--·-- - ---~~ T EKAVv EN NAl~E ·-··-·· · -- ···"" '"' '"' "" ' "'"'· "·'·'·" ··r "····=-·.·.,. ·.·., ·,·.·. ·. -~·.s.·.·-·· ~ .,.----...... / SIX NATIONS ·-· ... -·· ·- · -·· ·- · ··· · ·· ·- · ··· · ·-· · !1E PORTER / \ - - ·.- ·:::..... - - - - - - -=-~- -------- -- 1 - --- "-' ---'--- r --------- -- --------·---- - - - March 5, 1969 SIX NATIOH3 NEWS New Health Services For Indians Planned Sixty-.Second. Edi ti.on., Heal th 1'1inister John I:Iunro says heal th . services for Indians are being improvee.e1d__.i..R1A1i----- mediately and Indian liaison officers recruited to see that the federal health department knows the needs and effectiveness of the program. He told a closed conference of regional health directors that provincial ]jldi.an · brotherhoods will be asked to appoint liaison officers for which the depar.,.:tmerrtwill ma.lee a ~'.il0 , 000 grant covering salary and e~nses. - · · "The role of the liaison officer'--'Will __ be to report to their brotherhood , myself, and to this department on Indian heal th needs in--·tha-t. . .particular province and to examine whether our policies are getting through to the people served."- . One officer , Norbert IIcivor , has already been named by the Ifanitoba Indian Bro~h-- 1 erhoodo A later step in the plan is to form a national advisory council of hea.1-th · for Indians, representing the provincial brotherhoods. It will meet twice yearly to discuss liaison reports with the I1inister and senior medical services officer..s., Ifr. Munro s.aid he expects authorization soon to boost pay scales for new nursing station personnel and preliminary work is being done on a new pay s~ructure , reflecting wider responsibilities and isolated postings of such personnel. In addition, he hoped more nursing stations will be built in areas served only by lay dispensers, non-professionals authorized to dispense drugs. Meanwhile, $500,000 was being provided to build better r..adi.o . ...communications be- tween lay dispensers and nursing stations. The department was working on a five-year plan covering 1970-75 to meet specific health goals for Indians. The Indians were mostly being treated differently than other citizenso They should be treated the same. \ 11 Indians should have access to any health facility within reach, and the provinces should exercise the same fin2..ncia l obligations which they undertake for their other citizens." Tap Water Soon At Ohsweke~ -~- With-a li ttle..J.u_ck, r .esidents here will be able to turn on water faucets in a few weeks time and get water~ · - -. . _ ----...... _..'.fue village water system ls near completion now and workmen will begin testing mains in the community in the---.ne.xt--.:f~w days. ------ - Cost of the . system is set at $2J°3,8n,-wi.th -.the--I~S::-branch paying for the utility. ( continued )