9 C0ming Events_ ( continu8d) I-!tt:'cl::, If:,_rch rl =!,!'C:1 9 iO 10 Sl:nc:ay 1 2 p.m. - 4 p. r.'1. . )_rt class under Mr. George Rachus, New Central Sch. lionday :, 7 : 30 - 9:30 p . m. Extra l eather jacket class. Monday, 8 p.mo Bingo at Ohsweken Community Hall. Free admission, $100. Jack- 1,o t , · /\_uspic2s IIorchants . 1~!.2 . .c-cil ::.1 .-_~1uesd ,.1,y , Grand River U. C. H. meeting at the home of Mrs. Larry Hill. 1ia.rch lJ :'. :1rcg 16 ~iarc~1 l 7 7: 30 1 ~:.1the:~ C!'aft CJ a sses. Old Central School. Su..n da;'T : 8 Pam , Service 0f Song 7 Delaware Church. 21 7 I:n.c:lusive - \'fint 2r holida;:., s 7 Hoorah! A D S \·Jhen in need of wood give HARRY BURNING a call at . 445- 2967. '1AGYil SVILLE COAL 2.:1cl_ Llff1I1lli CO. LTD. - - ---------------..... -- ----- -~---- Order your c oal :omd Pri ce )U2 . per ton delivered. 768-3244 768- 3788 Res. DO?Tf~' S GlU LL -::ml · DELI Ct, TESS::.::JT - -·- ·- - Full course hor:i::--coolrn c:1_ mGa l s. Served 8 A. IL - 6 P. M. Weekl y Fride,y Specia,l: Ji'i h & C:1ips 75 '.t Take out Op e:c. Saturdays 9 A. N. - 2 P . r1. I:.u1'.l'-'1J,GE SALE Monday - Friday 600 At Hill 1 s 10 a,m. s orv e d . Billi ards, R.R. "Hagersville. Saturday morning, ITarch 8, beginning at Good used clotb j_ng. Home baking on sale also. Hot corn soup will be Au s1J:;.ces Ifohau~c Langhouse. I~~TI~MAGE SALE Friday, Ii:1rch 7, 10 a , m. - 6 p.m. Gcod used clothing ( c'cry- cl caned) . for all the family. Odds and ends. Sharon ni:J,:c·t in' s 7 ne:d cloor to Barney's Garage a For special appointment call 445- 2680, P.~~ ~~ SPRIN°GS STORE Ilar--:h 7t h, Friday Special Laclies hose 4 p!'. for ~n. all sizesi Eggs 1 flat (2½ doz.) $1. B:cead._ 5 lo c:.7es for ))L On tario potatoes 25 lbs. for 89!eo Corn bread & corn soup. Apply at SOUR SPRINGS STORE for the following 1 or call 445-2275 O0.d chair 1~5-~--- -Ki tc~1cn table & 5 chairs jno. Refrigerator ~~ 59. 10 gal. crock $5. Coal & ,;c,od heater i~45c Di:::i.ing room table & 4 chairs $45. Propane gas stove ll45- J ouble sized bed and mattress $10 . Odr'l.s & Ends There is a destiny th~t makes us brothers None goes his way a lone ~ All that we send into the lives of others Comes back into our ovm.. Edwin Markham Love cures p·eople bot].-_ the ones who g ive it and the one s who receive it. Dr. Carl Menninger Fred Allen a.lways saicl it was bad to suppres s laughter. It goes back down and spreads yo1J.r hips . The donors were having co o.teies and coffee after their donations at .the Red Cross c.,enter. During the conversation , one donor said he was a Shawnee Indian. ,: Are you a full.-bloodecl s:-_ai·mee ?:, he was asked. "Well, no 1 " admi ttecl the Indi an 1'?.. ight now I'm a pint short."