6 A Reminder Library hours Tuesday Friday at the Ohsweken Public 3:00 5:30 p.m. 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Library: Euchre Thursday Saturday 3:00 9:00 Results of Euchre Feb. 13th at Grand River: Ladieshigh score Ladies lone hands Ladie s low score Leon e l'1cNaughton J anet Martin Louise Martin Winner of the door prize was A Hearty Thank You Men's high s core Men's lone hands l'/Ien' s low score 1,,Jm . McNaughton 5:30 p.m. 12:00 noon George Hill Frank Maracle Dona.kd:i]ilartin The conveners of the Lady T'Iillingdon Nursing Home Benefit Dance, Miss Nina Burnham and Mrs. Dorothy Davisr desire to ezpress their sincere thanks to all patrons who participated in its success~ The dance was l argely attended by people from the Reserve and elsewhere, and a neat sum wa s net ted for the benefit fund~ Draperies can now be bought to add to the homey atmosphere . A second benefit dance will be held later on in the season. "The Indian Speaks;' Mr o John Thomas 1 a Hootka Indian of Uclu0let, B.C. was the special speaker at the meeting of the Baha 1 i Faith at the Ohsweken Dining Hall on Sunday evening. An Indian film entitled 17 The I ndian Spea.1<:s 11 and produced b;y the National Film Board was first . shovm and then discussed. Miss Emily General intr_oduced the special speaker. John Thomas was born on the west coast of Vancouver Island on Dec. 25th, 1913" He was educated at a B.C. Indian residential school from the age of ~Oto 16 years of age. · Later on he took an up- grading -course to grade X1 standard. Mr . Thomas helped to organize the North American Brotherhood and . the B. c. Ilrotherhood.. Following a serious logging accident, he was hospitalized for 4 years. Du:ring this period of his life he became a Bahai. He said "If .it wasn 1 t fo r the Bahais I would never have stood tl::.e shock of the tragedy. " Mr Thomas' subj ec:t wa s "liurnan rights are God- given rights. 11 He stated that when he went to . school he could ;.1ot speak a word of English, and it was punishable to speak in his native language, consequently he spent most of the time standing in the corner~ He said nThe native people of Canad.a should have their dignity restored to them in compensation and the whole country would bei1ef:i:t and be happier for it. 11 Mr. Thomas also spoke at a Bahai meetin2, 2,t The Grill on Monday evening. He l eaves on Tuesday for St, Catharines and will be on T.V. at Toronto in the morning and afternoon on Thursday, February 27th. "Hear.ts and Flowers11 For2:1.~J. On Friday, February 14 1 1969 1 "Hearts and Flowersn was the theme for Hagersville Secondary"s formal. Debbie Staats was this year·s convenor. She had the job of spend- ing $250.00 on decoration material, choosing the theme, colour sGheme and formulating the desi gn of ·tr..e gym, The corners of the 90' x 70; gym were rounded by flowered trel- lises and in the centre stood a 14 foot maypol e, consisting of 3000 flowers. Around the base were five white s.:Jans. From the 11'.laypole, wires were strung and the ceiling was lowered by creating a new ceiling of streamerso 10½ miles of red and white stream- ers weTe used, Students worked from 7:00 - 10:00 Pomo for 2 weeks; painting hearts, building, draw- ing murals and making over 4 ,000 flowers. On F::~iday afternoon, 200 red balloons were blown up. The colov.r scheme was red, white , silver and pink. Red lighting was usedo The entrance was through a 14 foot flower lined heart- tunnel. The walls of the gyn were of .murals and streamersc A silver sweetheart tree, brightened under a spotlight, was in one corner , The quoen 1 s throne cli:naxed one end of the gym. The silver throne was accented by red flowers a;nd a r ed spotlight , Potted flowers and candles added final touches. The highlight of the formal was the crowning of school queen Pat Stark, a grade 12 student • . A~out 200 students , teachers and parents attended , making the formal a big success~ ·'congratulations to everyone involved. Allen Hill, Debbi e Staats, Bev Wright and ::Jayne ·Hill were in the receiving line. ************************ Congratulations to Debbie on convening so successfully and capabl y on this enormous student event, and to all om~ student s who shone at this event. Ed.