11 CHILDREN'S PAGE Good r1arch Day, everyone! · Prayer Of all the months 9 of all the year, I like Old March the best ; "Dear Jesus, for each new morning with He's such a jolly gentlemen - He takes no time to rest! its light 1 For rest and care through all the night 9 For health and food 9 for homes and friends 7 .. -Y-.*****"**-l,,'l-*-Y-***-* For everything Thy goodness sends, Did March come in like a roaring Lion or a gentleLamb? If the former 7 he is going out - a meek 9 little Lamb. We thank Thee 9 Heavenly Father. -;,.,,-l(-****-l(-**-Jt-l(-*******-X-**** March 10 9 1969 Amen ." Emily Pauline Johnson ,·Jas born on the Six Nations Indian Reserve on 'March 10, 1861. As a child 1 her mother recited t o her 9 jingles 9 little verses and told her many 9 many stories. Pauline would ask her mother to repeat these often and learned them all from memory. She often repeated the s e stories to her little friends. Quite often 9 she would pla ce a book i n her mother's hands for her to read out loud- ly. Pauline would s i t on a lit t le stool and listen intently. Her parents were often surprised at the expressions she would use in her every-day la_nguage. As she grew older 9 Pauline read books by great authors and became an author herselfo Her book of poetry "Flint and Feather" has been one of the greatest sel lers in Canada, United States, England and foreign countries. She is not forgotten. Another Story of One who fed Bir ds and An imals This wonderful Lady had a love for the old. She loved all grandmothers 9 great and great 1 great • . She kept collections of treasur es that they used to own~ She collected beautiful gla-ssware in all co l ours 9 red 9 amber 9 cranberry, green 1 blue 9 carnival, etc . and displayed them in her windous. They simply looked ·heavenly! Besi des that 9 she collected old and rare buttons, jewellry of old, dolls made of wax 9 china dolls made in the 1800's or before. Old rare Indian History books written two hundred or more years ago were in her collection. In fact 9 you name anything old, she had it! She cheerfully greeted everyone who came to her door. She had loyal friends, from f ar and near, who came to visi t her. She had a lov ing disposition and had a cup of tea, and a piece of cake or pi e, a dish of ice-cream or a big slice of watermelon, for each one. She not on l y welcomed people but also birds and animals. She had a beautiful back- yard where flowers of every colour, roses especially, bloomed. Birds were bountifully feel in her backyard. Many came to stay, for she had beauti- fully decorated houses built f or them. She did not know all. the bi rds that came there but I detected the grosbeak, cedar waxwing, woodthrush, yellow warbl er and others. The birds loved this dear lady for they used to light on ber shoulders as she scattered the feed for them. Squirrels and rabbits ·wer e fed there too. Their feed consisted of hickory nuts, walnuts, lettuce and carrots. Animals and bi rcls kno1·1 ,,;hen you love backyard for he is an enemy of the birds. them - but the cat was not welcome i n her He seeks to devour but can also be a pet in the right place. Do you feed bi rds and animals? If you do 9 please write. Next week's story - "A Spi der whi ch became a peto n ***-¥·********""-****-l(-***-l(-*** The following is an article sent in by Pamela Porter of Ohsweken School. One day I found a quarter on the school steps. I gave it to my teacher. She asked if anybody owned it. Nobody di d. I took it over to the other schools. No one owned it there. What a funny feeling I had when I found out the quarter was mine!. ****-l'***-******-l(-* I did not have to use spy glasses to read your story, Pamela. Your letters wer e big and bold and please keep them that way. r.1any thanks for helping me to save my eye- sight. You surely did what everyone should do when he or she finds anything. "Try your best to find the owner"' - and you did just that, good girl! The one who lost the quarter must be very unhappy, maybe that's the first quarter he or she ever owned and i t could buy so many things. *~'"*************************** NOTE Correction regarding last week's article on 11 Bats 11 •••• when a bat is born, it is the size of a honeybee, 1-rhen 6Town 9 it is a nocturnal mammal - flies actively by night •• ••