. --- .. . . . • ,,.. ' ' ~j j ~. ( ··--· .. .., . · New Credit - Six Nations Reporter July 6 - 12 · Thirty-Second Issue To the Editor Of The Six Nations- New Credit Paper Ohsweken, Ontario Dear Sir; Fisher River Indian Hospital Hodgson, Manitoba June 25, 1968 There are four here and .:1round Winnipeg from the Six N,'\.tions Reserve, and I want- ed to write and tell you thnt we do apprecide y our little paper, especially the Person- al news. Here are always items thnt arc not included in a letter from home so it is much apprecintcd :and often passed to other Indian people as well as other interested people. I was disappointed to read of the closing of the Indirui Hospital,there was talk here of nlso closing this hospital for Indiuns near Winnipeg. It is much more obsolete th2.n the Lady 'rJillingdon. But the people became aware of what it would mean to their people to have to go a distance to sec an M.D. and so they had a few meetings one day they cancelled school and about three bus loads of people came into Winnipeg and march- ed there in protest. The result the hospital was not closed nnd services 7 medicine and medical service, is provided free to nll the Indian people hero in Manitoba. It was then a source of satisfaction t o road of a delegation also going to Ottawa from our reserve to protest the closing of the Lady Will ingdon Hospital, I wish you much success. As I shudder to think of some of the emergencies that could arise and have no hospitnl there. I really believe the truth of what this would mean has not come to tho people. Unless there have been more hospitals built .:md more doctors ac- quired in the past few years, in tho surrounding aren, I strongly believe thnt tho hos- pi tu.ls now or a few years ago would r..ot be able to accommodate the patients from the Six N2.tions Reserve. Uould there be n c:ise where o.. po..ticnt wo.s referred to another hospital and in tho end the service was too late. I believe there is some difficulty now in o.cquiring a hospitnl bed in tho nearby towns and cities o..s they were built for their area and not with tho Six Nation residents in mind. Hhy is it not possible for tho Six N:itions to keep their hospital open until such a time as a more modern hospital can be built. Certainly we have the population right there that could use 2. hospital such 2.s Hagersville h3.s for the West Haldimand area. You sec I would hate to have t o think of any of my family having to rush miles to sec o.. Doctor in tho middle of the night, only to have t o be told that the doctor for the 2.rea was 3,lrcady out, I would just ets much hate to soc any of your family have to secure transportation t o a town much farther awrJ.y then Ohswekon, Tho pc,ople in Na.nit- oba felt that their present hospital was bettor than nothing on the reserve therefore they have sincerely asked that it be kept opcm, o.nd then there is also free medic-al:... surgical trc2.tmcnt provided f or 2.11 tho residents regardless of their income. 1:Jhich at times I would like to state is higher them 2.. lot of our people earn. So 2..gain I wcmt t o wish tho residents of our reserve much success in seeing that the LC\.dy l:Jillingdon Hospitu.l is kept open unt il such time o.,s u. new hospital co.n be built on tho reserve. Cert2.inly f or any large group of people as we are there is a need of 2. hospitnl , even though major operations would of necessity be referred to a city just :1s Hagcrsvillc ho,s done. Th2.nk you again for sending your paper this way. 1Jo arc four residents from the Six N.:ctions Reserve. Six Nat i ons Nows '.fodding Bells Rev. Thom2.s rior iko..wa solcr:mizod tho vows uni ting in marriage Evelyn Ila Hiller and Roger Fru.nk T1tPlo2.sC\.nt at the Ohswokcn Baptist Church on .3aturday afternoon. IIr. and Mrs. Raymond Ihller, 69 Corners, rJ.ro tho parents of the bride, nnd tho bridegroom is the son of Ur. & T1rs. Frank Mt Pleasant, Ohswoken. For the impressive wedding ceremony, tho bride chose a white nylon A-lino styled gown with tra.in f rJ.lling fr cm tho shoulders. The flower girl was Ihss Judy Ihllcr 7 sister of tho bride, in a whi tc nyl on gown with fQll-length sleeves. Miss Roso Ihller , in a rose crepe gown with white 12.ce bodice, wo..s maid of honour • . Tho bridesmaids, Janet l1t Plcnsi:mt e1,nd DirJ.nne IsaC1.c wore identical gowns of whi to lrJ.cc over moss green to..ffeta. . David I1t Plc::i.sant WG.S ring bc,:i,rcr. Wedding music was -provided hy Mi as Pm,rc-:::-l:- '·':right, voc2.list 7 and J1rs. Norton Liclcers, vrg:::mist. ( c,Jnt' d)