Welcome to the Page, one and allo 12 CHILDREN 1 S PAGE ':Je, adul ts 1 have learnecl not to snub any· boy because we do not know what he may be- . come in manhoodo - Do not snub a boy: because he is physically disabled~ Mil ton, the poet, was blincl; because his home is plain. Lincoln's early home was a log cabin; because of the ignorance of his parents" Shakespeare' .s father could not write his own name.; because he wears shabby clotheso Edison, the inventor of the gramophone, wore a pair of yellowish linen trousers in the dead of winter; because he chooses a humble trade o Bunyan 1 the author of Pilgrim's Progress, was a tinker.; because he j_s not a quick learner at his bookso 'hnston Churchill was a slow learner; also Hogarth the famous painter and engraver; because he stutterso Dei,1osthenes ~ the great Grecian orator, overcame a harsh and stammering voice. King George V1 hadan impediment in his speecho po not snub anyone. Not only because they may some day outstrip you, but because it is not kind or righto 1'mon. ·***·*-l<·*******·)E-****-l(·**** Young people, you are revered by the adults and want the best for you. You have some work to do to study the life of each man mentioned above. They each had a humble beginning but climbed the ladder to the top and became useful to the worldo A short Story by Dean G1::E).~E. ( what grade? what school) One day I found a quarter on the street by a candy store. I went into the store and someone else was in there. He was ordering a bag of chips and a Pepsi. l·Jhen the clerk charged him a quarter, he reached in his pants-pocket but couldn't find his money. He said, 11 I must have dropped ito 11 I ordered the same things ancl paid the clerk the quarter I had foundo The boy said, "That I s my q:uartero il :,,!hen I got my chips and pop, he followed meo I walked along a stream~ He tried to get my pop but I pulled it toward me. He fell in the stream and his quarter fell out of his shirt pocketo -)(--JH<-***·****************** Thank you, Dean, for your story which is well- written - but you forgot to tell us that you did not laugh at t~1.e boy 1 s misfortune, instead, you helped him out of the water, took him back to the store to give him a chance to buy something to eat while he was drying. Good boy! o Heal th - Care of the Long Hai_r-, :,.re take the very finest care Of our black or brovm or yellow hair o "Oh, goody," cried a little bird T.,Jho found some grains of wheat, 11 On such a day I didn't think I'd find a thing to eat!:; "For snow lies deep upon the gro-cmd And limbs are glazed with ice, To find a meal spread out ·for me Is wonderfully niceo II We comb and brush and wash it too That's what all good Juniors ought to do. Feeding the Birds (M. G. Burger) Now other birds flew down and soon They:d eaten everything. Then up into the tree they went, 1,Jhere each began to sing. And Bob and Betty watching them Beside the window, heard And were so glad they'd spread the wheat F~r every hungry birdo -l(--l<'**-lE-****-* Here, Juniors, is a wonderful story of a wonderful man, an Inspector whom I knewo His name was Mro Russell Reido He lived on Erie Avenue in Brantford. He was the principal of a city school there for some years and later became the Inspector of all the elementary city schoolso Everyone who knew him, loved him, especially the teacherso He had a jovial nature, in fact I have never seen him without a smile on his face. He loved to work· harmoniously with every one. One day, he suddenly became ill and had to retire but he found an employment which was more rewarcling than being an Inspector" He fed birds and squirrelso He actually spent twelve to eighteen dollars a week: for feed" All kinds of colourful birds and squirrels fared sumptuously at his back yard and door. They loved him also. He has now gone to the 11 Great Beyondo" He is greatly missed by people, birds and squirrelso May the "Loving Haster 11 richly re;,,rard him for his kindness to God 1 s birds and animals. The late Mro Reid also had a military record. He served as an outstanding officer in both world wars and was the firs t one in the city of Brantford to receive an award of a Centennial Medal for his contri outions to the "Welfare of Canadao 11 Edo C.P.