7 11 Beefs and Bouquets" (continued) West Palm Beach 1 Florida . •••• just to inform you to discontinue sending the 11 Indian Newspaper 11 to Florida after the 12th. of March. I sure enjoyed the Indian news every week while vacationing here. It is so compact- Personals, Sports 1 Mohawk lessons 1 Children's Corner 1 Obits etc. You may send the paper to R.R. 2 9 Ohsweken after the 12th. of March. Hoping to see you all in the near future. (signed) Andrew C. Martin ********************* Thank you, Andrew, and 1-relcome home. Ed. No 11 beefs" anyone? \'Jell! v1e must be living in Shangri La. Perhaps someone can think up one for next week. Ed. AD PAGE HAGERSVILLE COAL & LlTiliBER CO. 30 Alma Sto So Coa} $32.00 per ton delivered 768-3244 768-3788 Res. BOBBY'S GRILL and DELICATESSEN, OHSWEKEN Full course home-cooked meals. Served 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Weekly Friday Special: Fish & Chips 750. Take out Open Saturdays 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Monday - Friday 600 FOR SALE Electrohome Automatic Portable Hi Fi record player, excellent condition. Apply Lorne Jamieson 1 phone 445- 2476 RT.JMI'.ffiGE SALE On rfarch 21 7 1969 at the homG of l.\lrs. David Cayuga, Ohsweken. From 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. By rnrs. David Cayuga ancl. I"Irs. Donald Cayuga. FOR SALE Hay for sale Call 445-2696 350 per bale or ~j l 7. 00 per ton. SOUR SPRINGS STORE Every day prices 650 per cfoz. Sun Kist Navel oranges No. 20 Mo tor Oil Mom' s margarine 45rc: qt. 25r.: lb. Eggs 1 flat (2-;¥ doz.) jpl.05 Bread 5 loaves for ~pl .00 SOUR SPRINGS STORE 445-2275 LOST Kitchen drop leaf table ~~4.00; 1 Occasional chair $2.00; 1 Gilson refrigerator ~~49.ooi Single bed & box springs 325.00; 3/4 Size bed frame & springs jt 3.00; Power lawn mower $25.00 & 1 odd chair 1 West inghouse refrigerator Propane gas stove - $45.00 Coal & wood heater - $45.00 Variety of garden tools. farm, implements Scotch collie dog, black i n colour with white neck, bob tail, answers to the name of "Rex11 • Phone 756-6443 or 445-2368. Reward. COMING EVENTS March 16 March 19 March 20 23 At 7: 45 p.-m .. 0pecial services at Six Nat ions Pentecostal Church, Ohsweken - every night this week. Wednesday, 8 p.mc Bible study at the United Church Manse, Ohsweken. Thursday 7 7: 30 p.m. Glove and moccasin leather class ONLY. Old Central School. March 20 - Thursday, 8 p.m. Euchre at Grand River. March 21 I1,1arch 22 Friday, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Rummage sale at the home of :Mrs. David Cayuga. Ohs. Saturd.ay 1 8 p.m. Six lJat ions Men's Hockey team vs Oneida Reserve at Hagersville Arena. (continued.)