2 Fair Bo2,rd I:leeting ( continued) Delegates appointed to the O.A.A.3. Convention\ in Toronto, Febrµary 19 & 20, are George Garlow, Mrs. Naomi Powless and Walter Hunter. The advanced prize list has been issued. Special Prize to be included in the Advanced Prize is the following: Photo&E:aphy Spec~a.~ Open to Six Nations Indians 1 a special by the Six Nations Arts Council, 1 - 1011 x 1211 blaclc and white print, framed or mounted, of &ny reserve scene, landscape, people, object 1 prize ~25,00. Entries to be made to the secretary, Nrs. Geo. Garlow, not later than Sept. lsto Fire Alarm Six Nations firemen ,were called out last: Wednesday morning January 15th. to a fire at the home of Ray C1-iheels) Hill. The fi~e started in 'the kitchen, there was minor damage and the firemen arrived :i_n time to save the structure. The Waterloo CountyUnit<:-rian _Fellowship The Six Nations Com~cil has r Gce ived a communication from the chairman of the program coP,miJctee of the Unitaric.n Feliowship i n __ tpe Kitchener - Waterloo community., They propose -~o invite several members of the bac1d who would visit with them every Sunclay mornic1g over· a period of s everal weeks for informal friendly discussions ,_ regarding problems 1 needs 1 and plans etc. for Indians " This Fellowship J. s a re2..igious g.coup 2,nd they wish to learn more of Indians. Some statistics has been collected regarding· Indian population of Ontario, average in- come1 numbers attending unive1sities etc. and they f ee l that the North American Indians. &.~e not sharing full;y- in tho _11 just society" and they are interested in b btain- ing the Indian viewpo i nt i n this re spect. Parallels In Indian Fai t~_-9.J:::cis~ciani t;y: The worst thing the whi.-ce man ever did was to mock Indian religion and term it paganistic, a city danci ng ins tructor and member of the Baha'i faith said yesterday. Miss Nancy Campb-Jll, speaking for the Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'i of Hamil- ton, a t ·the dovmtown nYCf. saici thc:,,t she had spent many summer holidays on Indian res- ervations in Canada, and had drawn parallels between Christian and Indian religions. 3he said Christiani t;y t eaches that Christ was of virgin birth and that Indian teachings also tell of Degana_a,~r.1ic3-a 1 also of virgin birth who taught purity, truth and peace. What Christ!s Spirit is to Christians 1 the Spirit of Degandawida is to Indianse One year ago there were 218,098 registered Indians in Canada, 50,000 of them living in Ontario. "He can expect an increase in both Indian and Eskimo populations" she added. "Changes (in attitude) will noJc come from legislation but from understanding~"' Official Board Meej ing of Grand River Charge The official Board of the Grand River Pastoral Charge met on Sunday afternoon at the United Church manse with 17 members of the Board present. Rev. Philip Smith, Pastoral Relations convener of Brantford Presbytery? Rev. J. lf. Boyd, Superintendent of Home Missions , and Rev. Erla Curry 1 Home Mission Convener of the Presbytery were in attendanceo After a buffet supper served by Mrs. Welch, the Board. discussed different aspects of the work of the Church on the Reserve. Representatives from Uew Credit, Delaware, and Grand River shared their concerns about the Sunday School 1 United Church Women, and youth work in each of the churches. Discussion took place on ways of strengthen- ing the witness of the Church on the Reserve, and how the Kingdom of God might be furtheredo Special Cpeaker On Sunday February 2nd, rirs. Lillian Stephens will be the speaker at the Grand River and Delaware Services. She will be attending the Faith At Work Conference being held in Brantford during the weekendy and will come just for the two services. A special invitation is extended by Rev. Ken i,Jelch and the church members to join with t hem in ..l.." • • ,,nis service. \