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Tekawennake News - January 15, 1969, p. 2

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2 Six Nations News ( continued) _pe~uty Sho:r_ Mrs. 1fayne Miller (nee Carla StY1'es) is now owkring full time at the Village Beauty Shop , Ohsweken, jointly with Mrs. Gloria Skye. Carla graduated from Bruno;s School of Hair Design, Hamil ton, last Hay. She then spent three weeks at Brun·o ' s Advanced Acad- emy7 ':'.'orontoo Re"'.;u:cning to :a-~antford 1 Ca:da ,,;a::; employed at the Flair Hair Fashions and latte!'ly at Lawrence & Edwards for the holiday season. Congratulations and good luck +.o Carla on your enterprise. Sour Sp:::-in~? W ._!!.. J., well-s.ttended. J;c;,:.:1um·;:r meeti:i.g of t'.1e Sour Sp!'j_ng 3 i·Jor.1en 1 s I ns titute was held at tl1e home of Mrs " La::.~ne Jami eson, 3riur Sp:;:·inga., r1\1e n,s:;e ting was conducte d by Mrs. Anita Hill, president , ass;_stecl_ b;r I.I::-:.: . :Sthe l Wright, secretary. · Merr.eers answered the :roll call by naming a respon s ibility of a W,I, member. On Ja!lUat'y 22nd. i t was decided t o have & corn soup supp""r in conjunction with a Bake Sale and a Touch and Take Sale r 'I'l1e event will be held a t the Christiaa Aid Hall 1 R 6 Hagers- ville7 begi nning at 3 p,mo Lunch was s2rved 2,t tl:i.e conclu::; :i_on of the meeting by t he hostess and her assist- ac1t s. iJ~~n Rights Day Next Sunday Jan. 19-tn. at 8: 30 Pr m, a film 1enti t led nT!1G people of the Longhouse" F::.. 11 be s hoi-:n a t the dining :;:oom of the Ohsweken Commun.i ty HalL It is HuLlan Rights Day E;J~:-,a,:1 rights are God- given rights. 'I'he speaker wil l be Ledrow R:,binson , Burlington. Mr. Robinson is 2. J~e acher in Hamil ton and. will soon be coming to Brantford to teach, Admiss- i o:i. is free 1 a.11.d. refreshments will be served., This event is sponsored by the Ohsweken Bahai Cor.'lii1,.mi ty , I ncJ_i ans seeki ng .Treaty rights _ The India:: 5 maintain t hat :i t ::_ s tho::_r ri6-:i:1 ~ i.D.0.e:i:- the J:3,;:l Treat7 of 1794 and the TTeaty of Gbent i n 1812 to .trave l freeJy ar:, '"~oss thP. Can2.di an- £merj_can boundary without · (l",.ty re s trLti ons. A 1956 Sup~eme Cou::'.' -:; of Ca.n.2.:ia ruling repealed the treaty 7 but the repeal ha.d. n ever been enf orced unti J. the incident at Co:?'.'nwall. Tl18 fil r:1 showing the CormTall Indians jn resper:: t to treaty rights and v iolat ions last SatUTday night a-t the Comnr.mi ty Hall was i. :eU a t tended, William Smith, a spokesm2.i.'1. frorr; the audi ence , :::,c=,,i d tl:e Cornwall confrontat:i_on ccncsrns ev ery Indian on eve-::y reserve i n t he U:i.1i ted States and Canada~ · "I would like to compl i_rr,_,mt tL3 Ste Rcg~ s group on th8ir courage and determination to support their rights O 11 he said.. Last week , Micmac e.nci_ Maliseet Indians in the rS:ari time provinces telegrammed moral s1,._pport t o the M<:ihawl:s a t Cornwall and urged the Canadian government to hold 11 immediate, serious and s5.n cer e discussions• 1 concerning ti1e Indian treaty rights, Ernest Benedj_ct, a spokes man for a people 1 s co--ordinating committee, said about 200 Mohawks have agre ed to ar~ps::i. l -:;o t:1e United Nations lead.ers in New York in a mid-- week meet ing. They realize t l:ey will not get a he3,ring from the General Assembl y 1 but io intend to make representations to de l egat es from African, Asia..11. and Latin American natior..s to publicize their cla im to bo:cder --crossing rights 7 he said, In the U.S. tJ:io 1924 Immigration Act voided the provisions of the Jay Treaty but were restored in 1928 due to persistent e f forts of Inc.ian leaders~ We recall the late Dr. T. A, Miller who wrote letters to ever;y m::::nber of Congress and Senate of the U.S. government wi th results. : 1e believe the same procedure would be successful here, The parliamenta:i:-ians are the lm, makers and likely most of them do not know of the treaty. There is a need on this side c f the border to implement it . If all the Indians on this r eserve could wr ite atout 4000 of them. Don't you think they would take notice if 4000 letters were r e ceived on the subject asking them to impl ement the Treaty on this side of t he border? :fo have neve::.~ experienced trouble a t t he border, just show your Indian s tatus certifi cate and the customs officer passes on~ However, things can change6 Obituaries _ .,.__ ___ . __ _ GREEN - In Vi et Nam on January 9, 1969 , La rry Green in his 24th year, while serving with the U.S. Mar ines. Beloved son of Hermac1 Green, R 1 Ollsweken. Ftme:::-al arrangements i:1complete.

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