Devotional - Humility & Faith 10 ¥.lAGAZINE SECTION The qualities of humility and faith are not exclusively the characteristics of the Christian, out they are certainly desiraole qualities for the life cornmited to Christ 1 and may even "be considered as i ndicative of that commitment. The presence of the spirit of Christ oringG the very es ::; ence of true humility. His presence also encourages us to have faith 1 even the faith like that of the "boy who passed over his lunch loaves and fishes confident that the tJhole multitude could "be fed. We should note that the l a d. with the loaves and fishes was willing to give .them to Christ for the welfare of the crowd. The hurting world can "be fed Only "by the·· faith that leads to giving what He have for the benefit of alL Prayer - 0 God our Father as ue contemplate the meaning of humility and faith 1 give us the spirit of him who made himself of no reputation out took on him the form of a servant and served his fellowmen in doing coJ11IT1on tasks for their welfare. May we have the faith in him that will force us to pl&,ce in his hands all that we have and are for the good of mankind wherever need exists. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 1fore t he whole realm. of nature mine Thai:; were an offering far too small Love s o amazing 1 so divine Demands my life 1 my soul 1 my alL . Ooituaries BOMBERRY - Suddenly on 3aturday 1 Harch 81 1969 1 Reginald. Rooert Bomoerry of R 2 Ohswe- ken in his 21st yeari oeloved·son of Carmen and Betty Bomoerryi dear "brother of Carmen Jr. 1 Fred 1 Harvin 1 David arnl Gerald all of Ohsweken 1 Harvey of Hamil ton 1 Mrs. 1rjeloy ( Linda) Johnson and Betty Lou lJoth of Ohsweken; grandson of Mr. and Hrs. Charles ]om- oerry 1 R 2 Ohswekeni nephe;;·r of harles Jr. R 2 Ohsweken . Resting at Styres Funeral Home, Ohsweken 1 from IYioridey noon until Tuesday 12 : 30 p.m. for funeral service at 1 p.m. in St. John's Anglican Church 1 Si x nat ions Reservation. Interment in adjoining cemetery. Rev. K. Hansen officiating. CLAUSE - At his home on ;3aturclay, March 8 1 . 1969, John W. Clause of R 1 Ohsweken 1 . in his 92nd year; son of the late Hro · and Hrs. Aaron Clause; "brother of Wilfred 1 R 6 riagersville 1 Resting at Styres Funeral Hor.1e 7 Ohsweken, from Tuesday until Wednesday 1: 30 p.m. for funeral service at 2 p.m. in St. Peter ' s Anglican Church 1 Ohsweken. Rev. R. Odendahl offici ating. Births. IT.cNaughton - To Hill and Leone , R.R. 1 1 Ohswek:on, a daughter, (8 lbs.) on ?farch 9,1969 at the Brantford General Hospi taL Smith To Hartin and. Verna, R.R. 6 Hagorsvillo , a claughter, Carla Yvonne (6 los. 1 oz.) . on I1arch 10 7 1969 at the: Brantford General Hospi taL Congratulations to tho proud parents on the now arrivals. *******"l<·************ Staff of Tokawcnnako Puµlished weekly New Credit Six Nations Martin's Corner Four Cornc:,rs Sour Spri ngs Smooth town Children's Page:, Pross Operator & Technician Typists Ward LaForme ? Geo, Beaver A and lL Jami eson Anita Hill Muriel Portor Sharon VanEvery Mrs . Oliva TTosc:,s Nora E •. Jami eson Daniel Jamie son Joan LaFormc , New Credit Rona Bender, Si x Nations Annual subscription Semi-annual ... Individual copies Address all correspondence to; I,Irs. ;'[ilma Jamieson, Socty. Treas. Ohswoken Ontario ~)5.00 ~~ 2 0 5·0 100 \