4 Language Returning Toronto (CP) Jan" 21, 1969 in The ojibway Indian language is returning from the near- dead Toronto. ':Jeekly . classes held in the library of the Canadian Indian Centre began last fall for the second year. Janette Corbier, a youth worker of the centre and an Ojibway from Manitoulin Island, teaches the written language a s based on a dictionary compiled by Jesuit missionaries 150 years ago. 11 Anijinabemba,n she begins. "Everybody knows that, eh?" Everyone nods and some- body says it means, nLet's speak Indian, 11 and another class has beguno rhss Corbi er can give lots of individual attention because the classes 7 al though free, are still small. Damaged Truck Francis Thomas, Ro R. 1 Ohsweken, swerved his truck to avoid collision with an on- coming train at a level crossing in Brantford last Saturday afternoon. The dump truck rolled over off the Hardy Road and the estimated damage was $300. SPORTS Six Nations Minor Rocket League Saturday, January 25, 196f'- - Hagersville G. Vo!,1.H.Lo Midget Plattsville 5 Six Nations 3 House League Pee 'Jee Flyers 4 Penquins 2 Pee ~Jee Blues 5 Kings 4 Sunday, January 26, 1969 i,faterford douse League Bantam ~Tings 6 North Stars 5 Bantam Seals 5 All Stars 1 Pee Tfoe Kings 4 Flyers 1 Pee Wee Penquins 2 Blues 0 Flyers win game by defaul to Kings' coach did not use proper players on each line changeo The Six Nations Minor Hockey League rule states that the Pee1,Jee House League hockey games be stopped every t hree minutes and a complete team change must be made. Each player IDU$t be numbered according to his ability to prevent uneven play. SCHEDULE Saturday, February 1 1 1969 Hagersville . -~C: Midget House League Pee Hee Sunday, February_ 2 , 1969 G. V.M.H.L. House League Pee Wee Midget Bantam Bantam Blues Kings Flyers Penquins Burlington vs Dundas 3: 45 - 4:45 Pomo Practice 4:45 .,..., 5:45 Pomo Penquins 5:45 6:45 p,m, Blues '.faterford 4:00 .:... 5:00 p.m, St. George 5: 15 5:15 p.m. '.;J ings 6:20 - 7:20 p.mo Seals House League Standings 13 Pt s. 12 Pt s. 9 Pt s. 6 Pt s. Bantam vs Kings vs Flyers vs Six Nations vs All Stars vs North Stars Seals 14 Pts. :,ifings 8 Pts. North Stars . 7 Pts All 3tars 5 Pts. The Burlington Girls Hockey Team played Dundas last Thursday and won 2- 1. The \ game was on TV Channel 11 from 7:30 to 7:45 p.m. and also on Sunday from 12 noon to 12.15 Bev Beaver of the Burlington Team and also the captain of the Dundas Girls Hockey team were interviewed during i ntermission which many viewers saw during the . Jr. O.H.A. game last Thursday evening. Six Nations Personals Miss Nancy Bonvillain, graduate student in antropology, Columbis University, New York, was on the reserve on Tuesday January 21, 1969" Hiss Bonvillain is seeking permission to establish a year's residence on the Six Nations Reserve to study the Mohawk language. That should be an impetus to us to study the language even harder. Mr. · George C. Miller, Rochester, N.Y. and the Six Nations Reserve, returned to the form- er city last week after a week's vacation in Nassau, Bahama Island. continued