Coming Events In Six Nat i ons (cont 1d) Nay '· 5 Sunday afternoon,- 2:00 P .E. General meeting of Six Nations Bowling League for all bowlers, at Ohsweken Fair Dining Hall. A.ll Uelcome. Remember the time - 2:00 P.M. (correction from last week's notice) May_7 Euchre, 8:00 P.M. Grand River Church basement, sponsored by Six Nations girls, proceeds to -go for the tTiP to United Nat.i ons, New York City. May 11 - 11hiles For f.i1.lSic 11 walkathon by Grand River Sunday School. Proceeds for organ fund. Children must have a sponsor to walk. May 11 - Six Nations }iinor Hockey Banquet, 5:30 P.M. Ohsweken Community Hall. May 13th to May 17th - GARBAGE COLLECTION The Six Nations Council is this year, agai n, sponsoring a· Garbage Collection on the Six Nations Indian Reserve. Trucks will pick up Garbage and Rubbish on days specified below. PLEASE put your garbage and rubbish in containers and leave it at the side of the road in-front of your property by 7:00 A.M:. DATE '. ROAD --, MONDAY, May 13, 1968, and½ day Tuesday, May 14, 1968 TOWN LINE; 1st Line; CROSSROADS BET1;JEEN TOvm LINE AND 2nd LINE Tuesday - ~1ay 14, 1968 in P .lvi. W edriesday - lfay 15, 1968 ONONDAGA TOl. o'NSHIP 3rd LINE Ai'.D CROSSROADS BET1n'EEN 2nd LINE and 4th LII~E. Thursday - May 16, 1968 Friday - May 17, 1968 4th LINE and 5th LINE. 6th LINE, RIVER ROAD jl~D CROSSRO,:ws BET!1JEEN 4th LINE ;iND Riv.t:R ROAD. GOOD SANITATION IS ILPORTANT TO YOUR HEALTH and your co- operation is invited in this June 9 effort. SL'{ NATION S COUNCIL. Re- opening of 11 Iroquois Village 11 on the Grand River. See Native Iroquois Dances. An authenic Longhouse and ancient Iroquois homes. a second new museum. August 2 & 3 - .9 & 10 - 16 & 17, 1968 at 8:30 ? . Iv.i . Events In New Credit The 20th Annual Six Nations I NDI AIJ PAGEill"\JT at the Forest Theatre on Sour Springs Highway presenting THE GREAT IROQUOIS LEAGUE OF PEACE New Credit News ;Rumpus, Euchre - Seven tables gathered· .for play on April 27th. High Scores were won by Johnny LaForme and l'.:lla King; Low Scores were won by Shirley Smith and Lawrence Bice; Lone Hands were won by Lois LaForme and Johnny Van.Every. The last Rumpus Euchre until further notice will be held .3aturday evening, May 4th. Girls': Trip~ Local_girls plan~ing to go tq New York held a succes sful penny bingo this past Thursday evening. About seventy- five of all ages turned out. Hel Rowe brought his · P.A. system and acted as master of ceremonies. All the girls would like to thank thoqe who donated prizes of pies, cakes etc, and all who helped in any way • . Sale - Local ladies held a successful bake sale this past Friday. Stomachs were pampered with French Fries and other del ectable edibles.