4 SIX NATIONS SPORTS Warriors Hove up for Lacrosse The Brantford Harriors Lacr osse Team, winners of the Canadian "B" Championship for t he last two years, held a .meeting at the Civic Centre in Brantford last 1fodnesday night and decided to enter senior nA11 s eries of the Ontario Lacrosse Association, this year. ' 11l1he only thing we clema..11d of the O.L.A. is a six-team league,n said Ray Simpson of the T:Jarriors. Tentative entries i n the senior ttA" grouping include Brooklin, Brampton, rhssissauga, Fergus, Owen Sound and Brantford. · · Brantfo.rd will have t ;m lacros s e teams this summer • . A professional club in the National Lacrosse Association is i n the process of obtaining a franchise. So there'll be plenty of excitement for lacrosse fans this summer in Brantford. Anyone for Golf? The North American All-Indian Golf Tournament will be held on July 4, 1969 at the Ava Golf Club in Brantford. This tournament is open to Indians only. The Galaway system of score-keeping will be usecl so anybo dy has a chance to win. Watch further issues of Te~awennake for complete details. Hockey The Ohsweken Hockey team play the Oakdale Training School Team on Tuesday, March 4 a t 9: 30 p.m. at Hagersville Arena . Six Nations Indians demonstra te - slim snakes that swiftly slide on slippery snow The students .and t eachers a t the F,E, Madill Secondary School and a scattering of other spectators were really fasc i nated by a demonstration on the school's football field. Four Indians frmm the . Tfohawk reser ve at Brantford were demonstrating how to throw the snow 11 snakes". This sport is confined to the Brantford reserve Indians who have played it for countless generations. Their·only competitors are the Indians from reserves in New York State at Tonawanda, Allegheny, Akr on and a few other places. All are descendants of the old_ Iroq,1:).ois tribesmen who inhabi t ed the Finger Lakes region in New York State when the white men arrived in North America . _ A .snow' snake is shaped much .. like a hunting spear, but it has refinements that could be ach,ieved only by the ski l led hands of a native craftsman a skill which has been handed clown from · father to s on for centuries. Albert Porter, a lean-faced and sharp-eyed man of middle years, told The Advance- ':!'imes that the choicest of all tm ods f or the snake is Juneberry and only the heart . of a perfectly straight limb or trunk i s used. In its finished form it has no sign of grain and. is. so smooth that it feel s l L e satin in the hand. Other woods are used too, such as hickory, ironwood and maple. 1·Ihen the Indian conte s tant meet either at Brantford or- in New York State the prizes for games will sometimes run as high as 1~400. each, ' so the players have a lot ha..11ging on their strength and ski l l in these tournaments. The amount of skill achieved through practice is attested to .by .watching the spectators try their hand. In do zens of attempts by the students and some of the teach- ers only one throw actually started the snake along the track for more than a few yard~. St. Regis Indian Jamboree St. Regis, Quebec, July 4, 5, 6, 1969 Iroquois dances will be performed by the Akwesasne Indian Dancers of the St. Regis Reserve, · daily at 2:00 P.n. ancJ_ 7: 30 P. rL An area will be set aside for overnight campers. Campers will supply their own food and .cookstoves. A refreshment stand will be open on tho grounds for those wishing to make use of it. Anyone wishing to set up stan:ds for the sale of Indian Arts and Crafts will be charged a. fe.e of no.oo. No foreig1'- good s will be allowed, only Indian-made crafts. Any group wishing to present the· r own dances on the program are- w~lcome to do so.Please i~form us in advance, so time wi 1 be available for you. Come and meet old friends and mayrn new ones. You will_ meet North American Indians from both .Canada .and the United Stato s . Wrestling Hagersville wrestling team captured the zone 2 wrestling championship on Saturday a t Cayuga. The team will now compete in S.O.S.S. A. · Ken Jonathan was · one of the individual champions. Mike Hartin placed second and 1-Jendell Eomberry placed third .