6 Personals ( continued) Mr . & Mrs. Hm. Barry Hill 1 H2,mi l ton? have purchased a new home in Sheridan Park which is a new development between Oakville and. Toronto . lir. James Miller? RoE.o 1 7 Ohsweken 9 was the guest of honour at a birthday party which was held at the home of Ilr. & Hrs. Donald Hill (nee Isabel Miller) Town Line. Mr. & Mrs. BonaldCassie and f amily have l eft on a trip South of the Border. The first stop is Cleveland 1 Ohi oo They may end up in Floridao Mro & Ers o Cameron Isaac and I.Iis3 Rebecca Guelph University last Sunday afterno on o receive his degree at the convocation in Isaac attended the Baccalaureate Service at Rebecca's fiance 9 Mro James R. Harrison? will Mayo The Sto John's Ladi es Guild vi s i t ed Hrs . Beatrice Capton l ast T;Jednesday on the occasion of her birthday. She received a lovely planto Mrs. Capton has been missed due to ill health but is now almost ful l y recoveredo Many of the Six Nat ions school teachers will be attending the O.EoAo sessions which are being hel d in Toronto thi s week. Mrs. Bill Aaron (Mary A..nn Longboat ) and children 1 Detroit 7 Mich. visited with parents i1r. & Mrs. Gordon Longboat over the weekendo Mr. Ronald Peters 9 Buffalo 9 IT .Yo made it in time for church at Delaware last Sunday. He also visited his parents 1 1Ir. [.; Hr s. Bart Peterso Mrso Peters returned with her son to Buffalo f or a week's visit. Timmy Porter? son of Mr o & IIrs. Victor Porter , went in to the Brantford General Hospital for minor surgery last week . He has now returned homeo Mrs . Ruby Woods 9 Hamiltoni v i sited with Hr. & rfrs. Walter Porter on Sunday. Rev. Gordon Hill and sons and grandsons went ice-fishing at St. Williams l ast week. Fishing was good and they i-rere lucky to get plenty of perch. Nr. & Mrs. Clifford Cornelius 9 Onei da 9 and Mrs~ Raymond Hill of St. Thomas 9 were visit- ors with Rev. & I,1rs. Gordon Hi 1 9 Four Corners 1 on Sunday. They took part in t he services at Christian Ai d Hall . Ihsses Debbie Staats and Carol MtPleasant are employed at the Y1-J-YMCA this week as lea~-- ers in the youth classes. A birthday party 9 i n honou.r of Church last Saturday evening. a very happy event . Pastor Daniel Butler 1 was held at Six Nat ions Pentecostal The par ty was given by members of the church and it was '. \ it.Beefs and Bouquets" \ This week the Beef and Bouquet section i s inaugurated in Tekawennake. Two bouquets' · have been received to date ,·Jhi ch are graci ously accepted on behalf of all concerned. ancp. with many thanks. .,;-*******-l<-***-l<-*******-l(-* Dear Hrs. Jamieson: Tekawenriake is an excellent publication and. a real source of information and. com- \ munication. Please allow me to hand out a bouquet to the education sys tem 1 the devoted teach- ers and the excellent team of :Jchool authorities . The results of t heir ~ork on the Six Nat i ons and New Credi t is showing in the con- tinued. and increasing number od young peopl e receiving higher educat ion. Honourable ment ion is also due to the Ohsweken Credit Uni on for its progress. Last but not l east 9 congra tul at i ons to the staff of Tekawennake. Yours sin-cerely, (signed) Aime J . D'Hondt Children's Ai d Society of Brant . (continued)