• 7 SPORTS ( continued) Sunday, February 22, 1969 linton Bantam Tournament Finals Six Nations Q Ifoncton 3 / SCHEDULE Friday, February 28 7 1969 Beamsville OoM.H.A. PlaJrdowns: Midget 8:00 P.H. Six Nat ions vs Smithville Saturday, Wiarch 1 , 1969 Hagersville O. T11. H. A. Playdowns: Pee 1'iJee - 3:45 P.IL Platt sville vs Six Nations Bantam - 4:45 P.II. Plattsville vs Six Nations Midget - 5:45 P.Ti. Smithville vs Six Nations Sunday, March 2, 1969 Hater ford House League Playoffs: Pee Wee 4:00 P.M. Flyers vs Kings Pee Wee - 4:50 P.I:I. Penquins vs Blues Bantam 5:50 P.H. Horth Stars VS Seals Bantam 6:40 P.II. All Stars vs Wings Six Nations Bowling League, J!'ebruary 19, 1969 Ladies high single - Eula Jona than Ladies high triple - Sylvia Pood.ry 302 733 Men's high single - Gordon King 329 Men 's high triple - Norman Jacobs 717 Six Nations Personals rtr . & f-1rs . Edward Crogan, Buf::alo, N.Y. visited relatives on the Reserve over the week- end. r,1r. & Nrs. Arthur MosesJToron o, and,daughteiD Mrs. Diana Schacher of Hamilton were -· guests of t1r . & Mrs. Elliott Hoses last weekend. Urs. Oliver Smith, Sour Springs, introduced the guest speaker,Dr.Gilbert C. Monture, O. B.E .. at the Homen 1 s Canadian Club meeting on Tlionday February 17th _at London, Ont. Dr 9 Monture's subject was on "Indians." ) The orchestra of the Emery St . Junior High School, North Toronto, won 1st and 4th . prizes at the Toronto Music Festival, held last week in that city. Mr. John Moses is ), \ 1 the instructor and conductor. nr. Moses was formerly music supervisor of Six Nations. schools. \ ; Mrs. David Seth and son David Hayne returned to Hamil ton on Sunday after an enjoyable \_ . \ week's visit with parents r.Ir . & Mrs. Robert Buck, Delaware. Mr. & Mrs. Barney Clench Jr. Windsor, Ont. have adopted an Indian baby boy. Their chosen son arrived on Monday f rom Toronto. Mr. Stanley Clench, son of Mrs . Barney Clench Sr. is taking a week's vacation in Floridae rhss Delma Capton, R.N. Simco e , spent last weekend with mother Mrs. Mrs. Leslie Capton. Last Wednesday Febo 19th. Hrs. Jo Co Hill, Ro Ro 2, Ohsweken, attended an art convention \ at Highland Park High School, Ottawa, held under the auspices of the High School Art Teachers of Ottawa. lfrs. JO Cn Hill took part in a panel discussion with the subject "The CQltural expression and creativity of art - the Canadian context. The main theme centered on Indian and Eskimo art. The seminar then divided into groups for informal discussions. An exhibit of Six Nat i ons school art was displayed. Mrs. Ao Go Eo Smith, Sour Springs, is visiting at the home of Mro & rtrs. Lesle Smith, Ottawa. Mrs. Ethel Brant Monture left on Monday for .. a. three we-eks vacation in the West Indies. OoP.P. Constable and Mrs. Bill French and son Gordie, Dryden,Ont. are visiting with Mr. & I,1rs. Duff Davis, Ohsweken . Mrso French is Barb's sistero Duff's wife,Barbara, takes great pride in her husband's Mohawk Indian heritage. Mr . James Davis, town line, entered Sto Joseph's Hospital yesterday (Tuesday) for minor surgery. We wish for Mr. Davis a speedy recovery. The new kitchen addition at St . John's Hall . is now ready for wiring.