' . ADS 9 GARLOW MOTORS Ohsweken, Ontario - Good used oars,parts & tires at fair prices0 63 Pontiac Paresienne, 2 Dr.·H.T. V-8, Automatic, P.S. P.B. Sharp . $750 63 Pontiac sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic - 2 to choose from $575 63 Valiant, 2 Dr. H.T. bucket seats - a popular compact car $550 63 Ford coach, V-8, automatic · - $495. 63 Ford sedan, 6 cylinder,automatic $395 62 Mercur·y sedan,V-8,automatic,P.S.$475. 62 Chrysler sedan,V-8,automatic,P.S.$475 61 Ford coach, 6 cylinder, stardard - a very economical car $250 60 Chevrolet sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic. The old reliable $150. All cars safety checked., 1-!ill accept trades. Phone 445-2910 Coming Events March 12 - Wednesday, 8 p.m. Brantford .. '.farriors Lacrosse Pract ice at the-Civic Centre. March 12 March 13 - March 14 March 13 t1arch 15 8 p.m. Bible Study at Ohswekan United Church Manse. 7:30 p.m. Leather Craft Classes, Old Central School. At tho noon hour li01·i Credit Bake Salo and lunch served at the Rumpus Hall, Auspices New Credit U.Co ~·J. Thursday, 8 p.m. Euchre at Grand River. Bake Sale at Dobby 1 s Grill, Ohsweken. Auspices Six Nat ions Girls Basket- ball team. March 15 & 22 - Saturday 1:30 p.m. at the United Church Manse, Ohswoken - two sessions of training for Sunday school toacherso These sessions arc open to any who would like to _know some of the mechanics of teaching. March 16 March 16 March 17 8 p.m. Service of Song, Delaware Church 2 - 4 p.m. Art Clas s at Old Central School. Monday, 8-10 p.m. Landscaping Class at Old Central School. March 17 - Bingo at Ohswekon. Community Hall. Free admission, $100 Jackpot. Auspices Merchants. 21 Inclusivoo Hinter holidays for schools. March 17 march 18 Tuesday 4:30 p.,r,1., at the Six Nations Library, the "Roving Regional Puppeteers" March 20 - 7: 30 p.m. Leather Craft Classeso Old Central School. Mar ch 22 Saturday, Six lJations Girls Basketball return match with Tuscarora,Lowis- ton, N. Y. Drivers noodod, contact Claudine VanEvery 445-25700 March 24 - Monday 8 p.m. Official Board Meeting of Grand River Charge, Ohswokon United Church Hanso. 1-'Iarch 22 Saturday at 8 P.lI. Six Nat i ons Mons Hockey Team vs Oneida Reserve at Hagorsville Aron2-. ******************'<-*** Story time Hhen a doctor, call eel to a house to attend a confinement, had been upstairs a few minutes, came down and asked for a corkscrew. The anxious father- to-be gave him one and tho doctor wont back u1-:,stairs. A few minutes later he came down again and asked for a screwdriver. He wont back with it and left tho head of tho house chowing his nail so On his third trip ho asked for a chisel and mallet, "Good heavens, Doctor," the worr i ed husband asked, 11 is everything alright? is it a girl or boy?" "Don't know yet," :replied the doctor, "Can't get m;y- medicine case opemo" *********************** A good supper or luncheon cass erole 1 Qt. canned tomatoes 1 Tsp. curry powder 1-} Cups cooked rice 1 Tsp. sugar Mix curry powder and sugar with tomato, add rice and put in a bake disho Cover with bread crumbs and clot ,-Ji th butter. Brown in oven at 400° for t hour. ****************** N.B. If you pan-fry some pea-meal cottage roll, add a salad or two, there you have a dinner for your best companyo All can be prepared beforehand. Household Hint Rolls and muffins 1-rhich have, hardc,ned may be, refreshed by sprinkling with water, placing in a brown paper bag 2,nd. ':,3,r!:line; in a hot oven for a few minutes. '-.