8 _Six Nat ions Personals I!tr . & Mrs. Herbert Hill 7 Buffalo 7 N. Y. spent several days last week at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Smith 7 R. R. l _Hilsonville. Hrs. Garland (Lou) Ifartin anc1. daughter 7 Vick-y- 7 Buffalo, N. Y. have left for Flor1.da on a fortnight 1 s vac_at i on . Mrs. Charles Gibson is staying with the Peter Vaneverys over the weekend before return- ing to her home in Brantford . i1~r. & Mrs. Dudley Burnham and Ilr . & Mrs. Carl Frantz ( nee Delma Burnham) and family , Niagara Falls 7 N.Y. were visitors to the Reserve on Sunday, they also called to see Mr. Wilfred L. Smith at the Brant San, Mrs. Douglas Mu:tr 7 wife of the United Church minister at Caledonia, was on the Reserve on Friday. Hrs. Muir is clo ing re search in sociology and has chosen 11 The · Six Nationsn as the topic of her paper. She is a former classmate of Mrs. Albert Porter, and Mrs. Muir had lunch with the Porters on Driday. Ihss Sharelle Martin , Buffalo, N.Y. visited her parents, Mr. & r-1rs. Sheldon Mart in ,Sour 3prings, last weekend. Mrs. Sylvia Sandy ; Mr. & l'.lrs. A. Jamieson and Michael Vyse went by bus to the Ice Capades at Kitchener last Thursday evening. Visitors at the home of Er.· I):, Hr s . Titus VanEvery last weekend were l\lr. & Mrs. Roland Allison and family, Detroit 7 Hr. & Mrs. Orman Beaver, Det!'oit, Hra & Mrs. Jerry Longboat and Miss Linda Miller , Union Lake , Mich. Mrs. Alice Snyder, Pontiac, Mich. Mr. & Mrs. James Miller and family 7 Lewiston 7 N.Y. . ·, i ' ~) ... Mrs. Ralph lhlls 7 Toronto, visited the Reserve last Thursday; calling at the Lady Will- · ingdon Nursing Home and delivering much needed drapery material from T. Eaton Co. Assis- tance will be required to make up the drapes. Mrs. Hills :i,s interested in Indian pro- jects and it was she and co- workers who gave the initial boost to Tekawennake. Our sincere thanks to Hrs. Mills, Hho i s also a member of the Indian-Eskimo Association. We were happy to meet Mrs. Mill s last Thursday. Mrs, J. C. Hill, R.R. 2 Ohm1eken, attended the meeting of the Ontario Historical Soci- ety which was held in Belleville, Ont. last Saturday. Mr. Harry rfartin has returned to Grand River after taking a 7- weeks Machine Shop Mill- wright course at the George Brown College in Toronto. Harry has been employed at the Brantford Cordage for 20 years and the company is subsidiz ing his course. He returns to Toronto next fall to complete the course. Mr . & r.1rs. Joe Farmer 7 Nr . & Hrs. Ronald Martin and Larry Mart in all of Rochester, N.Y. came to attend the birthday party of nephew Wendell Martin on Saturday evening. We are relieved to report that the baby daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hill (nee Joyce Lickers) R.R. 6, Hagersville 7 i s now on t he road to recovery from pneumonia at the Brant- ford Genera;l Hospital • . Mrs. Sarah Smoke won the ~~100 . j ackpot at bingo last Ifonday evening. Mrs. Bertha Smoke i s in Henderson General Hospital, Hamilton, for minor surgery. Best wishes for a speedy r ecovery are extended from husband Al, children and mother, Mrs. Mary Clause . Coming Events March 5 lfarch 5 Wednesday 7 8 p.m. Bible study and discussion at the U.C. Nanse 7 Ohsweken, All · weclome. Sour Springs Women' s Institute at the home of Nrs. Leah PowlS"ss. March 5 - Wednesday 9 p.m. Six nat ions Bantam All Stars vs Caledonia, exhibition game at Hagersville Arena. March 6 - Ohsweken \rJomen 1 s Institute meets at the home of Mrs. T. Morikawa. March March I'!Iarch 6 7 7 Thursday, Friday 8 - Friday 8 7:30 - 9:30 p. m. Leather Craft Class at Old Central School. p.m. New Credit Rumpus Hall, youth group meets. p . m. Women I s lfo rld Day of Prayer, Ohsweken Baptist Church.