T E KAW EN N.A l~E NEW ·C9ED IT . - . --· -·· - . --. - . - . - . - . --. ,. . - · .... --. -- . ········~ -········ ·· ···1··············; $_[~ _. _f::J .6. It Q_ ~--$ .. REPORTER January 15 1 1969 Fifty-Fifth Edition / _-_----~ ------ - ~-=---= - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- -- - -- - ·------- ,/ - --- - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- - -- ------------ ----- A 1f5;J YEA..B. WI SH The gift of light And wherever ycu travel 7 :May a star lead y:m , The wind be a-t your back 1 The road rise t o meet you And God ~old you in the hollow of His r-a.~d. SIX NATICN"S NEWS Official Board :Meeting The Official Board of the Grand River Charge (Grand River, Delaware, New Credit) are called to meet with representatives from Brantford Presbytery for a period of dis- c1..;.ssion and. sharing about -the work of the church in this community. The meeting will be held at the manse next Su...~day afternoon, Jan. 19th at 5 o;clock, Supper will be at 6 o'clock and discussion will continue into the early ,.,ening. All members of the board are requested to be present a t 5 o'clock and share in the discussions, which will oe· of paramo~t importance. Faith at ~fork Conference . The Brantford Faith a t Work Interdemoninational Conference will be held at the Hol~day Inn on January 31st t o February 2nd. Brochures are available from your minister :or both the youth and adult conference~ Youth activities will be held in St. Judes · Anglican Church, Total cost for youth is $5 for the weekend and $7.50 for adults. The t heme of the conf erence is "Invitation to live. " The youth activities wil~ begin at 6 Pom. at St. Judes. There will be skating party Friday evening. On Saturday morn~ng a panel discuss:ion with eminent speakers on "The Generation Gap•: is on the agenda. · Saturday afternoon s hedules a workshop on the subject "The four keys for livin~" This supject should prove in tructive and interesting. · A Satu:rday socialev ning is scheduled with a hootenany and dance followed by 1'.mch at St. Judes for those who have attended the sessions. Sund0y morning there will be a special service at Calvary B;t~tist Church at 11 aom• ~ime at this conference would be tirr.e well spent. Yesterday is a cancelled cheque To~orrow is a promissory note TODAY IS CLSH: Spend it wisely!