Canada Pension Plan (cont'd) How many immigrants enjoying the benefits of the C.P.P~ have ·brought to this country their land . or their living? If our rights are continuing to be whittled away we'll end up like the hospital - a million dollar building - full of emptiness! W.J. Committee Meeting An interesting second meeting of the Committee of Social Act ion for Indians of the Amer- icas was held in the Brant Historical Building, Charlotte St. Brantford on Sunday even- ing. The speakers were Ivirs. Harry Shock, Chicago - off the cuff, r!ir. Andr ew Jamieson, Indian thought and _philosophy; Lr. A. Hill, our heritage. Discussions followed the speakers ~: . . . The Brantfordladies served a delicious lunch and a social time was enjoyed by all. Fuller Brush J'..'ir s '. Lawrence Jonathon and. Jvirs. Luella Porter have both been appointed agents for the Fuli~r Brush Products, cosmetics, sprays , cleaning agents etc. Give them a call for your needs. 1;-Jeekiy Euchre The · weekly Euchre was held in the basement of Grarid River Church last Thursday evening. Winners . were: · High Scores Low Scores Lone Hands The door prize was won- by Chiefswood ·Indian Village _Scott Hill Carole Hill Amy Eartin Vi Hci\laughton Glen Martin Dorothy Henhawk Stanley Greene. A meeting,of the committee of the Chiefswood .Indian Village Park was held at the David Thomas Ivtemorial Hall on Londay evening las_t. The President, Mr. Andrew Jamieson, B.S.A. opeµ ed the meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, ¥1i$S J. L. Jamieson. It was decided to replace all transplanted shrubs and trees that di d not survive the winter. The craft house will be used as a museum with admission of 25¢ to be charged. Crafts owned by i ndividuals t o be·sold outside. A request was made concerning the giv- ing 6f an Indian name to a certain white man whom no one knew. It was agreed by the committee that it was not their place t o bestow an Indian name on anyone. There was a discussion concerning a ferry on the Grand at Chiefswood. One is expected to .be completed early this summer. Light refreshments were s erved by the ladies after the meeting. Six Nations Personals Mrs. · Clifford Curiey of R. R. 6, Hagersville, suffered a whiplash injury t o her neck in a two-car, re~r-end co~lision on Erie Avenue, Friday night. ·she was ·a: pa-~senge'i- in a car driven by Louise Hartin also of R. R. 6, Hagersville. The other driver~ Clifton· Sero of 3 Hilton Street , Brantford , was charged with careless driving. Damage was estimated at $1,300. Mrs. Harry Shock (~eG Bab~ E artin) of Chicago , is visiting friends and relatives on the Res erve. Vir. Seymour Jamieson~- R. 1 St Catharines, called on friends and relatives on Sunday. Seymour has charge of f arming operations on 2 large fruit farm in the lhagara district, and spr~¥ing, fruit trees is the order of the present time in that district. Ivir. Oliyer ,Smith spent last week- end visiting with relatives in lfontreal. Nr. & Mrs. Robt. Delorimiere & son, Buffalo, N. Y. visited the latter ' s parents over the week- end, Er. & Mrs. Roy Hill, Sour Springs Rd . hrs. Barbara Vyse & family spent the week- end i n Niagara Falls. N. Y. (cont'd)