-·-· T Er\1\W EN N.Al<E • NEW C9ED IT . .. - . - . ••' . " •.u ·" .. , · .. ·. · .. - ·.l ,·. ·. ·.·.·.· ... ·.·.· .. ··.· .. · .. a.•.• . . ~ / SIX NATION S January 22 , 1969 RE PO R:.TER Fif-ty.;;;.Sixth · ·Edition ·-· · / --........ _- .----- _.-_.. ~ ._,.._...._._ -- - -- -- - -- - ------ - --- - - ~ - -- - - - - ..,__ - - - -. -. - - - - - · - - - ----~ ---- Six Nations News IMPORT.i\NT .ANNOUNCEMENT This i .s the day '~"" - ~·~· ~-:en _wait ing for, so witho-;:~ 9-.n." ?dn 1 here is the w0,..,-1"'""- ful news!" " Tekawenna.ke is now a recognized newspaper," with sta.t-u:l:ior;; ...,::?"5_:,_~!lg .11rivi·ieges at Ohsweken Post Office for the publication of "Tekawenna.ke" - The New Credit - Six Nations Repo:.::<,-::r. After passing and complying with the required regulations 1 the Canada Post Office. Ottawa, has granted the above privilege. This is a tremendous boost and encouragement for our newspaper, and another step in the progress of the New Credit and Six Nations Reserves. Reserve residents can now say, "We have a bona fide newspaper." We .are very grateful to Mro J. H. Cronk , Postmaster at Brantford, and to his assistant Mr. John Ellis for their ·direction and assistance in placing the matter befor~ the proper authorities. With privilege comes responsibility and we shall endeavour to retain our new statui:i and live up to the high traditions of the Press and the Six Nations and Miss i~sauga people. Editor. Bridge Tenders called f?!:. Re~s erve . Tenders .have been called for construction of a 90-foot long bridge to cross Mc- Kenzie Creek, northeast of 0 .. sweken on concession f, of Tuscar9ra Township. The bridge will consist of three spans , two 20 feet long, leading to a 50 foot centre span. Work is expected to get under way in March with completion this year. Tenders for the structure are being r eceived at the Six Nations Agency in Brantford until Jan- uary 23~ The project is part of a road program being conducted on the Reserve. Mr. Donald Cassie , Supt. of the Six Nations Indian Agency , said the bridge was descrtbed in a 1967 road study as being narrow and unsound. Potte:riy Display Miss Tessa Kidick of Jor dan has a display of pottery now on view at the Brantford ·publiq Library. Miss K~dick formerly taught the art of pottery on the Six Nations Reserve, at the Mohawk Pottery on Sour_ Springs Road. She has won many provincial and national ·"'v3.rn"' · and pieces of her work have ~een purchased by the Canadian Government ~or displays abroa~. Miss Kidick's exhibit at the library in Brantford will continue this week. Fair Boa.rd Meeting, January _11, 1969 A-~ the ;e-el~cted. president' - annual meeting of the Ohsweken Fair Board the same slate of officers was President -·George Garlow, 1st vice president - John Capton, 2nd vice E.D. Frohman, Treasurer - A. H. Anderson, secretary - Mrs. Geo. Garlow. •