Spring is on the way 9 Hurral~.L 10 CHILDREN'S PAGE Here is a true story of a Spieler that became a pet. In my summer cottage, I noticed a gray determined looking spider that had made a complicated nest near my ta1)le. I decided to form his acquaintance. I called him Jacko ·He was wi ld at first and retreated to his inmost parlour when I came near. by offering him flies which I put on a broom straw. It was a week or ten days he would_ venture out, if there 1vas a light in the room. I began before· Finally, he stooped to accept the flies any time I offered them, provided I was al one. Then I gradually short ened the splint until he would accept them from my fin- gers. It ended by Jack getting s o tame that he would come when I called hi m, and climb on the table for the flies 1 I had prepared for him. He became my pet. Anon . ******************* _ Imagine having a Spider for a pet! I wonder if a fly is the only food a spider \ will eat. Juniors 1 it's t i me to research. The sp i der is not an insect, what is it? Ii1cidently, let's hear some more stories about pets. I have heard of a "ground-hog" pet. He would sit at the tabl e and eat with the family and I mean people. Art Appreciation The Blue Boy Thomas Gai nsborough 1-raG tho arti·st · who painted the picture 1 "The Blue Boy 9 11 This painti ng made him famous. When he was a little boy 7 he loved to draw trees and bits of landscapes in England, where he l i ved. When he u2.s fourteen, hi s father sent him to London to study art. lrJhen he was twenty-one 9 110 1-ras lcnovm al l over England as Gainsborough 9 the landscape °' painter • . One day in 1769 1 a rich ironmonger by the name of Buttal asked him to paint him a picture of his son, Jonathan Gainsborough was very fond of the colour of blue so he used a great deal of blue in the picture and when it was f ini shed, it was a great success. He called it "The Blue Boy. ;r Jonathan Buttal kept tho picture unt i l 1796. George, the third, then Prince of Hales, owned it for a while ancl_ later gave it to a friend - and now it hangs i n the Huntingdon Gallery in Pasadena , California. The painting is priceless. Prints of this paintinc have been made and appear in magazines. Others are done in needle and peti t po i nt and_ hang on the wall in different homes. ·*****""*************** So 1 become, picture artist! Juniors, if you start painting in a small way 1 you never know what you mi ght possibly the great painter of a famous Indian such as Peter Jones and t he could become priceleco in the years to come, and just i magine, you were the My advice is, ;'Keep 01:. painting. 11 -- Request - A short story of Pet er Jones is requested. How did he become famous? .Ask your grandparents, teachers 7 preachers, ask anybody. ******************** Snow drifts are almost events of the past but here is a story of one, written by '.rJarren Anthony Hill, Grade 5 7 Ohsweken Central School. One n i ght I l ooked out of t he window and saw that it was snowing hard - I said to myself, "Maybe I should go out and play tomorr()Wo " . When morni ng came, I jumped out of bed and got dressed - after breakfast I went out to play. About ten o I clock I i:-rent home . the a_oor, about seven feet high. 1. deep, to get the snow shovelo t-Jhen I was near the house, I saw a snow drift at walked around the house through the snow, wais t - When I got to the shed it 1·ras covered wi th snow 1 so I went back and started digging · with my hands. I got as far as the door and my mother opened it. The snow fell all over the floor. My mother was surpr ised and angry. She made me stay i n the rest of the day. ,f-*********************·"' Your mother should have been glad she didn't have to pul l you out of that "seven foot" snow drift. That ,·roulc'c have macle both of you puffing. 1-Tow! Health - My Skin My skin i s very wonderful, It has so many poresi And I must scrub and keep it clean To open all these doors; For moisture comes through tiny pores To regulate the heat; And I must have a rosy ski n From head to both my feet. *-l<-******************'I(·