. . 13 NEW CREDIT i~EViS The school TV. fund has now reached c:,75 .00 and it 1Je12ins to look b ke the finance company won't be coming afte~ our TV. Howev~r j ust to make sure the school children are nov'i s elling 50¢ chocolate 'Jars. They hope to fini sh off the TV payments with this project and if any money is left over, they will use it for a school trip next J une. Eskimo Visitors The Ne1r Credit factory whic make s burlap & wire contours for auto seats was visited by an Eskimo group on Friday. The New Crerlit ladies als o held a Valentine's day bake sale o.. Friday. New Credit Council Visits ikl\"aster U~tversi ty The New Credit councillors visited McMaster University on February 12 as guests of the group presently doing research on the reserve. They were shown some interestin? Ojibway (Chippewa) pottery from long ago which had been dug up in other parts of Ontario. They also l earned a little bit of their history -such as the ·"'act t hat the Oj ibways came sou,th from the Georgian Bay area long ap o. The Ojibway group called Mississaugas owned much of what is now Toronto. Contrary to what many Six Nations believe, the Mississaugas bought the land where they now live for about 1~ 500, 000. They g ot the money from lands sol d near Toronto. If you think today I s councillors are slow y ou should hav e seen the old,- timers at work. Records at the Indian agency office in Brantford show that it took 50 years for the council to decide to sell the Mississaugas t he land. Com:P9-red_ with that, the present c ouncil works 1qith blinding speed. Autumn Leaves I like autumn leaves because they are v ery pretty and nice. I like to jump in them and play around v ith them, thats why I like them. By-Helen King Gr. 4 Personals Mrs. Sylvester (Lydia) LaForme celebrated her birthday on February 15th. M.any happy returns. Mrs. Bryan (Liz) LaForme celebrated her birthday on February 13th. Best wishes to you. NOTICE Reverend Welch would like to meet with all the young people of New Credit from the age of 14 and up to di scuss for riing a young people I s group. Everyone interes t ed please attend the meeting on March 7, 1969. at 7:30 at the Rumpus Hall. New Credit Euchre Ladies high- Dale LaForme Ladies Lone Hands - Lois LaForme Ladies Low - Lydia La.Forme Door prize - George King. hen I s high - Norman King Me n 1s Lone Hands - Johnny LaForme Men's Low - Joe LaForme Next euchre Saturday February 22, 1969 at 7:30 p .m. Everyone welcome. -lc-Y·-lc-lH~**************-l<-**-l"**-lH-3/--** In lighter vein A Sunday school teacher tole_ her class 7 " All who want to go to heaven 7 r a ise your hands" 11 One little boy did not r espond. The youngster next to him nudged him and_ said sharply, 11 Raise your hand? she doesn't mean right nouo :; When a certain Indian man celebrated his 100th birthday, he was visited by news- pa.per reporters and they nsked him if he had any advice to give to the young people of this countryo t . · 1 h l d be mor" ca r eful of your immigration laws than we wer e~ 11 yes 11 he said, ··I i'lln1<: you s . ou "'