3 Six Nations Personals (cont'd) Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rogers (nee Lois Anne Jamieson) Rexdale , Eto,:bicoke, and daughter Lisa visited with relatives on Sunday. I1r. Russell Smith, coach of Brantford Super test Harriors, is in hospital at the present time . rTany of the New Ti i ;:;,_·issauga visitors to tho New Credit picnic also made it to the ITohawk Pottery. Mrs. Patricia Tc:,ttison and children, Li ma, Now York, was the guest of her grandJparents Iir . & r.1rs. 3. A. Anderson, last week. I-1r. Al Smith & family, Tonawanda, N. Y. were visitors at Sour Springs on Sunday. I-Ir. ;-Jilfrod Smith spent the weekend at h i s home, Sour Springs. Hrs. Effie Vanevery and Hrs. Leah Powless of tho Sour Springs 1fomen' s Inst. have been delegated to attend the A. C. 1,r. 1·;. meeting i n Lansing, Ihch. in September. A delegation of four women from tho Y . 1-Io in Hamilton met at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanevery. They hope to establish a youth centre for Indians living in the Hamil ton area. H:c. & IIrs. El don Hil l have moved into the i r new hous e at ffart in ' s Corner. A housc- warrai ng took place for them l a st Saturday evening. T/Iiss U'..rrie l Li ckers left on vacation last Saturday for Syracuse , N. Y. have fun Dolly! I".rs. Ruth Hiller, itrsu Lj_:;__ :_; Lickcrs, I1iss Pat Jamieson all had a birthday last Sat ur- day. A belated Ifop._)y Birthday to you. all from the U. C. H. gang! The n'.arri.::i,ge of Cheryl 1Ln.ne 1 ,1..aughter of I-1r. & Hrs . Purly Hill of Ohswckon and Allen Jame~ Sayer, son of IIr, & I-I:".' s. OE vor Sayer of Hagers villc , will take place in August at thp Ohsweken Ba;,tist C!.r:..1.rch. Mr. Keith Licke:..'13 ·.s attending a summer course en the language arts conducted by the Ontm" o Dept. of E6.v...:::o.tion at North Park Collegiate. IIr. John Poters, a stoehiOrkcr at Bethlehem, Penns;yrl vania, susta ined a broken ankle while on the job. He is :;_' ec-:.1perating at the home of his mother , Ifrs. Nathan Hontour. Ifrs. He l en Longboat is vis i ting hc:t.' daughter, Mrs. Bill Aaron, Dotro i t, Ihch. Ifr. Bart Peters' house at Delaware i::i now completed and ready for occupancy. IIrs . Lester I!artin has c-one to Lady \"/i llingdon Hospital for treatments and X rays for her hip. Hope you' 11 soon be OoK. Ida .•. .. CongratuL:it ions to I1r. [· lTr --o Allen Lowis on the birth of a soni and I-ir. & Mrs. Keith Lickcrs on t he birth of a do,ughtor. l'Ir . Frank Ifontour ho..d o.. b irthcby yesterdc:sy 1 Jul y 22nd, and he's a mighty young man for his 2-ge. Hearty birthd 0 : Hishes T:Ir. Tiontour and many, many more birthdays. Rev. Karl Hansen officiated at the mo . .rriage of Dolores ·carol ,Johnson to Ronald Orval Anderson whi ch ~ms solemnj_zcd at St. Johns Angli cclll Church on 3aturday last. The wedding reception was he l d at St. Johns Pari sh I-fall, ,::md the dance at Ifagersville Community Hall. Best wishes to the newly- wed's ! July 24 & 31 July 23 July 25 Jul y 26 July 27 July 30· Jul y 31, fr.ug. 1 Aug. 2&3 - 9&10 I\.ugo 3 &4 Bingo Ohsweken Community Hall Tucsdc.",y 8: 30 Ho.mil ton vs Ohsweken Ifohawks 1 · ·Ohswekon Thurso 8;00 P. r:1~ meet i ng of residents at Ohswcken Si x Nat ions Council House re Inclian Act. Fr -:,.c..ay, Brantford lfarri ors · at Fergus. So,turday, 8: 30 Ci v i e Centre, '. Ja llaceburg v s · Warr iors . Tuesday , 8: 30 Lockport vs Ohsweken Ifohawks, Ohswekon t..: 2, - )fomemakers Convent i on, Ohswek:on Community Hall. - 16.:17 -- 8:30 P.n. Indian Po.gennt. Saturdt1.y, 3unday 10 A.II. Softball Tournnment at Cayuga Longhousc Ball Pa,,k. o