·- Jt ¥.larch 30 - April 5 A Letter To The Editors. Dear Editor: Tekawemake N~ Credit - Six Nations Reporter · Eighteenth Issue I've read your last couple of newspap~rs and I think they're great • . I ' d like to ex- press my feelings about something~: j I'm sixtee,n years of age, and attend _h.igh school. A few years ago, I wanted to give up on life bu~ because of people like you, I 'm becoming a much better person. \ You see, wpere I live, the minute kids become of age, they eith~r begin swearing, smok- ing or dripking; some of them simply :r:ide around all hours of the night, creating trou- ble whenev¢r and wherever they can. For boys, if you're decent, you're pretty well dead: for :girls, if you're not easy, you're not "in." I 've seen people hurt each other physica.l.ly and mentally. I've had to stand ·by and .watch 1:Q.ds ·my own age become alco- holics. An? all this time, I wondered where God was, or whether there really is a God. I once asked a boy why he drank or whether his parents knew, he said "don't kid your-- self, our folks don 1t give a --- about us, things like that only happen in the movies, why shouldp't I drink, everyone else does." I knew I wouldn't be able to get through to him with words, so I prayed. Over the years, I've developed a very unusm l fear of drunkenes s that I know I'µ never overcome. _'. Don't get me wrong, I realize .alcoholism is ari illness, but why must it ever exist?. . . . · I thank Go.d that :my parents care enough to teach me right · from wrong. They aren I t as strict as I'd likethem to be, so I 1ve set my own principles. They 're not hard .to follow. · Lately, Y6ung People's groups, 4-H Clubs andteams. have·started up. I'm finally,- meet- ing kids 11ho share my belief in God, who have self respect. I 'm finding •ut that adults really do ·care. I can rest assured that my little brothers and sisters will grow up with healthy minds. · ··· · - . I've disc~ssed this with kids all over the reserve and they're with me 100:C. In·the voice of the young, I'd like to say, "please don't give up on me, even though I · don't say thank 'you in so many words, deep in my heart, I really appreciate what you're doing. · A Teen. Editorial -Note Re Above: Thank you. Whoever you are, ·your letter touched me a:nd the other ,members of the staff. Our "thank you" may not be as eloquent as you?!.· letter but you may be sure that it comes from our hearts. SS and Staff. · Qear Teen; . . i .. Thank you!for your wonderful letter - a magnificent testimonyl Your apprecia.t:i,on has warmed our hearts and spurred us on. Stick to your principles, teenager, whoev-er you are, and you'll have no regrets. We're mighty proud of youl God bless you an~ your family. · The Reporter Staff. ; Six Nations' News (by H.J.) Events Credit Union (by B.P.) The 14th Annual Meeting of the Six Nations I Credit Union Ltd. was held last 'J:1~sday · in the· di.ping hal_l _or_ the Cor$1unity . Building, with 22 .members present . The local C.U. consists of over 100 shareholders, the executtve need the_suppo:rt of every member; so members, .show yqur interest by attending the meetings. Offer suggest- ions as tp how ail facilities of the C.U. can be improved. Show that you care .how the part you pwn is handled. . Reports of all comrnitfees showed a definite improvement o~er last yea.r; but it can be more so. ·'· (cont 1d)