Chief na:crates r"!' U3 t r aticns --------- ( cont inued) 3 A Jame s Bay t ribe n e eded welfare as sistance because game was scarce, Chief Nadja- wan sai d. But the I ndians couldn't receive the aid until a doctor s igned the welfare applicati ,Jnso "An.d the;y hadn I t seen a doctor in the area for 14 months." St, Re~is Stete~cn~ ~romis ci _____ __. ... ______ ,_ __ __...., _________________ _ Indi an A..ffaiTs Minister Jean CLretien s,:;,id Tuesday he will make a statement "in the nss,r fut "Ci.!'e ;' on a invc lvi ng a 175- year- old treaty which has erupted on the Sto Regi s r~serve at CJrnw&llv _ I ndians :)Tl the rese:.0 ve, which straddles t ]'_ 3 St. Lawrence River , have had American- ·1:,~; ·c1.ght goois seic; e c<. by Canadian cu.stems officials . The Indians argue that the Jay 'l'reaty Go ~ 'G ]'.13-JTied a,fte:: t~se Uo s. foreign secretary of the day·;· al.lows them to · tak~ goods cscross t he border \·;i thout du Gi '.:;s, F'ormer Con3erva~i ve leader '"To r.i1 Diefenb,:,.;,,;:er asked Mr. Chretien in the Commons what is being dor_e to assure that treaty rights are kept sacred. Al though the Supreme Court o f Canada had. ruled the treaty ne t binding on Canada, Mr . Diefenbaker said , didn ' t the minister fe e l that trsat ies invo l v i ng I!ldians s hould be upheld "to preserve relations :,;i th our first c i tj ;:;2:cL" • :i The min i ste:;." sc. i d. t~le .-;ay . .r-8at y J.s d_;__ffer ent than others entered into by Canada be- c2-u2e it was sig:nr:-i be tween t~,e De S" and :Er i -cein before Confederat ion. · . _: Siiys_ cEq :' hows_ Inc.i "?l s 11J n. _Bev\ !=:\g;h t 11 Cons e:;: ·,rativ..=:: Robert Si mpso 1 ( Churchill ) sai d in -~he Comrr.on s Wednesday that CBC pro- clu c 02.02 i;went r' ::i.,.:.· Ol'..t o ·'.:' -~.!.12::.r '.·Ja·s to show I ndj ans in as bad a light as possible" in a F'cb, .S Pur. ::.ic Eye ,. ' \ Several rner;:bers of -i..':1.e Six Ifatj_on s wo:r-£ i ng far -t o know of availab::. e 12.ncl fo r sal e on the Res ervea Eere ::. 3 a lis t sen -:: t ;r re(JU.est and compi led fo r d Indian Agency. ThanK you , Norton. off have i ndicated that they desire· , No doubl t there are others also . ·, by Mr. Norton Martin of the Brant- ::nrlians need i:,hs. ·Reserve ;ius -'c 2,s ·che whi i:, e man needs his cottage in the country - n, place to get aw:Jy f::.0 om tl:.e mocle:rn ra·~-ra.;::e, a place to re l ax and perhaps eventually to retiree ~di tor 25 Acres i n the East CentT a l Qua::::·t e r of Lot 1/ 1 Concession 3, Tuscarora. Apply to ~.:i lton 1'Irigl:'_t 1 83( Ni aga:;,"a f'alls BJ.vd ? Buffal o 26, N. Ya U.S.A. 21 Acr es ~- L the Nort::1 h.=:,l ~"' Lot 7 1 · Con.ccssi cm 5 , Tuscaror2,. A:9ply to Mabel Froman, ~"' ~·J Pi erce ~".venu e , Ni ag;,,t,ra Fal1s 1 Ne'·J York o 75 1. c!'es in the Nor t h Lal f Lot 25 1 Concession 3; Tuscarora, frontage on 3rd line road. _.!_ ppl;y- to Wallace Jami eso~1, R. Ro 6, Hagersville 1 Ontario o 50 Acre s in the Nor-th hal f Lot 13; Concession 3, Tuscarora, and dwelling house. Apply to Gl adys and Hill iam I-L1rtin , 608 West Ferr3r Street, Buffalo, New York 14222 • .3 3/4 Acres in the North half of Lot 25, Concession 1, Tuscarora. Apply to Morley 'I'homa:"; 900 Lafayette Avenue, Buff2.lo 9 , New York, Phone TT6--0142. ll½ Acres i n Lot 60 Rj_ve:: Range, Tuscarora, ¼ mile north of No . 1 School corner. Apply to Mrs, Flora ( Le onard) Illartin 1 R. R. 1 Ohswek:en, Ontar i o. Phone 445-2207. 1 3 Acres in the Sout;h hal f Lot 31, Concession 3, Tuscarora. Apply to Dorothy Jamieson and Gladys Jamj_rnon ( t er.ants-in-c,~nt"Tlon)" l.75 .Acres, good farm i ng l and. - 6 r cor.1 frame · house and new oil furnace, new floors, in- sul br i ck sidi ng, lo ca te cl on n o. 54 h i ghway, with frontage on Grand River. Apply to Eertha Davis, Onondaga Pos t Office, Ontar ioo Farm for sale : 96 acres, more or less, N½ Lot 11 and N½ Lot 12 , Concession 5, Tuscarora , togc·cher with a 4 room fr ame dwelling, 2 wells, 1 drilled and 1 dug well with pump near hous e . Also lcc::;,ted there on is a barn and stable. Proprietor, Melvin H. Powler::is . For i nfor ;nation contact, Mrs. Ronald MtPleci,sant . Prcperty is behind St. J ohnson Church Lo~ 5th line . Far'.71 for saleo Jess~ L I'foses 1 3rd, 100 acres, Rouse, Barns , etc. R.R. 1, Ohswekan 1 ~ntar i o.