from Rochester by her daughter and son-in- law~ Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Lynch who stayed over the weekend. Mr. Lorne Jamieson, R.H. 6 H~J ersville, has now retired from active work because of the state of his health. Lorne disliked the inactivity and, according to wife Lenora, he became pretty grouchy moping ar ound the house all day. Now it's a different story, Lorne is a happy man again. He' has become a successful harness-horse owner. It's good therapy and continued success to .Lorne. continued