• 7 New Credit News ( continued) Calf Club J ohn LaForn:.e won t:6.00 i n prize money, Teresa LaForme f$4.50 and Sylvia LaForme :!~4. 00 for participation in the Six Nations 4-I-:I Calf Club. The seven members shared $38.50 in prize money. Promotion in Viet Nam Robert Johnson; son of Fir . & Mrs. ' ·Jal ter Johnson, R.R. 6 Hagersville, was recent- ly promoted to Lance Corpora l in Viet Nam " Prize 'hnners Mrs. George King recently won an electric knife in a draw at Brantford. Mrs. Stan VanEvery won 1~150. 00 2-t a bingo game. New Credit Council meeting 1-,as honoured by visitors from McMaster University in Hamil ton, Ont. who ar e conducting a stud3, in Ant:b...ropology. _ Best ~-T is:1es go out to Mr . & I'.lrs. Frank LaForme who will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary on January 29th. i\1r . Elliott King is in the Hagersville Hospita l for therapy for his back. Best wishes from everybod;,,- for a speecly r ecovery,, Hew Credit Euchr e Ladies high score Ladies lone hands Ladies low score Joyce Forrest Dale Lal'orme Deanie Larorme Door prize Mens high score Mens lone hands I-Tens low score Bessie LaForme MAGAZINE SECTION Devotional - The Upper Ro oni The gra ce of the Lord J esus Christ be with your spirit. Roy Page Billy King Lawrence Byce Philippians 4: 23 Ifany? many times I have turned to this benediction and --found it to be a source of comfort and strength. It is a characteristic prayer with which the apostle Paul closes his Epistl e s. '-'.Thenever I experj_ence s ome stress or strain, disappointment or frustration, sick- ness or affliction 7 ¼ilatover it may be that causes my spirit to sink, I turn to these word.s and repeat them over and_ ove:c to myselfo I try to personalize them the more by saying: nrrhe grace of- the Lor d Jesus Cl1rist is with my spirit." ' ·fhen used in this way I find these words amazingly strengthening. They bring Christ close with all His sustaining and enabling grace. They bring the light and guidance of the Holy Spirit t lift my spir:i.t again. Prayer: Our heavenly Father, we look to Thee with grateful hearts for all Thy mercies in Christ our Lord- for His wondrous light, salvation, and strength. Help us to trust completely in Thee, and believe tha t in Christ we can do the Father's will and overcome the world. In His blessecl name. Amen" T~ought for the DaI_ 1"hen we have confidence in Christ's presence in times of need, we receive His help. Obituary FARl'-'lIB - In Calgary, Alberta, on '}ednesday, January 22, 1969, Cpl. Arnold Basil Farmer, (serving with the Canadian Ar my) formerly of R 1 lrJilsonville, in his 28th year; beloved husband of Linda Dussion; · dear son of Gordon Farmer, R 1 ,hlsonville and the late Ruby Farmer; brother of Milton, R· >;ilsonville, Gordon of Buffalo, Joseph of Rochester, Mrs" Clarence (Lois) Forrest, Mrs. Roy (Connie) Pursley, both of Brantford, and Mrs. Bruce ( Arlene) ;,.:hi tlow of Buf 1 alo. Rested at Styres Funeral Home from Saturday until Monday at 2 p.m. then to St. Paul 's 4nglican Church for funeral service. Interment in adjoining cemetery. _;Full Military Honours. A large concourse attended the military funeral of the late Cpl. Arnold Farmer. I\. de tachment of 25 regimental men of the :Jolselcy Barracks from London, Ont. formed a continued