4 SIX NATIONS NEWS (continued) .?ix Nat ions Council Ifoet_i_ri:..g Harch .'.2.L 1969 That this meeting accept the lands Qomnittee recommendation to accept the resig- nat ion of Mrso Joyc:e Smo~,;:e a,c curator of Chiefswood effective immediately, and that a letter of recon:meno.ation b e i::.:,sucd to !'1rso Smoke by the secretary of the Lands Commit- tee, A. '·1 • .A..nde1~son and a l so tha t th8 secretary in vi t e applications for the position as curator of Chie fswoo d . Carri ed. That this council accept e~'.pencli tu.re of :fol fare Committee of \~5, 578. 56 for the month of February. Carried., A letter from C. J. Crapper Po E:ng, ad\Tisir.g that the Crown Assets Disposal Corpo will accept tl".2 su:n of ::\LOO foT t~1e cells a t the former R.C. lLP. Barracks and asks that a certified ch3que or money order be sen·t. Ac'cepted by Six Nations CouLciL That th: .. s council acsept r ecommendation of Board of Heal th to apply to Director General 1 Dept. of Nat ionc1l He2-lth and lfolfare, Medical Services , Ottawa 1 Ont. for an additional sum of ~~5, 000 to help to d8 fray some of the costs of Lady 1-!i llingdon Nurs - ing Home 1 due to tr.e fact that . the re;.1ovations were not completed within the specified time and the nursing home Has ther9f ore unable to fill the bed capacity. Carried. That thi:: cc mci l accept the Eoard of Health recomm8ndation that the personnel of Lady 1'ii llin6d.on i'Jursi:'lg Home be as sesc: ed a long with Six nat ions Council personnel for the Workmen I s Co::1pen sat:i. o::1. an ci.. that t h i s council invoi ce the Lady ',hllingdon Nursing Home for their share of thu assessoen t far the Workmen's Compensation. Carried. That this· c0lu1cil rec;uest contractor 'i'ricadi an Developments, Agincourt, Ont. to :remove the fill that v,a s cl_,JJnp cd. or1 band property that was formerly set aside for a post ~'.::'fice and Hhicl: is a d.jacer~t to t ~ie Baptist Cc.u.rch and also to repair the damage to the s<::ptic tank bed a t t he Six Hations Public Library, and that this request be channeled t hrough Indian Affairs Bran ch and Consul ting E:ngineers hl liam L. Sears and Associateso . Carri edo The invitati on to the rh x Nat i ons Council by the Paris Jaycees to join the Jul y 1st. parade was r2ferred. ·to Councillor Mi s s Nina Burnhamo 'I'he Six Na+.ions Cc ~1.r ci::'.. a c::;2Jt ed the vo luntary offer of Mr, lfayne Ward, :3ix Nations Indi an Agency assistant 7 to ;'.'estore t he wc-i tin g cm the Buckskin hanging in the council chamber. The balance of council · cleliberations will be continued next week. ~?Y-::3ing Adminisi.:c s.-:; ,r · The Housing Authority of the Six Nations Council is inviting applicat i ons for fLiusing Administrator ,un.c1.cr the C2..p i tal Grant Housing Program, for considerationo Applications must be i n to the Six Nations Council by 5 p.m. march 19 1 1969~ This position was formerly called fo r as Building Inspectoro Sour Springs ',J. I. Sour Springs Womens Institute members met at the home of Hrs o Leah Powless, Sour Springs road for the March :neeting. The meeting opened with the Insti tutc Ode and the · Ifary Stewart Collecto 'rl1c hostess led in the devotionaL The roll H::..s answere d by each member naming her grandmother's maiden name. Mrso George Henhawk gave the discourse on the motto -· 11 If you think the world i s wrong re- member it contains peopJ. o like ~,roue 11 llrs. Effie VanEvery gave a demonstration on Hat !fakingo The finished product was so ld later in the evening , T:_ckets :-rere sold for a draw on a dressed doll presented by Hrs o Lily Lickerso It was deci cl.cd to hoB_ b2.1<::e sales at the Bingos in Ohsweken on March l 7tho & 3;1:_st. The ~nstitute accepted t he inv itation to a ttend the Open House of Burford Women's Inst~ which celebrates its 10th anniversr;.ry on March 25th. The Institute will also meet with the Mt" Pleasant 'fomen' s Institute for a social night on April 16tho i n I.It o PJ.easanto The South Brant Distr ict _l\..nnual Meeting will be held on May 16tho in Ohsweken 1 when ~he Sour Springs Women is Institute and the Ohsweken ir/omen I s Institute will host the mee tingo The hostess s erved a lunch at the con clus ion of the meeting.